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How do I chose starting world
10:08:21 Aug 3rd 11 - Mr. Killalot:

I played game for two ages some time ago and I wanted to try again. I made new account and landed in some corner in Fensteria which is totally useless. World is under Armageddon and crowded and I'm in crappy corner. I can't resign for 80h.

How could I chose a world to play in? I can't find an option. I would like to play in world which started new age not very long ago and for experienced players. I will get a grip fast. 

10:10:57 Aug 3rd 11 - Mr. Killalot:

Please give me an answer. This is stupid. In every game you can chose world you will start in.

10:14:30 Aug 3rd 11 - The red Dragon (Ms. Flame):

make a city put your army in there kill everything and join another world i could choose a world in the beginning

11:08:04 Aug 3rd 11 - Mr. Killalot:

Kill what everything?

11:50:15 Aug 3rd 11 - Puppy The Kitten Squisher:

He's talking about forcing your death before protection ends so you can restart. 

Anywho, if you've made a new account, it treats you as a newbie. Zeta set the spawner to start new people on Fensteria, by default, rather than the upper worlds. Simply when you make a new character (you have three available to a non-sponsor account) uncheck the "spawn on map" and "join kingdom that accepts newbies" boxes, in the name selection screen. Then you'll have your character, which you can put on whatever worlds are open. 

You can manage your characters or create new ones from the "Character" menu.

12:14:11 Aug 3rd 11 - Mr. Skullnazgul:

Thank you for answer. I landed in Mantrax in another crappy corner with big neighbors, I think I will survive about 3 hours after protection expires. :)

12:27:36 Aug 3rd 11 - Mr. Skullnazgul:

This is my second character ;)

What is the point of many characters? I can't read about it in guides. 

Please where are dates of when world was opened?

13:12:45 Aug 3rd 11 - Puppy The Kitten Squisher:

The point in many characters is that the worlds are separate, so it sort of keeps the maps populated, as well as giving players more than one chance. Like now; if you goofed up with one character, you have two to fall back on, and so on..... or you may just be WAY too active for one character, I s'pose. lol

For me, it lets me play around outside my usual kingdom with the same old friends or just to have a character or two to mess around with and get a bit bold with my strategies. 

As for your question. Click the world icon for the world page. Under settling days, it shows how many real life days the world has been open. 

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