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How do I stop peasants growing
17:31:01 Oct 9th 11 - Mr. Prado:

How do I stop peasants from growing? I do not want them occuping beds on my military city! Thank you.

17:35:02 Oct 9th 11 - Mr. Pluto:

You don't, short of starving yourself, filling it with troops, or wrecking some homes. lol

Simple way of getting around it. Keep a scout on top of the town for storing excess peasants. No upkeep from peasants and you can use them later for training, when you need them. 

12:45:20 Oct 11th 11 - Dan the Epic (Mr. Fool):

Peasants have like no downside.  Just do as the above response just said; keep transferring the pezzies to the scout. You never know when you might need them for a massive spam or whatnot.

What I don't understand is why you WOULDN'T want peasants in an armoury city...

12:52:46 Oct 11th 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Sepelchure Grail of The Hinter):

so he could put troops in the city....because for some reason pezzies are given the preference when it comes to homes , meaning if he brings back troops to his cities he will lose any troop he doesnt have homes for.


Although if i was him id just move the pezzies to a mine or a different city , so they can still pay tax.

13:35:22 Oct 11th 11 - Mr. Pluto:

Well, Danny, they eat up food when you don't really need them at that time. Tax will make up for so much, once diminishing starts kicking in. That's one reason I can think of. *shrugs*

Duke Sepelchure Grail of The Hinter


05:52:46 Oct 11th 11

so he could put troops in the city....because for some reason pezzies are given the preference when it comes to homes , meaning if he brings back troops to his cities he will lose any troop he doesnt have homes for.


Although if i was him id just move the pezzies to a mine or a different city , so they can still pay tax.

Not true. Troops are favored for beds over peasants. When troops get put into a town with low beds; the peasants who take up the room the troops need will die in one tick. If there still isn't enough room, then troops will start dying off. 

16:27:37 Oct 22nd 11 - Prince of Darkness:

Both wrong.... i had -1 beds, next tick i lost 300 troops and 50 pezzies! so yeah!

22:01:08 Nov 22nd 11 - Sun Warrior King (Mr. Semisweetchocolate):

Just put the excess peasants into a resource city that is not 100% production. That way it is a win-win.

07:06:48 Dec 3rd 11 - Mr. Tomatoplant:

Feed them to the Dragon. :p

21:14:54 Dec 3rd 11 - Zephyr (Sir Durban The Wolf):

wreck some houses.

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