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Imagepack trouble
09:38:29 Nov 21st 09 - Archangel Argyle:

hi great helpers of VU!

I decided to try out the imagepack, but it was all messy and the ingame menu was higher then the box it's placed in etc etc. So I took the css files from the imagepath online, and now I don't have any graphics here in the forum/startpage/ instead. (top banner, bottom graphics where the logout button is, and the sides are pure grey).

what css do I have to restore in my imagepack folder to get the both forum working and the ingame apperance?

and also, what lines affect the red shadow on the city names, it was very awesome and I want to keep it.

Im using latest firefox with the fix, but have tried with other browser to make sure it's not the browsers fault.

will be thankfull for any help.

15:37:40 Nov 21st 09 - Lord Mcfissure:

Dear all,

I've just installed the imagepack since I was having trouble to display the graphics (all green background the entire day). Graphics are back, but I can't see the second line of the status display (e.g. gold, lumber, time) any more.
Any clues?


P.S. We're talking Firefox 3.5.5
Mozilla/5.0 (Windows; U; Windows NT 5.0; de; rv: Gecko/20091102 Firefox/3.5.5

20:40:04 Nov 22nd 09 - Archangel Argyle:

anyone got a solution to my problem? Im the one with the first post in this topic.

01:14:23 Dec 13th 09 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Bump, just fresh installed my spare laptop with XP, and I can not use the Imagepack either.

I have tried using Chrome, and really liked how fast it was until I noticed it was using "cached" images from several ticks ago, thus I missed army movements etc.  Plus Chrome did not show the reply tools options.  So back to FF I go.

Anyways I have 3.5.5 in now, and there is no longer a user.js, so any help would be appreciated.

16:07:54 Jan 3rd 10 - Mr. Little Feet:

if you hae problems with the top bar spacing, add the following to the
form {
    margin: 0px;

the red-ish things around the font are made here:
scroll all the way down until:
.citynames {
    width: 100px;
    height: 20px;
    text-align: center;
    text-shadow: 2px 0 4px #600, -2px 0 4px #006;
    font-family: verdana;
    color: #bbbbbb;
    font-size: 12px;
    white-space: nowrap;
    font-variant: small-caps;
 you see i myself didn't keep the red-ish background, but chose to use a light black-ish blurred border. in conjnction with the adding of the last line (fon-variant) it looks nice and clean for me. i also adapted the font size, style, and font used, if i remember correctly XD

as for the images themselves, i strongly suggest in getting a Firefox Experimental Addon:

although its state & some issues (eg i cannot close the little window once opened, until FF restart) it works like a charm. be sure to add visual-utopia to the list and you should be fine.

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