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Is the treefood market
03:28:27 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Angel of Death:

Ok peeps I looked at the food market and tree market and quite frankly there prices at the 0.3 area dont make them look profitable to be in. So my question is do you believe that going either tree farming or food farming is a viable option now with the current economy set up or is going mines the way to go.

03:30:15 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Arthur Dent:

The food and tree sellers should go on strike, they should all join together and not sell anything, so there would be no food or tree on the market, and the prices would have to go up! :P

03:39:06 Aug 12th 09 - Lord Wraith The Bloody:

Tried Arthur, but nobody keeps their word :\

08:39:18 Aug 12th 09 - Sir Penor The Dysfunctional:

Lol. Everyone is like "Here's our chance to sell at .4!"

08:49:27 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Jalal:

i have stopped selling treee. and wouldnt sell food also till the market reaches at a better spot for selling it.. my last bunch of tree is market is sold.. and only food is there.. 1ce thts sold.. i aint selling any tree or food till i dont get atleast .7 for them

08:58:15 Aug 12th 09 - Mr. Roheran:

can't remember last time i built a farm or lumbermine!! cheers guys  ;)

09:06:25 Aug 12th 09 - Sir Vapor:

i think food would be alright still i refresh my foos market and never see the same seller name

03:35:09 Aug 14th 09 - Lord Mcfalter:

I do think it is interesting how different the market acts up in different eras. Last era the food prices were high all the time, this era you don't get your sweat paid for either food or tree.
Then there have been eras where tree sold at more than 2 gold.

Quite interesting!
And it does make a big difference in the result of play. Nice! I like that.

03:49:55 Aug 14th 09 - Sir Big And Tasty:

As long as there is a world market, chances are prices will pretty much stay like this, unless some generous person wants to spend a bunch of gold and push the market way up ;)

14:55:05 Aug 15th 09 - Duchess Sexxy Minx:

just keep selling your trees >:D

its all part of my master plans >:D

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