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Magic Protection
22:10:49 Jan 11th 09 - Mr. Banroth Death Proof:

quick question about magic protection...If your army is cast with magic protection and you merge into another mates army does it carry over or do you lose it? What if you merge two of your own armies?

23:35:16 Jan 11th 09 - Dark Lord Finwe:

the merge leaders magic sci over rides that of everyone merged into him so i can only assume your magic prot will vanish. merging two armies im not sure.

00:19:25 Jan 12th 09 - Mr. Banroth Death Proof:

Thanks for half of the clarification! anyone about merging your own armies together.

02:26:42 Jan 12th 09 - Commander Aligreat:

there wud be a way to test it, get 2 scouts.

MP one of them, merge it into the other scout, then check your % to cast happyness on the one u merged into, as i know that an MP reduces the max percentage for happy on a scout to 74% when MP in effect

00:02:58 Jan 13th 09 - Mr. Hydroponics Farmer:

You lose MP protection if you merge the protected army into an unproteted army but if you merge an unprotected army into a protected army then the MP stays for its full duration.

03:36:02 Jan 16th 09 - Duke Random:

does the same apply for magic weapons etc?

03:42:28 Jan 16th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

What if you casted MP on a scout and merged in a 50k army? Would that drastically reduce the protection? :p 

03:47:43 Jan 16th 09 - Mr. Hydroponics Farmer:

Not sure on the Magic Weapons.

But if you cast MP on a scout and merge a 50k army into it the whole army gets full protection.

03:48:55 Jan 16th 09 - Duke Random:

oh wow bugs galore ;)

cast on a scout with high % then merge in :D

04:04:34 Jan 16th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

Random get on IRC! We must discuss battle plaaaans!

04:17:09 Jan 16th 09 - Mr. Sloth:

it would be a bug if magic protection wasnt ridiculously easy to cast on just about any army

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