Forums / Questions and Answers / Merging Bug

Merging Bug
01:12:10 Apr 12th 10 - Duke Mithras of Arunun:

I merged my army, but the troops haven't gone into it. I have no battle report saying the army was killed before I could merge, and I don't have the army i attempted to merge in anymore.

When i merged it came up on screen saying "EOF", not "*** has merged into ***". I merged just after the tick had updated and very quickly just as it had because it was reinforcements for an army and I didn't want them to be killed before I could merge

01:19:17 Apr 12th 10 - Duke Mithras of Arunun:

..the title was supposed to be merging (Bug?) As I wasn't sure if it was my fault for doing something wrong when merging, or it was the game messing up and was a bug.

01:48:58 Apr 12th 10 - Endless Muggings:

not sure, earlier in the era I thought I lost some troops merging as well but I didn't really track what I was merging up for a total aftermerge troop count -- haven't had any problems merging since then

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