Forums / Questions and Answers / Mobilize

14:07:16 Apr 6th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

So.. do we have to have mobilize on BEFORE we train troops? Or can we turn it on like 1 second after we put them in the queu and it still work?

16:04:27 Apr 6th 10 - Duke Mithras of Arunun:

You can turn it on after, and similarly turn it off halfway through training that batch of troops.

16:06:56 Apr 6th 10 - VU Admin:

Yes, you can turn it on whenever you want your troops to come in double as fast.

16:08:55 Apr 6th 10 - Duke Mithras of Arunun:

A question of my own: do troops die each tick, or does morale just drop? and if troops die, how many each tick?

14:17:41 Apr 23rd 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

You lose a random % I believe. It was extremely low for me, I trained 3600 swordsmen and ended up with 3452. Which, this is greatly balanced out for humans. All we need is our market bonus back and we're good to go. Only problem is your morale drops slowly, I believe randomly, and doesn't raise back up until you turn it off. So you need to watch your training carefully.. I didn't and pezzies all trained up and wouldn't come back to city. If you're done training your troops with it, turn it off.

20:24:13 Apr 23rd 10 - Mr. News Network:

human are super good....

imo market discount and removal of early vision will actually nerf humans slightly in most aspects.... as you can no longer feed your human with barely any competition anymore.

12:02:54 May 28th 10 - Mr. Idontknowanyonebutyou:

So building taverns would help to not drop the morale during mobilisation?

10:17:49 May 29th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

I believe it's like.. 500 taverns to counter the effect? Idk, you'd have to toy with it, but try 500. :)

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