Forums / Questions and Answers / Most Fearsome Ruler

Most Fearsome Ruler
18:30:31 Jan 19th 09 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:

I have a Q about this. I saw it a while ago but couldn't really be bothered to ask about it.
Why is it seperated on each world by the amount of troops killed when it comes to position in the top 10 BUT, then why does it still say the same amount of troops killed and etc. For example:

1. Sir Perkunas has won 98 battles, captured 71 cities and killed a total of 552167 men and women.
1. Sir Perkunas has won 98 battles, captured 71 cities and killed a total of 552167 men and women.

Or again:
Mr. Sleepyhead has won 68 battles, captured 41 cities and killed a total of 185315 men and women.
Mr. Sleepyhead has won 68 battles, captured 41 cities and killed a total of 185315 men and women.

Now, they haven't killed the exact same amount on each world. That was be crazy luck.

So why does is the kill-count not seperate, but the rank on the world is?

20:48:28 Jan 19th 09 - VU Admin:

That is correct, the presence on a world will list you on it's most fearsome list.

02:12:18 Jan 20th 09 - Sir Wilberforce Pwner:

Can I ask why? Shouldn't a seperate kill count be in order? :P

02:48:18 Jan 20th 09 - Sir Samulis The Conquerer:

Wilber brings a point up, you are not feared on a new land if you have no reputation there.

02:51:27 Jan 20th 09 - Duke Michael Deallus:

...unless you killed a lot of people on another land and everyone was like "Oh mah gawd, its Wilbernub from Fantasia! He is gonna keel us all!"

03:22:32 Jan 20th 09 - Mr. Sloth:

just think to change it he would have to implement separate kill tables for each world for each player etc etc and probably too much effort to be worth it

20:26:34 Jan 21st 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

That table has it all wrong! :-(

All worlds
1. Sir Sean Connery has won all battles, captured every city and is quite capable of killing all men and women.

2. Sir Perkunas has won 98 battles, captured 71 cities and killed a total of 552167 men and women.

19:40:46 Jan 25th 09 - Mr. Sean Connery:

Yes I am!


I'm popular before I even come

20:04:10 Jan 25th 09 - Mr. Shmeh:


22:43:01 Jan 26th 09 - Prince Valan Septim:

I said SIR Sean Connery, not MR. Sean Connery. Talking about somebody else, sorry. =P

22:46:16 Jan 26th 09 - Mr. Blackdagger:

Another thing why does killed 1k Nazguls count the same as killing 1k farmers?

02:49:08 Jan 27th 09 - Mr. Sloth:

because orcs suck

12:22:49 Jan 28th 09 - Duke Random:

yeah nazgul are farmers in disguise, just tell your troops that and you'll be fine.

00:31:14 Jan 29th 09 - Sir Marius:

lol yes tell your troops that 1K naz are the same and then send your 1K against my naz and we will see who knows more...

11:31:09 Jan 29th 09 - Duke Random:

shh marius... its my secret tactic for next era ;)

06:47:01 Feb 4th 09 - Mr. Barny:


11:27:32 Feb 4th 09 - Duke Random:

ty :D

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