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Moving my Army
07:44:05 Aug 18th 08 - Mr. Beast:

I am trying to send my army to attack a city...and it keeps saying  that i have moved over cities...But I havn't gone near any cities....I'm not sure why...

08:15:33 Aug 18th 08 - Lord Random:

Refresh map? maybe someone closed their gates....

14:20:32 Aug 18th 08 - Sir Chucky:

the city he is trying to attack has its gates closed, he needs to move hes army close to the city but not on it

13:21:43 Sep 2nd 08 - Mr. Taika:

Interesting. I just saw an army moving in Zetamania. How is it possible to move army here and there like many times 3 bonus after each oher. I saw army coming near me from nowhere and then they moved like 3 bonuses again. Are people giving extrabonuses here for friends like grazy as if this game has gone only second day now you cant have more than two 12 hours bonuses yet. And those used at leat 10 to come out of nowhere next to me.

13:31:11 Sep 2nd 08 - Lord Random:

you can also get one for voting every 24 hours.

so you could have had one off the start for voting as soon as you landed, then one for 12 hours offline and one more for voting again. so you could have 3....

also you can buy BT's

15:15:06 Sep 2nd 08 - Mr. Taika:

ah must be that buying thing then as they surely moved more than 3 points during both hours lately.

04:03:39 Sep 3rd 08 - Duke Gilthanas:

Also bear in mind that smaller armies move much faster then larger armies. It could just be that he is moving faster because of his size.

04:12:09 Sep 3rd 08 - Praetorian Wyzer:

Even if you buy BT's you can only have a max of 3 in the queue, and only gain a purchased BT if your queue is not full; 1 every 3 hours.

It was most likely as Githanas stated, it was just a small army size.

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