Forums / Questions and Answers / New Worlds System - Fant Only?

New Worlds System - Fant Only?
12:21:43 Dec 22nd 08 - Mr. Sky:

So we have this new moving through worlds update.

Does this mean we can only start in Fant? Because my KD was forced to start there. We had no other choices, although others did seem to. Sanoh told me he had no problem starting in Zeta, while nobody in my KD had that option.

Plus, every time I start the game, I'm sent to Starta chat. Is that because I'm on Starta? It's confusing XD

So is this all a glitch? Or is it supposed to be like that?

12:22:43 Dec 22nd 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

with the small map and lots of kds fant will be a bloodbath. the kd placement was shown on the news update.

12:27:48 Dec 22nd 08 - Mr. Sky:

So ODC should be on Starta? It says Fant. for all of us in KD though?

Plus it looks like Fant map. Or have all the maps been upgraded?

12:33:43 Dec 22nd 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

all maps are the same and ODC is on fant, have you restarted yet?

12:37:40 Dec 22nd 08 - Mr. Sky:

Yes I have. But what of the news the admin posted?

All players have been spread equally over the 5 first sections depending on their avarage ending score.

Foundation (22)
Fanatsia Sanctuary (8)
Godlike *beep*s (26)
Kingdom of Heaven (17)
Prosapia (15)
The Military (18)
Dark (22)
Retribution (24)
Heaven (15)
Vengeance (18)

The Chompers (6)
Cease to Exist (14)
Anarchy (6)
Dark (22)
Mystical (13)
Predators (8)
Internal Primates Forever (5)
Brotherhood of the Wolf (17)
Guild Of The Fallen (6)
Dorian Empire (9)

Vizion (13)
Royal Order of Claidhmore (8)
Rebirth (19)
The Black Chain (9)
Legacy (21)
Dark Rider Empire (9)
Retribution (24)

Mad Against Drugs, 4)
BioHazard (5)
Odyssey (19)
Peacekeepers, 4)
Fallen ANGELS, 4)
Heaven (15)
Dark Avatars (11)
Dragon Kingdom of DHara (5)
Vengeance (18)

Freedom Fighters (11)
Paladins of the Order of the Frozen Flame (8)

Should we be on Starta? And my chat fixed, now it opens Fant chat.

12:39:52 Dec 22nd 08 - Dark Lord Finwe:

but lgc is also listed on zeta and ret is on 2 worlds on that list :D most big kds landed on fant.

12:40:46 Dec 22nd 08 - Mr. Sky:

Alrighty then. Thanks :)

13:03:27 Dec 22nd 08 - Lord Whoop:

Some kingdoms are twice on the list.

-Dark is in Fant and in Mantrax.

-Vengeance is in Fant and in Starta.

so what's going on with that list... :S

14:48:23 Dec 22nd 08 - Lady Vampire Queen:

No idea Lord Whoop

We were listed in both from the start and I said in the chat last night it only gave me the option of Fant but I was told go ahead it will put us in the right place

It didnt it put us in Fant

Given how much descent Im getting from our members over this its going to be a rocky era

15:00:50 Dec 22nd 08 - Sir haribs the holy one:

and another thing, some members cn be inactive making it very impossible to really grow in fantasia, if you were previously in zeta.

btw if think it is sad for a great kingdom like peacekeepers now in starta.... they are always in fant

05:02:49 Dec 26th 08 - Mr. Vishnu:

and always getting conquered....

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