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Number of MUs for STG
00:31:34 Aug 7th 11 - Mr. Rajaratnam:

I know that the amount of stone turned into gold is dependent on the number of warehouses, but is it also dependent on the amount of number of MUs you have? Or does the number of MUs only influence your percentage, not the amount of stone?

01:34:17 Aug 7th 11 - The Wolflord (Wolflord Karac):

As far as I know it is only the %, not the stone amount.

12:02:00 Aug 7th 11 - Kobuskan (Mr. Aeroloop):

You can cast with more MU and get higher % and higher conversion, but it also gives more loss of MU, at the start cast from an armies with about 55% succes rate, later you can cast from MC when the amount of stone you convert is greater.

11:03:37 Aug 13th 11 - Mr. Barny:

I won't go into explicit detail or make a long post here because I think you are probably looking for a short answer. The amount of stone that is converted to gold is dependent on a couple of variables, the most significant of which being magic power and resources. 

One very important concept to understand is how resources are stored in Visual Utopia, if you want me to explain it in greater detail than I will; otherwise I will just leave it at that. Magic power (which directly relates to your success %) also plays a role in determining how much of the stone in the target city is converted to gold, among other things.

If you want the spell to be cost-efficient these days than you really just need to have a reasonable amount of resource stored in a single city and a reasonable magic power. I could go into a lot of detail about STG, but believe me when I say that it doesn't really matter and that completely understanding how the spell works wouldn't benefit you much more than a very elementary understanding of it would.

09:43:06 Aug 14th 11 - Mr. Rajaratnam:

I actually would really appreciate an in-depth answer. It seems like information on these forums is either extremely scattered or outdated, so it's great to have knowledgeable people to turn to!

08:28:55 Aug 15th 11 - Jack Daniels The drunk (Mr. Jack Daniels The Defender):

lol do you have any idea what you got yourself into by asking barny to explain something lol you better have some time on your hands before you decide to read what he's gonna say cause he writes novels on the forums

09:12:56 Aug 15th 11 - Mr. Rajaratnam:

Haha :) I'd rather have too much to read than too little

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