Forums / Questions and Answers / Orcs and the 50 rule

Orcs and the 50 rule
12:25:14 Jun 15th 10 - Mr. Berliner:

Are Orcs exemt from the 50% rule?

I'm just wondering because one near us, who owns "slightly less" land than me managed to take over a pure start-up town of 101 buildings (LOTS less than 1/3 my land)  from Mr Happy that had shown no sign at all of doing anything since it was planted when Nirvana opened.

The only reasons I can think for that are:

(1) Orcs are exempt the rule

(2) Mr Happy built a town, then didn't actually play at all until  this Orc turned up with a scout and an army following, then stepped out of his town and killed the scout as an aggressive attack.

To me, option two either means that Mr Happy is in line for the biggest doofus of the era (which would be amusing) or that Mr Happy had spawned with the intention of giving his town to someone (which would be suspicious)

12:32:19 Jun 15th 10 - Mr. Gaia Breeaker:


City Info
Owner: Mr. Berliner Kingdom Banner
Size: 101 building(s).
Kingdom: Daffodils
Gates: no gates

We have attacked them and they have attacked us.

This ruler owns a bit more land than we do.



also it was just with the scout i that i took the citie and i really dont know him i took it cause he wasnt on and doing anything so i took it i prefer larger cities it was  cause i that he had money thats i took it and i think that the 50% is  gone

12:38:58 Jun 15th 10 - Mr. Gaia Breeaker:

also if i know him then i would have let him build me a large citie with guard towers

12:51:20 Jun 15th 10 - Mr. Berliner:

Err, that's showing that I own a bit more than you after I took it off you, not that Mr Happy did when you took it off him.

Besides, methinks the Gaia protests too much - why are you jumping in to defend yourself (on two threads now) when I didn't mention your name in the first place?  Guilty conscience is it? ;)

13:02:58 Jun 15th 10 - Mr. Gaia Breeaker:

dont have any conscience :)

17:04:47 Jun 15th 10 - Mr. Berliner:

Ok, it looks like the 50% rule has been removed.  Doesn't something like that deserve a mention in Updates???

17:10:13 Jun 15th 10 - Mr. Gaia Breeaker:

i dont know maybe zeta forgot it or something when he upgraded VU

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