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Peasants For Troops
00:28:37 Jun 19th 11 - Mr. Heroix:

Share with me your secrets about getting peasants fast in armouries. There must be a way...

01:08:11 Jun 19th 11 - Mr. Heyzeus:

Having jobs for them.
Feeder cities.
Tavern's. (But no recruiting me)

02:13:18 Jun 19th 11 - Mr. Phinn:

5k armories provides work for 25k pez
7,500 armories provide work for 37,500 pez
So long as your under that pez count, lack of employment will not be a hindrance for pez growth

Sheer number of homes is the largest factor I believe. In your average 90k mine with 15k homes, you can skim 10k pez off the top to feed an armory and not lose more then 3% prod (less depending on your medicine level which also effects pez growth)  before it stabilizes and recovers rather quickly 

These are the biggest factors I know of (Not including food shortage, which can drive pez growth into the red lol)

23:23:32 Jun 20th 11 - VU Admin:

If you desperately need peasants you can buy slaves and then release them to peasants. Don't expect everyone to stay though.

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