Forums / Questions and Answers / Price is apparently too high

Price is apparently too high
07:14:45 Apr 19th 10 - Mr. Siegfried:

  • The price you have set is simply too high. Try selling less resources.
  • so when i woke up this morning food was selling really high.. now it is way low and when i try to adjust my price to fit the current market, i get this message.. any tips on how i am to fix it???

    07:42:09 Apr 19th 10 - Fire Lord Nova The Incinerator:

    sell lots of food really cheap to drop the price to what it wants or lower.

    14:07:52 Apr 20th 10 - Mr. Vuggy:

    You probably have previous food being sold really high, and don't have enough food to counter-act that price. Check it when you get in, if it says 'You are selling...' and it has a really high price, my best recommendation is to get as much food as you can and sell it at like .05 to bring that old price down so it works. If this isn't the problem, i don't know.

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