Forums / Questions and Answers / Production droping

Production droping
14:58:16 Jun 25th 09 - Mr. Blast:

im just wondering why is it droping

Empl. Prod. Morale Gates

86% 99% 100% open

14:59:40 Jun 25th 09 - VU Admin:

If you move your mouse over it it says it's going up.

15:00:08 Jun 25th 09 - VU Admin:

But what causes the production rate to drop is lack of workers.

15:13:20 Jun 25th 09 - Mr. Blast:

thanks for answer. :)

so if its red its going up too :o you should change it into green if it going up ;d

03:48:28 Jun 26th 09 - Sir Pesterd:

Blast, you should post that as a suggestion in the suggestion topic.

13:44:44 Jun 26th 09 - Mr. Flamez:

when its dark red, that means it dropping. And when u build, say a mine, near a rock for a bonus, for the first few when u quit building mines, u will drop production, as the bonus settles in. It scared me to. Remember its a 5-1 ratio of homes to others, that way u have perfect production.

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