Forums / Questions and Answers / Q: Pillage

Q: Pillage
17:05:22 Feb 28th 09 - Mr. Keelhaul:

We all know that when you pillage you get resources from the enemy depending on the resources on that city.
My question is whats the % of pillaged resources from that city.

Whats the % of resources do you get for pillaging a 4k warehouse?
(100% or 50% or less)

11:03:17 Mar 1st 09 - Mr. Moderator:

It will proberly depend on the % of buildings that its possible to 'Pilage' as you put it

So, 1k mines 5k Lumbermills,2k Farms would give you more Wood than Gold/Stone

Thats if my understanding is correct
And Warehouses, well depending on the ratio of Your Resources : Warehouses
If my understanding is correct there too

11:13:37 Mar 1st 09 - Lady Santa The Blue Eyed:


Store 100 times more resources then farms/mines/mills. *

So having warehouses in a city should give a 100 times higher percentage of loot when Plundered, I think :)

20:23:47 Mar 1st 09 - Mr. Keelhaul:

guys thank u for ur reply but my question is not about warehouses. its about pillage.
in other words.

If an army attacks a city what % of goods do they get when pillaging this city? do they get all the resources there or just a % of it?

thanks for your support

20:46:52 Mar 1st 09 - Mr. Iridium:

They get all the resources in the city... So not all the resources the player has at the time.

21:56:21 Mar 1st 09 - Duke Random:

The chance you have are irrelevant to the amount or resources you steal, its a % of the players total resources, worked out by the amount of that buulding type in the city compared to the total.


So your question did indirectly relate to warehouses :P

00:56:03 Mar 3rd 09 - Mr. Keelhaul:

Thanks Mr. Iridium, that answers my question.
Thanks Duke Random, i do agree it's related to warehouses for sure.

23:30:36 Mar 3rd 09 - Ms. Heavenly:

Now if i have taken a city and secured all the peasents as slaves , knowing i cant keep the city i place 100 slaves in city so i get the income from the city and carry on to next city.
City gets plundered and then taken from original owner and all of a sudden i lose 60k slaves ( when there isnt even that much in city ) and lots of resources (which i thought would be safe in warehouse) is this normal ?

23:51:22 Mar 3rd 09 - Mr. Iridium:

Yes.... Its not no. of slaves in the city that are taken, so when you get plundered so you can lose alot.

23:57:43 Mar 3rd 09 - Ms. Heavenly:

Thanks if i put slaves in another city will this stop this ? and resources that are taken im guessing are what city makes a tick ?

18:08:28 Mar 4th 09 - Duke Random:

if they were in another city then yes it would stop that. im pretty sure...

18:12:42 Mar 4th 09 - Mr. Iridium:

Not 100% sure since dont really test much but i think slaves in cities can only be taken if the city their in is taken. Slaves that arnt in cities can be taken through plunders, ect.

17:24:27 Mar 5th 09 - Ms. Heavenly:

I have tested and when i put all slaves i had in one of my safe cities none where plundered
So for the next tick i took 5k slaves out of my safe city and left them out , when i got plundered next tick i lost 4k of the slaves that where left out

21:08:36 Mar 5th 09 - Mr. Keelhaul:

that makes sense Ms. Heavenly

22:51:40 Mar 5th 09 - General Ezatious:

resources are also captured from teh market

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