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Question about Production
19:36:33 Apr 13th 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

Each lumbermill produces around 17 tree per day.
In construction:0

Fund The Dinner100%100%47%100%


Can I ask why the city isn't producing 42,000 wood like it should be? I just noticed its the same story with everything to varying degrees so I guess its meant to be like that? :s

19:40:38 Apr 13th 10 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

hmm..never noticed, good question.

20:12:58 Apr 13th 10 - Mr. Bragi:

 because 17*2000=34.000 and it says it's producing around 17 tree instead of saying 16.6915 ?

20:22:36 Apr 13th 10 - Lord Wraith Hearts Wwr:

Ahhh crap o.O

Too much beer affects my maths.... But why can't Zeta use round numbers? :'(

20:52:53 Apr 13th 10 - Mr. God Always Yodles:

That beer must also affect your ability to distinguish the difference between different number types, Wraith. :P

21:18:17 Apr 13th 10 - The Architect:

Mr. Bragi


11:12:58 Apr 13th 10
 because 17*2000=34.000 and it says it's producing around 17 tree instead of saying 16.6915 ?!

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