Forums / Questions and Answers / Relocating Kingdoms

Relocating Kingdoms
22:37:45 Oct 24th 08 - Mr. Kermarth:

New Era and small kingdoms get reset, But Kingdoms of more than 5 members stay.

Does this mean that a 5+ member Kingdom will restart automatically on the same world it was? Or do the Leaders of that kingdom have an option to choose the world they want to start at?

22:39:14 Oct 24th 08 - Lord Incognito:

The Kd joins a world when the leader or a member presses the restart button.

22:47:31 Oct 24th 08 - Mr. Kermarth:

alright, but when the Leader presses the restart does this restart the kingdom on the same World that kingdom was at? or does the leader have a list of the open worlds to join? (that is the question really)

23:29:53 Oct 24th 08 - Ms. Lickme:

Yes, the king has a list



Once the first person has landed, the others can then start next to him on their chosen world

00:30:06 Oct 25th 08 - Mr. Kermarth:

Great! thanks for the reply ms. Lickme

I have another question that raises itself here.
Is it possible that any member of the kingdom would join a world and then the rest of the kingdom would follow including the Leader? Or does it have to be the Leader that joins first before any other?

02:58:02 Oct 25th 08 - Mr. Sloop:

Nope,anyone who joins a world will make the KD follow him.

03:41:48 Oct 25th 08 - Lord Random:

I thought that you didn't have to follow....

14:24:22 Oct 25th 08 - Mr. Kermarth:

Thanks mr. Sloop

14:27:18 Oct 25th 08 - Mr. Confusal:

@ random

it was fixed

14:35:32 Oct 25th 08 - Lord Random:

aww damn i wanted to execute my plan to have my KD on multiple worlds :(

20:38:20 Oct 25th 08 - Duke Ozai:


22:00:24 Dec 21st 08 - Mr. Free:

can i start a new kingdom with 2 members  ? , and how do i do it  ? , i want us to start on a easy world , and start together  . please if anyone knows answer ASAP ,  thank u Mr. Free

00:09:19 Dec 22nd 08 - Mr. Pilosa:

you can after the era starts. have the other person enter your name as a leader and you will be able to make the kingdom. then, when you restart, select the world you want and spawn. make sure your friend joins your kingdom and restarts after you.

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