Forums / Questions and Answers / Restarting

22:06:42 Jan 5th 09 - Mr. Fan:

help!i cant restart i try putting my real name and password for like 100 time and it said wrong password or name please.....i need to restart having an income of 72 stink!!

23:04:56 Jan 5th 09 - Mr. Ptah:

Your name has to be your name like   John Bloggs
Not Mr.Fan

If you cant remember what you put as your real name, then ...
Your screwed =/

15:53:35 Jan 6th 09 - Mr. Cronus:

ok when you log in get your password wrong on purpose, then a window will come up saying put your email in to get your password returned to you, put it in and the username SHOULD also be there aswell. but that only works if you filled in an email when you signed up if you needed your password returning :P

17:38:27 Apr 16th 10 - VU Admin:

We will not help people if they forget their real name.

Wait until all your armies and cities are gone, then delete the account and create a new one. And write something that you will remember as real name, preferable your real name, because you will hopefully not forget it as people remind you all the time.

11:25:07 Apr 17th 10 - Mr. Most Likely Die:

since im banned from suggetions.. cant it just be changed so that if you click Restart you can restart? ive had simliar problems with the system

17:40:56 Apr 24th 10 - Mr. Kiryu:

Most people probably wouldn't put thier real name in, and end up forgetting what they put in instead. Why not change it to asking "Are you sure you want to restart?" you click yes and ask it again to absolutely make certain. Thatkind of system is better than the current one.

18:23:06 Apr 24th 10 - Mr. Ilmar The White:

Ive noticed a problem is that you ask for real name and some people put in Jon or Alex. Then they go to delete and put in their full name. Perhaps change it so it says put in your full real name so that does not happen.

00:36:18 Apr 25th 10 - Mr. God Always Yodles:

Firstly, Kiryu, it's probably more of a safeguard to protect the dumb from their friends or strangers (stranger danger!!!) in a scenario where

A) "VU player" walks away from computer while friend is over, friend goes to computer and goes "let me restart my dear friends account so he loses his hard work. for teh lulz"

which is useless in the above scenario because friend will know "VU Player"'s real name.

B) "VU Player" strolls into an internet cafe or other place to access a public computer to play some VU. "VU Player" forgets to log out/close browser/whatever, and some stranger (stranger danger!) hops onto the same computer, see's VU (whether it be in the unclosed browser or in browser history) and says to himself "let me restart this dear VU Player's account so he loses his hard work. for teh lulz"

In which case, imo, "VU Player" should pay for his or her own stupidity.

Now onto the more important part of my post.

What kind of game (besides VU and pay 2 play games) asks for your real name? Why not simply ask for login name to restart instead?
Easier for VU Player to remember, and isn't shown to the loving friend or stranger (stranger danger!) who plans to restart the happy, unsuspecting VU Player's account (causing VU Player to loose all his hard work)

02:44:08 Apr 25th 10 - Sir Russell Crowe:

B) "VU Player" strolls into an internet cafe or other place to access a public computer to play some VU. "VU Player" forgets to log out/close browser/whatever, and some stranger (stranger danger!) hops onto the same computer, see's VU (whether it be in the unclosed browser or in browser history) and says to himself "let me restart this dear VU Player's account so he loses his hard work. for teh lulz"

In which case, imo, "VU Player" should pay for his or her own stupidity.

I have to ask has this happened to you God Always Yodles or have you done this to someone you know?

and did you purposesly put Gay in your name with God Always Yodles?

04:58:11 Apr 25th 10 - Mr. God Always Yodles:

No, I wouldn't say that I did anything "purposesly", good Mr. Crowe.

05:08:29 Apr 25th 10 - Sir Russell Crowe:

Yer I know I cant spell, was just wondering cause I went to abreviate your name cause im lazy and their it was

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