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StG Question
02:33:12 Nov 21st 09 - Mr. Neo:

Is the Spell, stone to gold, transfer the resources in a 1:1? And does it transform ALL the stone or just a portion that is judged by the strength of the caster? i was wondering this because, do to the removal of merging armies (may the admins fell our pain), the game has become a total defensive standstill, where a fully fortified blocker is nearly impossible to take.
 This has forced the cost of stone to hover around .95gold/stone. So if the spell gives a 1:1 ratio of stone to gold, then the spell will pretty much never pay itself off in the 3% that you gain with the spell

16:58:05 Nov 25th 09 - Duchess Mama Bear:

then don't do it...

its really not worth the effort imo.

17:18:55 Nov 25th 09 - Lord Onslaught The Sexciest:

It transfers the resources in about a 1:1/2-3/4 ratio.
So for every stone that's converted, you only get half a gold to three fourths of a gold.

09:57:17 Nov 28th 09 - Mr. Confidential:

Haha of all the people to say StG isn't worth the effort...

11:01:02 Nov 28th 09 - Mr. Barny:

It really is worth the effort if you know how to do it. My biggest regret this era is not playing Human like I always do.

Also, your point about buying stone at .95? That would be INSANELY profitable.

11:17:07 Dec 8th 09 - Lord Mcfissure:

Human? With market-discounts gone, they have much fewer chances on StG these days. Used to be a nice engine back in those days, but it's not much of it now.
However, it's still worthwhile to convert the stone you have built for yourself, since selling it will feed your enemy, at least a little (remember he will StG himself anyway).


00:33:14 Dec 27th 09 - Mr. Barny:

Humans now need to be super active to have the same advantage they once had. I remember refreshing the market once per minute (60 times and hour is the limit) just to snatch up low cost stone before anyone else, but I was really only competing with other Humans.

Now that everyone is playing Elf, the advantage of getting the low cost stone is still there, but you NEED to be pounding that market refresh button.

00:57:49 Dec 27th 09 - Duchess Mama Bear:

StG is pointless....

Noone should do it anymore, with the human discount gone its not worth anyones time to do, you barely break even anymore.

01:00:25 Dec 27th 09 - Mr. Barny:


15:55:06 Dec 27th 09 - Mr. Super Saiyan:

i personally wont do it because it is too much effort

not because it is not profitable...

04:56:09 Dec 29th 09 - Mr. Opportunity:

Hahaha So agreed with Super Saiyan.

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