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Stone Market
12:25:30 Sep 11th 09 - Mr. Rocknrolla:


I was wondering what the highest price I can sell stone is for. A friend told me 1 each and sometimes as high as 1.03.

But I have just been told that nobody will buy higher than 0.95.

Can someone tell me the true price level?

12:30:19 Sep 11th 09 - Lord Wraith:

0.95 because humans don't have their discount anymore :)

12:42:02 Sep 11th 09 - Duke Random:

told you.

12:43:27 Sep 11th 09 - Mr. Rocknrolla:

Its only one reply, how do I know Lord Wraith is not a member of No Pulse and has just been told to agree with you?

Anyone not from No Pulse care to tell me the correct price?

12:46:12 Sep 11th 09 - Lord Wraith:

I'm not from No Pulse. Go to the Kd List and Look for 'Royal Order of Claidhmore' in Nirvana.

12:46:54 Sep 11th 09 - Mr. Edd:

im from KH and he is right u can sell for .95 or .96 and even .97 but no more/ but this is like mid era no1 one will buy it right now. right now you can sell it for .91 and people buy it.

12:47:00 Sep 11th 09 - Mr. Rocknrolla:

jesus mate, was just asking if you were from No Pulse.

No need to get uppity.

12:47:52 Sep 11th 09 - Mr. Rocknrolla:

Thank you Edd

12:49:47 Sep 11th 09 - Lord Wraith:

I do get "uppity" cos the lack of gratitude from nubs like yourself is just depressing.

12:52:55 Sep 11th 09 - Mr. Rocknrolla:

Lord Wraith.

Look at my post to Edd, theres your gratitude.

I was asking an important question.

No Pulse have been messaging me to tell me how to buy stone for the past 2 days, telling me to sell for so much, not to buy past another point.

I thought this was another example of this.

Am I really not allowed to ask your kingdom to confirm I am not just being pushed around to the whim of No Pulse?

Regardless, thank you for your answer even if it did come with a bit of bite

12:55:41 Sep 11th 09 - Duke Random:

lol we were giving you good advice.....

you just took the market price rising as all us... you do realise that we aren't the only kingdoms out there buying stone....

think a little bit before you post about this shit.... *facepalms*

13:34:07 Sep 11th 09 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

never ever go over .98  ,as wraith said humans lost their 10% discount.

13:42:02 Sep 11th 09 - Sir Penguin The Nub Basher:

sell as expensive as you want

16:18:27 Sep 11th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic:

I saw stone selling for well over 1 last era. Not sure why but some people bought it

16:20:42 Sep 11th 09 - Sir Gingerbread Man:

I'd sell for 1.1, might take a couple of hours, but it'll get baught...

16:46:09 Sep 11th 09 - Mr. Ancient Basio:

i guess this is for builder not Stgers. i always sell for .98

19:09:45 Sep 11th 09 - Duke Random:

sometimes i buy for 1.1 when im feeding someone....

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