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Stonetogold warehouses
02:24:50 Aug 16th 10 - Mr. Holy Heffer:

What is the most efficient way  of stg & can I build my warehouses in my magic city then cast StG on that city from that city. Also how many warehouses?

All tips & suggestions help. Please & Thank You

08:04:13 Aug 18th 10 - Emperor Palpy Thinks God Has Lost:

1000 to 2000 warehouses is normally about right.

don't build it in your mage city unless you will transfer mages to army to cast using magic towers is a waste. otherwise have a separate city than your mage city with mages in it just for is easier if you have bought 32 euro thingy update because you can tell the computer where you cast from and not whatever is strongest.

09:12:59 Aug 18th 10 - Mr. Smex:

The easiest way is to build up a little city near your armory which would contain only warehouses.

1 warehouse stores/converts = 30k stone, 
so it depends on your stockpile how much you need them.

When you build a city with warehouses, send on it ~3k mus to cast STG. have like a few armies like that on city, always send reinforcments. 

02:15:38 Aug 20th 10 - Mr. Hannibal:

Quick question, about how much stone is optimal for STGing? If you go at about 10 mil, I feel like average losses of about 500 or so MUs  would be greater than just selling on the market.

12:20:05 Sep 3rd 10 - Mr. Jack The Inactive:

if your stg'ing anything under 20mil your wasting your time unless your desperate for money

14:42:39 Sep 3rd 10 - Mr. Cookie Monster:

big piles of like 50-100 mil is the best. the higher the better really. also only buy stone on the market unless its below around 0.98 otherwise its pointless really

10:43:21 Sep 16th 10 - Mr. Pure III:

the max amount to stg is around 97mill btw

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