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Take over and other attacks
12:46:26 Aug 16th 09 - Mr. Skiepe:

When you arrive at a city. You have started preparing an attack on it. Preparation time can vary by the size of the city and the % of walls. The longer you prepare the better chance you will have of achieving victory.

When you have a good chance at attacking the city. Go for it. The higher the chance the less % of troops you will lose.

Ok What is a good % to attack? I'm always been told it's like 85 or more... But that's kinda dumb! If you have like 70% it's 7/10? That should be a good victory!

And the longer you prepare the more chance you have. So if they need to prepare for 15 ticks but after 15 you don't have lot's of percentage. So you keep on merging in more troops. At the end you have 70% and been preparing over 60 ticks. You must be able to take it without problem no?

13:01:26 Aug 16th 09 - VU Admin:

You should wait until you have at least 95% chance. 70% ods is nothing I would risk my life for :P

13:09:55 Aug 16th 09 - Mr. Skiepe:

Yeah but if you've been preparing on the city for 67 ticks you would easily get annoyed :-).
The rule which makes you not able to merge armies with another kingdommember makes these scenarios... Someone has 50k troops and full wall in it's city and defends all era...

Thx for the answer :-)

14:44:56 Aug 16th 09 - Mr. Billious:

If you have 100% you lose no casualties... :)

15:14:53 Aug 16th 09 - Mr. Kongdust:

at 70% you can still attack in win, but more of your troops will get injured/die. and like Billious said, at 100% you obtain don't lose anything

15:15:28 Aug 16th 09 - Lord Wraith The Bloody:

"at 100% you obtain don't lose anything"

Or everything.... :P

00:41:30 Aug 19th 09 - Mr. Kongdust:

lol oops

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