Forums / Questions and Answers / Troop training have no spread

Troop training have no spread
22:12:52 May 1st 12 - Mr. Sadacal:

So I have two armouries both training troops. In one armoury the troops are spread throughout the enitre time needed to train them and in the other the troops are all bunched up together at the very end. Both armouries get the same training time but the bunched up one has less than 100% productivity and also has around 1000 guardtowers in it. Are those reasons for why that armoury is bunching up the training or is it something else?

23:07:58 May 1st 12 - Mr. Dos Cervezas:

If you have the same amount of armories in both cities then it's the guard towers. as far as i know productivity doesn't affect troop productivity

23:15:35 May 1st 12 - Mr. Thick Rooster:

it's the productivity.

05:51:45 May 2nd 12 - Zond (Lord Pachyglossal Proreption):

If you have other buildings (production, like farms) then it will bunch them up like that. 

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