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Troops in army or city!!
17:44:57 Nov 1st 08 - Mr. Pow:

um... if you have 10,000 troops and someone is attacking u.. is it better to leave them in city or put them in army???  does def power change at all...

  what about and allied city does putting your troops in an allied blocker have the same def as if you were to build your own blocker and put your troops in it...

what about the wall bonus if its an allied city.. if your army is on an allied blocker that has full wall bonus does the army get the bonus too...

17:48:33 Nov 1st 08 - Mr. Himanil V:

For the first, i think keeping them in the city is a better option.
For the second, unless the troops are in your city it'll be the same.
For the third, if you merge your army with the allies only then you get the bonus.

17:49:34 Nov 1st 08 - Mr. Himanil V:


For the third, if you merge your army with the allies army and he keeps it in his city only then you get the wall bonus.

17:52:17 Nov 1st 08 - Mr. Warlord:

Ok to answer your 1st question properly you should read the guide.  It tells you how to figure up your defense in any city (doesn't matter if it is allied) and outside a city.  It depends on the type of troop you have.  Look at the guide tab and go all the way to the bottom under the few notes that are present.

18:17:34 Nov 1st 08 - Mr. Seife:

The Strength of the units are shown as Offence & Defence. Offence means how good the unit is at attacking and defence means how good the unit is at defending (cities). When an army get attacked on the field, half the defence and half the offence is calculated as defence.

yo warlord.... this still doesn't answer his questions..  if an army is on top of a city.. does that mean they get the full def... or is it still half off and half def..

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