Forums / Questions and Answers / Warehouses Store 100 times more

Warehouses Store 100 times more
16:56:58 Jul 4th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

+ The buildings can have various bonuses that makes them more effective and can produce more. For example building farms in a city placed near a river will produce more food then a city on the plains/desert.

* All buildings can store an unlimited amount of resources.

Every farm, mine and lumbermill needs 5 workers to operate.

Each man and woman (not in an army) eats 0.25 food each day.

All employed peasants pay 1 gold in taxes each day.

Articles and guides can be found in the forum.



Store 100 times more resources then farms/mines/mills. *


So, what exactly is 100x unlimited ;P

17:43:54 Jul 4th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

it means unlimited in the sense that jsut because you only have one mine doesnt mean tehre is any less gold holding capability than 100k mines.....

but 100 times more than a mine in working out plunders etc ;)

17:58:59 Jul 4th 09 - Wolflord Karac:

gotcha, so its just a stupid explanation? lol

04:19:58 Jul 6th 09 - Mr. Penor The Impressive:

Karac, dont be a smart ass...

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