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What is a pes
12:10:03 Jun 22nd 11 - Mr. Captain Majestic:

Simply question, guys (:

What is a pes,
and if so, is it possible for someone to make me a list of terms, seeing as I am only new to the game.

Thanks guys, ily ;)


13:54:10 Jun 22nd 11 - Mr. Tyrgalon:

pes/pez/pezzies = peasents

naz/nazzies = nazguls

hobs = hobgoblins

rocks = rockthrowers

hammers = hammerthrowers

swords = swordsmen

axes = axemen

ponies/pwnies = pony riders

advents = adventurers

catas = catapults

AMs = archmages

cavers = cavemasters

zerks = berserkers

MUs = the lvl 4 magic user unit of any race

Thats pretty much all of the VU unit terms :)
I will let someone else write the buildings and spells.

16:05:54 Jun 22nd 11 - Princess Aisha:

Other then unit terms, lots of people use
oop - out of protection
Magic has lots of shortcuts too, some of the most used:
mp - magic protection
EitS - eye in the sky
RoF - rain of fire

16:28:45 Jun 22nd 11 - Mr. Manowar:

GTs= Guard Towers
MTs= Magic Towers
WHs= Warehouses

NAP= Non-Aggression Pact
MAP= Mutual Alliance Pact
CF= Cease Fire

BTs= Bouns Turns

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