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Why is this so imbalance
15:05:46 Apr 23rd 11 - Mr. Jahrakal X:

how did a halfling with 130k ponies and 59k adventurers beat a human with 67k knights, a troll with 30k++ warlords and 10k zerks in the city?? how is it possible??

15:08:11 Apr 23rd 11 - Mr. Jahrakal X:

and with the epic part.... that halfling... only lose 3k adventurers... how is this possible?? i dont understand.. is it a bug or anything?? why is this so cheating?? and i can even lose with 93% before.... or.. when i win with 97%.. i lose at least 10k ponies... and that halfling dint even lose anything?!??!?!? what the F is this weih.. please explain...

15:16:31 Apr 23rd 11 - Mr. Auspice:

Well i took over a city with 140k Ponies and 200k Slingers, fighting 160k Hammer throwers(orc) 130k ponies and 60k other troops and i lost 10k ponies and 20k Slingers, and i won the battle at 36% chance... when you win you win but if you fail you lose troops.. risks like this are become more common and for some reason when you win you really dont lose that much :S

17:45:47 Apr 23rd 11 - Mr. Jahrakal X:

so... is OP 2.3m can really trashed a DP of 2m??? without getting much losses?? sounds still really ridiculous..

18:42:34 Apr 23rd 11 - Mr. Barny The Late Starter:

Why is this so imbalance
06:05:46 Apr 23rd 11 - Mr. Jahrakal X:

how did a halfling with 130k ponies and 59k adventurers beat a human with 67k knights, a troll with 30k++ warlords and 10k zerks in the city?? how is it possible??

Given the above scenario the Halfling would have had about 1.25 unmodified OP against a combined DP of about 1.38 million. Assuming he had higher military science than you and the city was defended by 3 individual armies it would be very possible for him to win that fight, killing 100% of all of you armies while losing almost nothing. The balancing factor behind this is that the defender has a local advantage (by which I mean an advantage at the micro level, at the macro level defending is always a losing battle) and a failed attack upon a city is extremely costly.

06:11:17 Apr 23rd 11 - Mr. Jahrakal X:

if this is not explained.. i seriously gonna quit vu.. this makes no sense at all and im fcking pissed..

Not much to say about that. I suppose I will use the most intelligent and original response I can think of:


08:45:47 Apr 23rd 11 - Mr. Jahrakal X:

so... is OP 2.3m can really trashed a DP of 2m??? without getting much losses?? sounds still really ridiculous..

Yes, that is how the game operates.

05:54:36 Apr 24th 11 - Puppy Fracker:

Translation, if you can do something to attack him and win before he attacks you, then do it.

Defender wins = the attacker takes a few losses
Attacker wins = everything dies

With towns, anyway.

09:03:19 Apr 24th 11 - Mr. Nameless:

Jahrakal, there is also a chance that he had a low dice roll.  lower the dice roll the more kills and less casualties they take.  also, i am not sure about this, but i think trolls, atleast zerks, take more casualties when they lose while inflicting less on the enemy but take less when they win while killing more.

09:48:44 Apr 24th 11 - Puppy Fracker:

I believe they just plain out inflict more casualties on both sides. Otherwise, description is too vague without some testing behind that.

13:28:13 Apr 24th 11 - Mr. Reconnaissance:

Jahrakal I attacked at 68% rolled 14 or so. Wasn't at full prep yet. So you should probably check that players military level.

01:21:29 Jun 2nd 11 - Mr. Fafnir:

It all depends on the dice roll that you get.

23:30:05 Jun 11th 12 - Ms. Brujaja:

yeah i am running into this too.  i have 60% of the soldiers this halfling does, but my military science is higher and yet i still only have a 5% chance of victory.

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