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armies in cities
04:22:49 Jun 24th 09 - Mr. Xpumpx:

i didnt see this topic so here goes.
 if i have a city that 25% filled and i put some troops in it and it eventually gets to 100% filled who gets displaced? do the troops get forced out or does it not fill with peasants til i remove troops? and what if i try to put troops into a city that is 100% filled with peasants? and does it matter if its my city or someone elses?

06:12:45 Jun 24th 09 - Mr. Odysseus:

I believe you lose a bit of both peasants, and troops until it drops below 100%.

Also, you can not put your own troops into someone elses city.  And if you mean after you took it over, well then it is your city and you will be able to put troops in it, but if it goes over 100% population you lose troops/peasants just like if you built the city.

18:40:03 Jun 24th 09 - Mr. Justin:

At a 100% full of Pezzies you just lose your pezzies not your troops when you put troops in it

06:57:24 Jun 27th 09 - Sir Fever:

If u have a pop of 100% + (only pezzies) U will lose pezzies till its 100% or less. If u put troops and its 100% + then u lose troops till its 100% or less. It happened to me 2 days ago and thats what happened :P Background knowledge does help u know :D

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