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becoming a guide
14:44:23 Oct 31st 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Sepelchure Grail of The Hinter):

Who picks guides? because so far about 80% of the guides i've come across are amatuers at the game and end up joining experienced kingdoms , and then simply dying every era...

17:00:58 Oct 31st 11 - Mr. Peabody The Teacher:

Zeta uses a dartboard with names on it to pick them. :D

and it depends on what world you're talking about for "experienced kingdoms"

Upper worlds? Yeah, those are for my playtime. I already play on two lower worlds frequently to teach newbies, I don't need the headache of teaching them with more competent enemies around on upper worlds. 

17:01:49 Oct 31st 11 - HorusPanic (Sir Horus XVIII):

i've gave him a big target and he's been missing me for a year now

22:46:42 Oct 31st 11 - Zephyr (Ice Prince Keth The Tahl Ael):

ZeTa picks the gudes.

22:49:33 Oct 31st 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Sepelchure Grail of The Hinter):

im talking on talents and valhalla and what not 

22:52:36 Oct 31st 11 - Zephyr (Ice Prince Keth The Tahl Ael):

explain your question.

22:53:53 Oct 31st 11 - Zond (Mr. Hostility):

he wants to know why on the lower worlds you suck and die, and cant even kill the noobs you are suppose to be training.

22:55:32 Oct 31st 11 - Zephyr (Ice Prince Keth The Tahl Ael):

I stopped playing like 2 months ago, just check randomly and join random kds (:

22:57:41 Oct 31st 11 - Zond (Mr. Hostility):

You proved what he is saying, you dont teach nor play. There for shouldnt be a Guide. Nuff said.

22:59:50 Oct 31st 11 - Zephyr (Sir Nazir):

I teach, when people ask me or when I see they get stuck, or answer forum posts.

23:10:32 Oct 31st 11 - Zond (Mr. Hostility):

Your suppose to ask them, not wait for them to ask or wait to see them sucking.

00:00:54 Nov 1st 11 - Princess Aisha:

A very good question Kath...
I would like to point out I already made a suggestion about this:

Suggestion for Guides
01:51:26 Sep 26th 11 - Princess Bloodrayne:

First I would like to say giving Guides ability to land on all maps is quite bad, on more then one occasion I have noticed same thing. On one world Guide would put up a good fight and then on another world the same guide would be killed extremelly easy basically not fighting back at all. That is because most Guides give more attention to some worlds and dont even check some of their characters, but thats kinda logical, who has time to check 10 characters...
So what I suggest is that Guide actually have to earn their advantages :P and do some actual work (not to that you dont do the work, I <3 you all) but I was thinking maybe Guides can work up some kind of schedule who will cover what world, and then they would have the necessary information to create a thread at end of era. And no, it does not have to be a video, it can be sets of screenshots or something like that, I am sure something can be done. And they should be spread more around the Kingdoms, having them all in one Kingdom isnt a good idea, that way they cant teach people except in that Kd...

What do ya think?

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There was a big discussion over it, you can check it out. I agree that mostly when ever you reach a guide with an exception of few, they are an easy kill. This is because of the unlimited characters ability, so they play way too many words so its normal that they cant keep up on all worlds, making them so easy to kill that its pretty silly.

Like I suggested, they really should make some kind of schedule and agree what guides will cover what worlds, so they actually do make some difference in the game, because I would not want to take advice from guides with exception of few.

00:04:53 Nov 1st 11 - Mr. Pluto:


As for Valhalla, without an Xp restriction, like the other worlds, it's hard (almost impossible) to take it as seriously being considered a newbie world. 

no Xp restriction = 'Anybody' can land on it, without loopholes or workarounds needed. 

Zeta needs to either add an Xp restriction or let it join the ranks of the upper worlds instead of being the bastard child of both, because trying to teach newbies before getting eaten on an unrestricted world is making something more difficult than needed. lol

Not everybody picks up things fast enough for upper world crash courses. 
As for your argument about the other lower worlds, yes. I've seen multiple guides group up into kingdoms with hardly a newbie in sight. ie one of dragon's kingdoms with newbie basher/upper worlders, 2-3 guides in it and maybe... just maybe one or so newbies. 

Taking in people who haven't played for 5+ eras is one thing, but a lot of the people recruited have played actively in recent eras. 

@ Ice

I've seen you trying to solo newbie worlds... I don't see how anything is gained by that. 

Your effort also doesn't seem to change between newbie and upper worlds either, as you seem to go right at some newbies throats asap. 

09:45:34 Nov 1st 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Mr. Theron II of The Dales):

A good example of a guide who doesnt know how to play. 

I was inactive til the start of the era til now , which is 2 weeks in. Phelan kells kingdom attacked me and took 1 of my two cities. 50 % rule protected my other. i came back , trained a bunch of slingers , Phelan kell sends a corps at me and i have 82% on it because he has no mil science (his not playing mage either) and is using level 1's....

and his died last era fighting a mostly new player kingdom , and to top it of...his in freedom fighters , which is far from a newb kingdom , and on his other 'guide world' he is the leader of a kingdom filled with experienced players. and his kingdom info actually states that they are looking for experienced players

11:10:25 Nov 1st 11 - Mr. Pluto:

You shouldn't be on the newbie worlds either, *but* yes... this is one of the few things I won't argue with you about... lol

12:51:12 Nov 1st 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Sepelchure Grail of The Hinter):

ive got one character on the newb world , leading a kingdom of mostly newbs and its because my old account was deleted ¬¬ my low XP means i keep getting dropped on them 

12:51:30 Nov 1st 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Sepelchure Grail of The Hinter):

If you actually look through suggestions i suggested that people should be able to pick higher worlds regardless of XP 

13:43:33 Nov 1st 11 - Wilberforce (Ms. Wilber The Derp):

I think lower worlds in general is the smarter idea. We don't need 12 worlds.

Also, I've been saying this for a long time, our current guide seleection suck. Most of them aren't playing, or have no clue about anything.

I don't claim to be a fantastic player and there would be far better guides than me, however I still know abit more than a few of our "guides."

14:41:58 Nov 1st 11 - Rottich (Mr. Normal):

I can say i'm on alot of worlds, i'm a guide.

On some worlds i've joined up with Dexter whos also a guide, and we take in ALL players, newbies or not. We offer our help whenever its needed, to enermies or allies. Simply because

1. the ones we are fighting on the lower level worlds are not newbies. They are well orginized and normally quite alot of them in their kd's.
2. Dex usually starts his own KD's on worlds and accepts all kind of players to join it he helps anyone who asks for it.
3. By making our own KD's on high and lower worlds we accept new players and experienced players. It's not like we have a magic wand which we can use to spot new players. Simply because someone is untagged doenst mean their newbs.

On a few other worlds i'm KD-less. Such as Fant, latha, talents etc... I've been messaged for quite a few tips and questions which i answer all truthfully and to my best knowlage. If i cant answer a question i simply tell people to first off ask around in forums or if it's something beyond my authority (Mod/admin stuff) i point them to Zeta but i also warn of the long wait time there :P

I can see your point that some might not be suited to be guides for a few reasons. But most of them are experienced players who does quite well. And what KD's etc they are in shouldn't make much of a difference... Just because they are guides doesnt mean they themselfs shouldn't be allowed to play the game right? Their job is to guide people and teach them how to play. It's quite hard to know whos a "newbie" and whos not. And most dont want help either... The way i find it easiest is to make my own KD or join one of Dexters and accept everyone and let them know we can help. Somewhat to spread the word ^^

Guides dont have any "powers" other then the right to land on all worlds. And I for one take offence when i read things like "They dont have any idea what their doing" since i'm usually on HoH for most of the time, but since i'm soloing or going with newbies or a 4-5 man newbie KD i cant stay there for too long simply cause i'm beeing overrunned.

Your basicly saying we're not allowed to join good Kd's but by not joining good Kd's you cant possibly belive we will be finishing top3 and show you "we know what we're doing"  on any world right? Its possible, but it's quite hard. Since even the newbie world have quite alot of experienced players who form KD's that roflstop the rest. How many of you actually avoid players who are new to the game and dont see them as food? ;)

I only know a few of the guides myself and when i came back to VU after quite a few years of not playing this game, they are the ones who helped me get back into it with all the updates and changes. That to me is their job... Not showing the world that their the best possible players. Their supposed to be there if you have questions about the game or tips and trix. Nothing more nothing less.

The things some of you are saying sounds more like you jealous that we can have characters on all the worlds rather then a valid point that we are "bad" guides. Like i said, i dont see how a guide is a bad guide simply because he doenst roflstop an era or two.

But yes maybe you shouldn't be a leader of a KD and look for experienced players. Atleast not on newbie worlds... But in their defence, not a single era have i fought a KD whos that bad that they needed guidence on any of the lower worlds. Newbies of that caliber is usually untagged and yeh, not much we can do about that... I tend to send a msg to people who is untagged and find out somewhat about them, but if they dont ask me for help or tell me they want to know something, i cant just go around spamming a guide of how to play this game to every untagged player i see now can I ? :P

We are advertised on the guide page for a reason. If your a new player and want help, you usually look at the guide to see what to do... makes sense right? And there after you got the basics, you keep scrolling and see a few really ugly faces and the ugliest of all is mine and there you can see what Zeta wrote. "The guides are awesome experienced players that are willing to help you out." (wouldn't really put awsome and Zond so close together but you get my point)  Not babysit an entire world. We are not admins, we offer our help since we are fairly experienced in the game, i'm sure other might be even more experienced but nothing stops anyone from msging "You" who are more experienced and asking you for help either... Right? I really just dont see what the point is here... We are there to help, the fact that some die easy on some worlds rather then others well, i dunno about that since i dare say i'm fairly active on all my accounts and i'm "usually" fighitng atleast 5-6 players by myself. This last week has been a meltdown for many people due to holidays, halloween and whatnot, and i've seen 3 guides on some worlds taken major damage and even die during this time. Are you refereing to that? Because if you are. Drop it... Dont even need to explain why :P

15:14:55 Nov 1st 11 - Dragon (Mr. Phelan Kell):

Well said Rottich.

01:45:34 Nov 1st 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Mr. Theron II of The Dales):

A good example of a guide who doesnt know how to play. 

I was inactive til the start of the era til now , which is 2 weeks in. Phelan kells kingdom attacked me and took 1 of my two cities. 50 % rule protected my other. i came back , trained a bunch of slingers , Phelan kell sends a corps at me and i have 82% on it because he has no mil science (his not playing mage either) and is using level 1's....

and his died last era fighting a mostly new player kingdom , and to top it of...his in freedom fighters , which is far from a newb kingdom , and on his other 'guide world' he is the leader of a kingdom filled with experienced players. and his kingdom info actually states that they are looking for experienced players.


You are talking about Talents where I am not the leader or even a Vice.  And I am playing Mage.... Trying to learn how to play mage as I have never played it before.  So that on the lower worlds I can cast arma when the time comes.  For example; on Fens I started out playing Halfer and died.  Now I am playing Elf mage and just got level 9 magic and will be working on casting arma to restart the world.

Zeta gets tired of having to manually cast arma for the lower worlds and asked me to play mage so that I could cast arma.  I am doing my best to learn how to play mage effectively.

And on Talents I used level 1s oop as that is all I could do.  I was asked by my leader to play mage and thanks to you had a major set back and am working on recovering now that I have my cities back.


As for the insinuation that I do not play all 12 of my characters equally..... I do.  I am online 18 hours a day on most days and cycle through all my characters on an hourly basis.

I have set up Kingdoms and after the era is over I turn the kingdom over to a new leader usually a new player that did exceptionally well.

I try to gather new players on the new player worlds but I also accept experienced players. 

Could I do more............... Yes. 
Do I know how to play and win............. yes
Am I on the HOH list most of the time............ yes.
Do I teach new players how to play.............. yes.
Am I the best guide we have..................... I would like to think so
Are there more experienced players than I........... Yes.
Would the game gain from them becoming guides........ I think so
Are Guides the best players .......................  NO, not always.
Do guides do the best they can................ YES

So as you can see. I do the best I can. 

16:46:42 Nov 1st 11 - HorusPanic (Sir Horus XVIII):

Do guides do the best they can................ YES

The problem apparently is taht not every guide is contributing this much.

19:43:39 Nov 1st 11 - Zond (Mr. Hostility):

Tbh, ive had this talk with many people who are "talking down" on Dexter, yes he is a Guide, so what if he doesnt win higher worlds. Or gets killed by newbs sometimes. Or doesnt know a lot of stuff, its not about what you dont do. Its what you DO DO. (loled to myself for that line). Dexter goes out of his way to help new players, he will message me if he doesnt know or straight up and say he doesnt to ask another. But the difference between him and others? He actually does his job, he may not be a "good enough player" in your eyes to be a guide. Bu at least he does his damn job and asks people for help.

Me, him, and Rotti have made several kds teaching new players.

As for Rotti, he is still rusty i can say honestly. He is not the best player by any means. But he holds his own as a damn good dwarf, WHO DOESNT WHORE. And he has recently started Halfling and is doing a damn good job. Yeah from looks he doesnt know much about the others or know certain stuff, but there is more than one of us for a reason. Not to mention rotti is active in chat. He goes out of his way to help.

Kzat (coolcat), dont notice much of any teaching going on. He is on most worlds, but i dont keep up with him every second of every day. He is a good friend, he can play the game well.

Ice Prince, dies against newbs, doesnt teach, always goes inactive, leaves kds, guns straight for newbs. So no shouldnt be a guide, and ive had this talk with Zeta multiple times as has every mod in the mod forums. Yet there he still is as one.

Ajax, great friend of mine also. Ive seen and been told a lot of him eating newbs, feeding, and such doing low tactics. Honestly opinion, least he is teaching them something useful.

Wilber, great player of all races just about. Not certain on his teaching, I know me and him had a kd for a bit and joined another and helped out. Which is more than others I can say.

Puppy, probably the most suited to be a Guide. Hes active both in game and on skype and chat. He knows a large amount of data about the game which is good in his teaching. He actually does teach and has kds just for that. Deserves the spot.

All in all, you dont have to be the best player in the game. You just have to put forth effort and at least try to help new players. Also, Ive had every one of them asks me questions before, and ive asked them questions. Sometimes its too double check and make sure your right, or sometimes you just dont know. Or you forgot, it happens.

22:15:58 Nov 1st 11 - Ashe Annie Fortune Lightshield (Ms. Ashe The Newb Slayer):

What about dragon, zond?

Without him I'd just be one of those players that joins, builds one city and leaves. Now look at the Midgard (50% World, I know.. But I'm still a terrible player who Loves to backstab, I'm learning how to solo on midgard.) HoH. He plays all races decently and does his job as a guide as well as he can. He's taught me everything I know (Again, minus the backstabbing).

22:50:39 Nov 1st 11 - Zond (Mr. Hostility):

lol Dexter is Dragon. he was teh first i mentioned :P

22:54:51 Nov 1st 11 - Ashe Annie Fortune Lightshield (Ms. Fortune II):

:P Teh nick says dragon, teh guide page says dragon... So shh. I've not been around to know.

22:56:45 Nov 1st 11 - Zond (Sir Suck):

xD Dexter the Dragon :P

23:29:33 Nov 1st 11 - Dragon (Mr. Dragon II):


10:36:13 Nov 2nd 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Sepelchure Grail of The Hinter):

Phelan your on ANOTHER world , LEADING (as kellaine) a kingdom with no new players in it , attacking everything you see moving and killing kd less players , and accepting turn coats...If your a guide the excuse lower worlds dont matter is no longer an excuse to play dishonorably.

Zond i cant judge dexter on all worlds. Just the two im on with him. and a elf mid era whos a mage should not have their entire army made of ghosts...its as plain as that., you say your a mage but you had 32 000 troops in your city , and 29 000 of them was ghosts (i Casted eye in the sky) so how does that work out?

on the other world he is leading a kingdom which is killing all the new players on the world. for example trojan joined us because he was SURROUNDED by dragons kingdom and in stead of inviting him to join they began plundering him , and then took his cities....

Leeree is another new player that they attacked right off the bat(he wernt in my kingdom when they attacked him) without even a message to him. And although it was not kellaine PERSONALLY doing it , it was experienced players in kellaines kingdom. who kellaine can not control , because when they go against him he does nothing due to the fact they are stronger then him and he does not want to lose strong members.

14:17:53 Nov 2nd 11 - Ashe Annie Fortune Lightshield (Ms. Ashe The Newb Slayer):

03:36:13 Nov 2nd 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Sepelchure Grail of The Hinter):

Phelan your on ANOTHER world , LEADING (as kellaine) a kingdom with no new players in it , attacking everything you see moving and killing kd less players , and accepting turn coats...If your a guide the excuse lower worlds dont matter is no longer an excuse to play dishonorably.

Zond i cant judge dexter on all worlds. Just the two im on with him. and a elf mid era whos a mage should not have their entire army made of ghosts...its as plain as that., you say your a mage but you had 32 000 troops in your city , and 29 000 of them was ghosts (i Casted eye in the sky) so how does that work out?

on the other world he is leading a kingdom which is killing all the new players on the world. for example trojan joined us because he was SURROUNDED by dragons kingdom and in stead of inviting him to join they began plundering him , and then took his cities....

Leeree is another new player that they attacked right off the bat(he wernt in my kingdom when they attacked him) without even a message to him. And although it was not kellaine PERSONALLY doing it , it was experienced players in kellaines kingdom. who kellaine can not control , because when they go against him he does nothing due to the fact they are stronger then him and he does not want to lose strong members.
Ever played dragoin age origins?

14:50:44 Nov 2nd 11 - Grandmaster Of Imperia (Duke Sepelchure Grail of The Hinter):


22:06:01 Nov 22nd 11 - Sun Warrior King (Mr. Semisweetchocolate):

God I cant read the red.

23:03:04 Nov 22nd 11 - Dragon (Mr. Dexter II):

Sepelchure Grail of The Hinter,

You are attacking me because I would not ally with you against zond and I lead you to believe that I would to buy me time to organize against you on Arma.  It did not work and you still got the upper hand.  We are still fighting there and the Kell Hounds are  is a training KD that has a few new players and some experienced players who I believe just recently restarted playing.  the KD took in all comers as they came in. and yes one from your KD that you kicked for some reason that was none of my business. He has been a good player since joining us. You dislike me because of the 3 times you were in my KD ; once you betrayed us and attacked us from within after you knew that the KD's armies were too far away to do anything about it and engaged in another war...... And we still managed to take you out. The other 2 times I kicked you from the KD as soon as I found out it was you......  I simply do not trust you.... live with it.

I do not, nor have I ever claimed to be one of the best players and I get killed as much as anyone does..... But to say that I target new players is a lie.  I accept any that want to join my KD's except for you.

Here are the kingdoms that I am in and the worlds they are on. of the 6 Kingdoms that I am a leader of 3 are training KD's.  If you think that being a guide means you only play with new players you are wrong. 

Junior Guildmaster Dragon (Fantasia) Hex -  VICE
Mr. Dexter The Serial Killer (Zetamania) Forsaken - VICE
Sir Fafnir (Mantrax) Royal Order of Claidmore - SOLDIER
Mr. Dragon II (Fensteria) Raging Dragons -  LEADER – TRAINING KD
Mr. Dragon III (Starta) Odins last stand – LEADER – REGULAR KD
Mr. Kellaine (Valhalla) Dragon Born II – LEADER –  RUNNING SOLO
Mr. Fafnir II (Midgard) Insane Asylum – LEADER – REGULAR KD
Sir Kellaine II (Armageddon) Kell Hounds – LEADER – TRAINING KD
Mr. Dexter II (Latha) Fusion - SOLDIER
Mr. Phelan Kell (Talents) Freedom Fighters - SOLDIER
Sir Guardian (Nirvana) Roc Elders - SOLDIER
Mr. Fafnir III (Mogrox) Dragons Dragoons – LEADER – TRAINING KD

Half of the Kingdoms I am in I am either a VICE or just a soldier.  Not the Leader.

I enjoy playing VU win or lose.  I enjoy helping those that are in need of it if they ask and sometimes if they don't. I do not like to flame on the forums as that is not part of the game that I enjoy.  I do my job, mind my own business as much as I can and promote VU at every turn

23:08:37 Nov 22nd 11 - Dragon (Mr. Dexter II):

I should point out that the reason that I am vice in the kingdoms that I am vice of is because I follow orders and I am online about 18 hours a day. NOT BECAUSE I AM A GUIDE.

23:35:36 Nov 22nd 11 - Puppy The Infamous Canine:

To prevent anymore arguing, just going to lock this one and squash it here. 


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