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fensteria market
11:48:21 Jul 7th 09 - Mr. Dropkick:

why does fensteria have its own market??? all the prices r so low and since there arent many players in this world not much stuff is being bought...

11:55:05 Jul 7th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

I posted the same thing about Latha, the market'll come alive later, on latha food sells for less then .1 each ='(

16:59:12 Jul 7th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

ahh the joys of supply and demand :)

21:18:04 Jul 7th 09 - Mr. Penor The Impressive:

Is everyone halfling on latha or something?

15:34:50 Jul 8th 09 - Mr. Ashwin:

not me, more trolls I think

15:43:55 Jul 8th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

most are trolls, on latha, and i guess on Fensteria too, though i'm a halfer :p

15:56:07 Jul 8th 09 - Mr. Ashwin:

you smart ass, here on fest food is going for 2 ea lol

16:18:44 Jul 8th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

2 :O that's 20x as much as on latha ='(

16:30:46 Jul 8th 09 - Sir Belmont The Avenger:

Well it is fair!

if u arent conected to the other worlds why should u have a global market?

16:48:24 Jul 8th 09 - Mr. Sandoran:

cause this way the newbs can't learn how to play, and that is what the worlds are for right?

18:39:38 Jul 8th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

lol but if you had a connected market i'd get the rest of my KD to restart now on fensteria and feed meh xD

10:07:08 Jul 10th 09 - Mr. Dropkick:

there r pretty gud players in fensteria.. sum were in retribution, mad and other greag kd's

14:28:46 Jul 10th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

oh em gee. retribution.. ruuun!

23:42:03 Jul 10th 09 - Mr. Monkeydust:

if the market was connected i would feed you! =D

13:00:02 Jul 11th 09 - Mr. Dropkick:

lol i want the market 2 b connected i have 20 mil stone

13:32:17 Jul 11th 09 - Duke Pikachu:

and i greatly desire 20M stones ;)

15:40:49 Jul 11th 09 - Mr. Monkeydust:

and stone is Selling* for 0.25...

*Selling means that it is on the market, it does not actually mean that the stupid stuff is actually selling...

15:54:05 Jul 11th 09 - Dr. Raving Lunatic:

I want 20M stone at .25 yes indeed

02:23:08 Jul 12th 09 - Mr. Penor The Impressive:

Its listed but wont sell you the stone?

03:33:33 Jul 12th 09 - Mr. Monkeydust:

i'm selling it, but no one is buying it...

12:20:36 Jul 12th 09 - Mr. Dropkick:

 i've sold a couple of mil stone but i got lyk 50k gold off it lol

00:57:50 Jul 13th 09 - Mr. Skinny Vinny II:

wow, tree at 1.58, that highest i seen everywhere.

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