Forums / Questions and Answers / injured

09:48:20 Sep 1st 09 - Mr. Dread:

so about injured troops. MU's and magic science heals them faster but
doesnt increace healed/death rate?? if it does . does only med sciense
increase that or mu's also??

09:53:20 Sep 1st 09 - Lord Wraith The Bloody:

When did mus and magic affect healing rate/speed/percentage? o.O

09:56:29 Sep 1st 09 - Pirate Leela The Eyepatched:

that's what I was wondering too..

01:14:53 Sep 2nd 09 - Sir Penor The Dysfunctional:

Ya, its just your meds science, dread.

13:47:23 Sep 3rd 09 - Lady Jade:

Only med science heals troops

04:16:37 Sep 4th 09 - Lord Pesterd:

If you are standing in place with an army that has injured troops, over time they will become healed

17:04:45 Sep 8th 09 - Mr. The Beast:


Injured Troops

A small percent of injuries will occur when attacking cities or armies successfully.

Injured troops can only recover when your army is standing still. Magic units and medicine science make troops heal faster.

i never knew about mu's neighter and recently nothiced the healing happens real time instead of turn bye turn..

but my big questtion was when i had a full AM army and med 5.
only 42% or so healed..

14:21:52 Sep 16th 09 - Mr. The Beast:

i still dint get an awnser..
it says mus now have effect on healing time of injured..
does it have an effect on heal/death rate??
the heal/death rate is mutch lowers since the injured system "changed"

01:31:45 Sep 17th 09 - Mr. Dead Oralive:

So now nubs have a reason to train mu's in their armies XD

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