Forums / Questions and Answers / losses in forced march

losses in forced march
11:34:33 Aug 9th 11 - Mr. Sauronjr:

What is percentage of losses when using forced march with orc army? Is it worth using it?

11:50:37 Aug 9th 11 - Puppy The Kitten Squisher:

it depends, but I believe it's a random % between 5 and 10%. Haven't bothered to test exacts yet.

and yes, I'd say it's worth it, in specific situations. Like if you need to save someone's ass in one tick, you could fm a small naz army there, or if your towns are close together, you could fm hammers or gaia between them instead of spamming a shit ton in all of them.

etc etc. 

13:48:31 Aug 9th 11 - HorusPanic (Mr. Dance Gavin Dance):

i'd say its between 5 and 20%

the biggest army you can force march and not lose anything is 4 units

08:26:51 Aug 14th 11 - Zephyr (Ice Prince Keth The Tahl Ael):

as long as is doesnt change from scout, you wont loose troops.

18:25:27 Aug 14th 11 - Architect (Mr. Reptar):

Last era I was force marching scouts made of 10 naz each.  I lost 1 naz the first tic, but that was it.  The rest of the era I only lost them due to conflicts with armies, force march never took any more than that 1.

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