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what is P
16:26:29 Nov 3rd 09 - Mr. Bubba:

What is %P and what is it bsed on ?

16:30:08 Nov 3rd 09 - Mr. Swifteh:

P = {L:L = L(M) for some deterministic polynomial-time Turing machine M}

where L(M) = { winSigma^{*}: M 	ext{ accepts } w }

and a deterministic polynomial-time Turing machine is a deterministic Turing machine M which satisfies the following two conditions:

  1. M halts on all input w; and
  2. there exists k in N such that T_{M}(n)in; O(nk),
where T_{M}(n) = max{ t_{M}(w) : winSigma^{*}, left|w
ight| = n }
and tM(w) = number of steps M takes to halt on input w.

Hope that cleared it up.

16:34:05 Nov 3rd 09 - Mr. Ares Maliusbum:


16:35:27 Nov 3rd 09 - Mr. Bubba:

Ok ,I know it is based on total power and all that but my %P was the same last era as now and so I'm thinking I need to understand how to make it stronger.

16:37:28 Nov 3rd 09 - Mr. Grimdeath:

if you are talking about on the list of kds.  You cannot make it bigger.  Everything is based off your 100% power.  You grow stronger and everyone elses power compared to yours goes down.

16:38:23 Nov 3rd 09 - Mr. Revenge The Sexc:

An answer to the P = NP question would determine whether problems like the subset-sum problem are as "easy" to compute as to verify. If it turned out P does not equal NP, it would mean that some NP problems are substantially "harder" to compute than to verify.

16:39:08 Nov 3rd 09 - Mr. Bubba:

rofl, that was some good humor there Swifteh. I would have been disappointed if someone didnt rib me about the newbie questions.

16:41:17 Nov 3rd 09 - Mr. Bubba:

Thanks ,Mr Grimdeath, I think that answers my question.

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