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Cavemasters 2025
15:36:41 Feb 28th 25 - Mr. Kosel:

I was looking at it seems like the last time someone clarified it in "questions and answers? Was 2011, so I'm going to assume some stuff has changed in 14 years.

Can someone break down how cave masters work? I've played dwarf ineffectively a few times in the past, and think I'm doing so now.

I know that it's recommended to have a cavemaster for each mine in a city but: 
How does that bonus really work?
How much of a bonus is it to the mines?

Is it worth 75 mill gold to max out the cavemaster to mines ratio in a 90ker?

17:01:25 Feb 28th 25 - HorusPanic (Lord Panic):

In my opinion, cavers are still worth it, however the earlier in the era you get them going the better chance you have of getting a good ROI

Build ratio is 6:25 if you are shooting for the perfect ratio

I would argue that even if you dont see the cost of the caver paid off, there are benefits to just having the extra cash flow

22:14:51 Feb 28th 25 - Mr. Corwin The Fourth:

They seem to add ~2.7 gold and ~3.3 stone to each mine's production - which seems to be independent of the production of the mine itself. i.e. not a percentage. 

That's with mining science 8 and military 6. I do wonder if those two impact the bonus.

There's a tiny law of diminishing returns, but in order of 10% so you can ignore it.

1. 90k city with 72581 mines and 17419 homes.

No cavemasters: 
Each mine produces around 6 gold per day and around 4 stone per day.

With 72581 cavemasters:
Each mine produces around 9 gold per day and around 7 stone per day.

2. City with 38099 mines:
No cavemasters: 
Each mine produces around 6 gold per day and around 3 stone per day.

With 37236 cavemasters (a few died):
Each mine produces around 9 gold per day and around 7 stone per day.

3. City with 34000 mines:
No cavemasters:
Each mine produces around 5 gold per day and around 3 stone per day.

With cavemasters:
Each mine produces around 8 gold per day and around 7 stone per day.

22:21:49 Feb 28th 25 - Mr. Kosel:

Thank you both! that is exactly the info i was looking for.

looks like it would take a while to recoup the expense but seems more worth it sincc you net around 5 gold/tick/cavemaster (assuming STG) at 1000 gold/tick so it would take around 200 ticks to break even for each cavemaster. thats only around 8 IR days

04:48:47 Mar 1st 25 - Professor Albus Dumbledore:

Military science should have no bearing on how well the gold and stone production looks like. It should be all dependent on Mining. There is a Discord made by Konstant that has a ton of information on things from best city drop practices to best science builds to how to even find invisible cities. In that Discord guide that Konstant made, he explains how 1 Cavemaster to 1 Mine produces the maximum gold. Same for Farmers and Farms (1:1).

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