Forums / Roleplaying / Gods Of War

Gods Of War
12:55:05 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

Don't wish to at all waste any time with elaborate descriptions or anything of the sort. It's plain simple, kill or be killed. For the meantime Windscar and I will be slugging it out. Fell free to spill someone's guts over if you wish too.

14:11:07 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

Welcome wanderer to the to the martial grounds of the Gods of War. Located near the Tavern this is amongst one of the many institutions to help train you as a better warrior for the lands of VU or for you to simply wow the crowd with your impressive array of deadly skills. Here you can always pop open the skull of your opponent in a bare knuckled fight, strike the enemy down gracefully with your bow and arrow or use close quarter weapons to indulge in a somewhat more viciously savage fight.
Many of the greatest warriors of VU patrol this place so feel free to ask any questions pertaining to combat and you shall not find yourself disappointed.

All you need do before fighting is-

Name :
Height & Weight :
Personal Bio (Optional) :

So fear not and rip away.

14:31:20 Aug 18th 09 - Lady Astoria:

Name: Powers Biledoue

Height & Weight: 5'11  180 lbs.

oh geesh if I had more time I would do personal bio :/

14:35:22 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

No prob, you can always add one later. ^_^
Looking for a fight right now or waiting for someone else?

15:33:10 Aug 18th 09 - Lord Wraith The Bloody:

Name: Ranraac Wraith
Height & Weight: 1m 80 (6ft); 75Kgs
Bio: Ranraac is a quiet Elf. He has been travelling the known world since he came of age and learnt many different skills. Wraith dons a black metal chainmail, hidden under a dark green cape and tied together with a leaf brooch. Underneath the cloak, Ranraac wields a blue metal dirk which glows after every kill which hangs from his right hip. He also uses a white sabre, which is hung from the opposite hip.

15:33:30 Aug 18th 09 - Lord Wraith The Bloody:

I'm up for a fight whenever somebody is free ;)

16:48:54 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

Name : Adam Dragstorm
Height & Weight : 6"5, 120Kgs.
Bio : A sombre wanderer about whom it is unknown if he be Prince or Emperor of Farwaith. Wielding multiple weapons Adam is a dominating figure with a brilliant aura about him. Armoured with lorica segmenta and dragon hide in vital parts he is a mysterious scholar-warrior abut whom little i known save from tales.

17:00:13 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

The battle conductor strode into the stadium, thousands of men and women cheering from the stands, his cloak shifting in the breeze. A hood was drawn over his head, his face wreathed in a mask of shadow. The staff hammered slowly against the ground, in motion with his movement across the hall. He casted aside his cloak, revealing man of a slight build, with brown hair and blue eyes, staring at his surroundings. A shield appeared as if from nowhere, tough dragonhide stretched along the sides. Leather armour covered his body and a quiver of arrows were at his side. With a flick of his hands, a yew longbow appeared, at near the same size as the man. He drew from his quiver an arrow, stretched his bow back and let it loose into the air, coming to floor at a near perpendicular angle. It was the ancient ritual of his land that the battle was to commence.

The crowds cheered on wildly as Adam Dragstorm's tall hefty figure appeared at one end of the stadium. Covered by a cloak and hood with only his deep black eyes visible Adam walked forward slowly his armour clinking and his presently invisible sword bouncing slightly off his cloak which seemed to be made of a material whose composition was unfathomabale to even the most skilled pair of eyes. Reaching his pre-assigned position Adam came to a stop and waited for his opponent, Ranraac Wraith.

17:07:22 Aug 18th 09 - Lord Wraith The Bloody:

Ranraac walked down the dark passage slowly. At the end he could see the bright sunlight, he could hear the crowd cheering, he could smell the scent of death lingering in the air of the tunnel. As he reached the entrance, he squinted as the sunlight contrasted with the dark tunnel. Stepping out into the day, he heard a cheer erupt from the already loud crowd. he sighed, they sickened him. The crowd didn't know either of the opponents and yet they cheered, awaiting gruesome, bloody violence and eventually, death.

As he scanned the arena quickly, Haka saw the umpire, with his staff, mask and bow. He took in everything at once; the hot, harsh sand beneath his feet, the bright banners, the arena. But only one thing was of importance to him, the huge towering figure at the end of the arena. Tall, of large-build and covered in a cloak, as was Wraith. Ranraac smiled and took off his hood as he walked forward calmly, to the starting point. His hands calmly went to the hilts of his weapons as he arrived, ready for combat. Smiling slightly, he waited apparently relaxed but his mind a mix of thoughts and plans.

17:43:09 Aug 18th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

Adam silently took in every aspect of Ranraac who was by no means an unfamiliar figure to him. The way he walked, his carefully disguised expressions, alert eyes and apparent sense of calmness. The initial analysis of his opponent was very much like the nature if Adam's initial weapon- the katana. As the combat umpire gave the signal for them to commence battle Adam walked closer to his smiling opponent even as he puled down his hood to reveal his strikingly fair face and bright eyes along with his military cut yet strangely wavy hair. The crowd cheered further on seeing the face which brought them death that very often.

Stopping a few feet away from his opponent Adam with his hand on his sword hilt bowed respectfully. As he rose in a blindingly fast motion Adam drew out his sword but strangely enough swung it to the extreme right almost as if his initial blow was meant for Ranraac's left arm. So pronounced had been Adam's movement of his right arm that his left was left almost unnoticed which he brought forward with great speed to a few feet from Ranracc's face. Immediately Ranracc's face was engulfed by a thick blackish powder which caused great stinging and pain to the eyes. Even as Ranracc took a few steps backwards Adam launched a series of light swift attacks aimed at Ranracc's centre before making one skillful lunge at Ranracc's side.

22:42:17 Aug 18th 09 - Lord Wraith The Bloody:

[OOC: You can't tell what my character does...]

As his opponent walked forward, Wraith got ready and got into a defensive stance. The bow did not full Ranraac and the initial strike, while extremely fast, was easy to dodge. As he saw the glint of a blade come out, Wraith drew his blades, dirk in his left and sabre in his right hand. However, the underhanded move of throwing powder into his eyes had not been anticipated and Ranraac doubled over in pain.

Thinking fast as tears blocked his vision, Wraith dropped to the ground and rolled, covering his head with his arms. Slashes hit him but bounced off as his chainmail held its own and Wraith rolled to safety. Getting up, still half blind, Wraith threw sand into the air where he was sure his opponent was and twirled once, just for defence, trying to clear out the powder and beeing able to retrieve the rest of his vision.

00:59:35 Aug 19th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

(I do realize that but seeing that you were away for a night I thought that a few steps would not hurt)

Admiring the rapidity of his opponents movement Adam re-adjusted himself to bring him into combat position again. As he saw his opponent screw his eyes in pain and throw sand in an attempt to stop him a cruel pleasure passed through Adam's mind. 'Like headless chickens............,' he thought feeling immensely pleased in a sadistic manner.

Taking advantage of the situation Adam pressed on to try certain more powerful jabs and thrusts to push back his opponent as he searched for weak spots.

08:47:55 Aug 19th 09 - Lord Wraith The Bloody:

Ranraac finally cleared his vision as Adam pressured him with more strikes. He was surprised a big man like him could move so fast, but was still disgusted by the low blow he had done before. Sweat dripped down his forehead and he could feel Adam's sword striking him. The blows hit him and he could feel them leaving welts under his armour, however they did not cut him or break his armour, much to his relief.

Blocking and parrying with his swords, Ranraac finally dodged a thrust by moving to the right. As he did so, his dirk stabbed at Adam's wrist while his sabre was brought down quickly, aiming for Adam's shoulder.

12:07:02 Aug 19th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

As Adam landed several blows on Ranraac his well trained eyes spotted Ranraac finally recovering from his initial trick and was more than surprised to see it happening so quickly.

As Adam continued parrying, Ranraac in a burst of speed launched a two pronged attack. Ranracc's dirk hit Adam's wrist which though terribly shaken was largely unscathed due to Adam's metal gauntlet. The other attack with the sabre landing on Adam was one that Adam tried to dodge but was unable to do so wholly. The sabre hit Adam' shoulder damaging his armour and leaving a nasty bruise. The force of the hit would have temporarily slowed any other fighter but not Adam. Showing nothing more than a grimace Adam taking advantage of the situation moved in and assailed his un-balanced enemy.

With one hand he struck Ranraac multiple times on the face while using his sword in a slashing motion in attempt to chop Ranraac's neck off.

14:24:24 Aug 19th 09 - Lord Wraith The Bloody:

Ranraac raised an eyebrow as his sabre and dirk bounced off the armour, leaving the armour with slight dents and scratches but otherwise none the worse for wear. However he didn't have time to wonder as he saw the sword come for a bite at his neck. As he raised his dirk, Wraith saw, or rather felt, a fist smash into his face. Dazed, wounded and getting annoyed, with what he felt was a bloody nose, Ranraac took a step back, though not before lifting his knee up sharply in hopefully painful retribution.

Adam's Katana was stopped by Wraith's dirk in the nick of time, however it cut lightly into his neck as Wraith didn't have the clarity of mind to stop it any further. This fighter was tough, but luckily since they were literally on each other, he could not give Wraith a full taste of his power with the punches or sword strikes. Lifting his knee up higher, Wraith pushed off of Adam's stomach. His reasoning was that, if the big man didn't move back and give him space with a thrust like that, at least Ranraac could roll backwards and regain his posture.

[OOC: The last line shows what would happen. If Adam moves back, then Wraith will get into a defensive position, but if hes too big, Wraith will roll backwards and get up. Either way, he ends up standing defensive ;) And since we were so close, I didnt get the full force of the blows, though I still got hurt ]

03:00:53 Aug 20th 09 - Duke Windscar The Random:

*windscar walk in and western whistle music plays in the background*

Name: Windscar
Height: 6'2"
Weight: 176lbs
Bio (a very short and cheesy one at that):
The beefy wind troll. Spends most of his time godmodding and fighting with himanil. Likes long walks on the beach and enjoys spending time with his buds at the taverne. Fav color is yellow, is hetrosexual (dont get any ideas charley lol jk). Wields a bow, Claymore, Sabre, and a knife. Is fluent of the arts of wind magic.

03:03:33 Aug 20th 09 - Duke Windscar The Random:

*pulls up a stool and waits for adam, a strangley familiar looking person, and ranraac, whom he has never seen before, to finish up*

03:16:49 Aug 20th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

{OOC-Very well then. Just wait a bit Windscar unless of course we have multiple duels ^-^}

Adam's eyes opened wide in pain as he felt t he power of the elf's knee through his armour. Nearly gasping for breath Adam nevertheless managed to continue the attack before Windscar's knee push forced him back.

Momentarily Adam breathed heavily, the scuffle had been draining but he still had a lot left in him. He allowed the coll wind to kiss his sweat as he took in the joyous crowds screams for more action, more blood.

Adam decided another approach. This time he drew the round shield clasped to his back and proceeded forward slowly with his sword pointing forward at Ranraac in a defensive stance. In a blindingly rapid movement Adam skilfuly threw his katana at his opponent such that it landed blade first on him. This gave Adam the hope that the katana's incredible cutting power would enable him to pierce his opponent's armour. At the same time Adam drew his gladius a secondary weapon that fitted easily in him along with his 2 other primary weapons. Even as the katana was flying at dazzlingly high speeds Adam used his hulking body to whip up an enormous amount of dust in the air with his foot towards Ranraac before charging in himself and beginning the attack by first slamming his shield into Ranracc's dirk wielding arm and then thrusting in his gladius.

03:19:26 Aug 20th 09 - Duke Windscar The Random:

[OOC im pretty sure i didnt knee you]

*windscar grimaces and feels himanils pain*

03:20:40 Aug 20th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

{OOC-That was meant for Ranraac, be back in 7 and a half hours}

03:23:47 Aug 20th 09 - Duke Windscar The Random:

[OOC: oi k]

17:12:53 Aug 20th 09 - Lord Wraith The Bloody:

*The minute Adam pulled out the shield, Wraith was on his guard. The sword he used was already too big to be wielded properly with one hand, even this mammoth of a man would not move very quickly with it. When he took steps forward, Wraith took steps back. He was not going to be forced to fight a battle of Adam's choosing.

Right leg back, left foot forward Ranraac gritted his teeth. His dirk was in his left arm, outretched and pointing towards his opponent, to block an attack at the shortest notice. The sabre was defending his chest, also pointed towards Adam but for another reason. Ranraac muttered a few choice words "Lideaga" as his white sabre lit up with a mysterious glow. He didn't know many spells, but the three he knew all affected his weapons and their abilities. The sabre had sudden sparks fly across it, bright yellow and electric. This spell could cut through the hardest metal like a hot knife through butter, and had saved him more than once. Muttering again, he mumbled "Icheaga" as his blue metal dirk turned a deep, dark blue. Dark as the mysterious ocean beads, this spell would hurt much less to cut and wound someone, but would slow down a person's reflexes significantly.

Wraith gasped as he saw Adam physically throw the Katana at him. Spinning to his left, he felt his heart fall as the sound of breaking metal could be heard. The Katana had crushed the links in his right arm. Even though it did not cut him, he knew his armour would be slightly weaker. If Adam hadn't been so hasty to swap weapons, he could possibly have hit Wraith straight in the chest. Ranraac didn't have time to praise the Gods though, as he saw Adam was in a new frenzy, apparently with the mood to bash him on the side of the head with the shield. Knowing full well he could not block such a huge mountain of a man, Ranraac gave a sudden roar as he rolled forward and to his right to avoid the shield, while slashing at the Goliath's ankles with the sabre and turning quickly to stab with the dark, at the sideof the body between the hip and arm.*

[OOC: About the spells, there are only 3 and I mentioned them in his Bio under the guise of "many different skills" just to keep things unknown. He only has one other spell, so don't worry :)
Also, you can't expect the same trick twice to work :P ]

18:25:15 Aug 20th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

{OOC- Very well then. I'll live with it ^_^. Got only 1 of my own for this battle. By the way how long do your spells last?}

Adam despite being surprised initially as to how the sharp edged katana didn't pierce his opponent's armour continued on the offensive. As Adam drew near he stopped dead in his tracks as he saw Ranracc's countenance cloud and recognized by his fervent mutterings and sudden blazing of his now terrible looking sword the use of deadly magic.
Sensing peril as Adam now eyed his opponents blue dirk and yellow sword Adam loosened his grip on his weapons and drew back his right foot.

As Adam proceeded forward slowly Ranraac suddenly rolled to the left prompting Adam to lower his shield to incredible levels. As Adam bent himself Ranracc's sabre made contact with his shield. Without warning Adam's shield was nearly wrenched from his hand as his opponent's sabre cut right through it and managed to scrape Adam's greaves which instantly got burnt saving Adam's legs from injury by a hair's breadth. As Adam recovered Ranracc getting up on his knees slashed at Adam with his dirk forcing Adam to block with what remained of his shield. The remaining part of the shield was torn asunder even as his enemy's dirk cut into his armour giving Adam some pain and having a strange effect of slowing down his body movements.

Enraged, Adam whirled around gaining momentum before letting go of his now incredibly sharp edged shield at Ranracc's chest from close range. The loss of his shield allowed Adam to compensate somewhat for his lost agility but still his movement was greatly hampered. Nearly limping from the blow to his foot Adam went back to where he had dropped his katana and waited at a proper distance from Ranraac trying to figure out his next move even as he waited for Ranracc's spell to wear off and start feeling better himself.

23:54:56 Aug 20th 09 - Duke Windscar The Random:

*orders some rosted flamingo from a SEE vendor at the edge of the arena and sits back down*

23:59:49 Aug 20th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

*a shady guy runs up, hands Windscar a roasted flamingo, and runs off*

00:06:15 Aug 21st 09 - Duke Windscar The Random:

*munch munch munch*

00:30:52 Aug 21st 09 - Lord Wraith The Bloody:

{OOC: Since they seem pretty powerful... maybe 3 posts? Unless you think 2 is fairer :) Up to you :)}

*Ranraac was pleased to see his tactics had worked, but was suddenly hit by a flying shield, the very one he had cut into pieces. Roaring in pain, he reeled over as the shield pierced into him and crushed the chainlinks. Now all Wraith had for protection was his cloak, and the chains on his left arm.

However, Wraith did not have time to waste. Pulling himself together, he charged for the Mountain Man. Roaring words of old Elven origin, He fainted left and whirled quickly to the right, Unleashing a tornado of slashes with his dirk and sabre, one after the other. He was no master of magic, no sage of the woods or even hermit on the hill so he knew his spells, although powerful, would not last. Besides that, he knew that he was getting tired and would be forced to stop if he had to cast more than one spell before resting*

02:10:26 Aug 21st 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

{3 should be fine provided that these weapons ones are not used again}

A smile spread on Adam's face as he heard the satisfying clink of his shield striking it's target.
Before he could further celebrate his victory he saw Ranraac charging towards him. Excellent, he thought. Ranraac had avoided it all the time and now was finally doing it.

As Ranracc stabbed with the dirk Adam leaned to his left only to see the flaming yellow sword headed towards him which prompted him to duck while swerving to the right even as he raised his gladius to block a blow from the dirk. Blocking and dodging Adam made his way to the arena wall by which time Ranracc's sword had made contact thrice. Once slightly on his shoulder where the armour got damaged greatly and the second time it fell near there again ensuring that another blow would result in the armour getting wrenched off and him getting hurt.

When near the wall Adam ran two steps up on it and used his massive legs to push himself hard with both one sword of his striking his opponent and the gladius near himself to protect him from further attacks.

02:58:51 Aug 21st 09 - Duke Windscar The Random:

*munuch munch munch*

"this is getting good"

17:38:51 Aug 21st 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

(If it'd gonna be inactivity in excess of 15 hours in a duel without prior warning then I'm not sure if we can continue)

17:48:21 Aug 21st 09 - Lord Wraith The Bloody:

Dude chillllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll I got Rugby, friends to meet, etc ;)

*Ranraac was pleased with the results of the hits. The mountain of a man's armour was starting to crack. Seeing him run up a wall, Wraith tried to roll out the way, but he wasn't quick enough. A deep cut appeared down his left arm. Swearing loudly, he turned quickly, ignoring the pain. The adrenaline was pumping around his body so fast pain was nothing to him. With the momentum of his spin, Wraith kicked out at the back Adam's knee. Rapidly slashing, he let out a stab with the dirk into the side of his body while he slashed horizontally with the sabre*

18:30:21 Aug 21st 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

[[Having a life suchs eh? :p  Don't be so impatient]]

19:15:34 Aug 21st 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

Adam was satisfied with the result of his arm slash but before he could savour his small triumph he felt a jerking pain in his knee as he suddenly traveled at a faster velocity than before which Adam thankfully enabled Adam to dodge his opponents sabre with a bit of twisting of his body. The enemy's dirk however clashed with his sword which Adam had kept inside for that very purpose and was knocked out of his hand as it got twisted and broke from the middle.

Landing on his chest Adam grunted as his armour and sword by his side hurt him. The battle Adam now sensed was approaching the end. Using certain breathing techniques Adam calmed himself even as he looked to his side and saw his previously excellent armour badly damaged.

Adam further regulated his breathing and blood rate even as his hand went to his side to draw the weapon that he used only in the end when all other weapons had failed him. With a flourish Adam whipped out his legendary ruby encrusted sword Dragfury. It shone brilliantly in the dazzling sunlight which came from behind Adam. By now Adam clearly saw that his opponent's magic had worn off and his exhausted opponent was tethering and like him had much less stamina at his disposal now. Marching up to Ranraac while ensuring that his own shadow fell on Ranraac Adam hurled his katana pointed end aimed at Ranraac before he swiftly leapt in the air to stab at Ranraac thus ensuring that his sudden movement caused the sunlight to momentarily blind his Ranraac. Adam followed up the attack with huge slashes that seemed to singe the air itself and produced a whistling sound.

19:22:15 Aug 21st 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

"Holy cow! Himanil has like 7 weapons hidden somewhere!"

04:03:20 Aug 22nd 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

"What!" "Tell me where 'cause they'll save me. As far as I can count I have only 3 weapons."

17:45:34 Aug 22nd 09 - Lord Wraith The Bloody:

I'd actually love to know how he carried those 3 weapons + shield, but anyway..........

*Ranraac was on the ground panting as his strikes hit their targets and hurt Adam. He saw Adam panting aswell and took consolation in that. As Adam got up, Wraith didn't give him chance to come close. His next technique needed some preparation and he backed off.

As Adam threw the Katana, Wraith harmlessly knocked it aside. Pfft, didn't this guy know that the same trick never works twice? Shrugging it off. Wraith concentrated and muttered quietly to himself. Finding an open wound, he wiped his swords on them, getting his own blood on the blades.

Ranraac closed his eyes, focusing. he had some distance, but didn't want it to be wasted. The cool breeze, the pain from his wounds, the quiet of the crowd as they awaited the next move, to see these two fierce competitors end the glorious battle. Everyone could sense it was close to the end, and Wraith focused his Elven blood. More mutterings as swift rituals were performed. They only took a second, but to the caster it seemed like eternity.

Adam had made progress and was almost on him when Wraith muttered the last word of his incantation. It hadn't been inane dribble coming out his mouth, and he smiled as he pronounced the last word slowly and clearly.

"Fireaga" was the only thing could be heard in the deathly silence that had fallen around the arena. Armour and weapons bursting into eery flames, Wraith only had a limited time before he'd have to extinguish the blue white flames because they were burning him.

Opening his eyes swiftly, Wraith gritted his teeth menacingly. Running at Adam, he was bent low with both weapons behind him. When in range of his magnificent foe, Ranraac smiled as he noticed the flashy weapon. "Rubies? I had a lover once called Ruby... All show, no oomph..." Pirouetting to the right, Wraith slashed fiercely with the sabre while blocking with his dirk. Not wasting momentum, he continued with his spin. Ducking low, he kicked out at Adam's ankle, the same one he had hit before, and aimed a kick higher, at the chest while stabbing with the dirk.*

[OOC: In 3 posts, Wraith will not have the energy to continue. Also, you can't expect me to sit and watch while you MARCH at me, can you? :)]

09:42:20 Aug 23rd 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

{Small shield was on the back, one sword on either side and a gladius as you know can fit easily]
{Would you care to elaborate a bit upon the effects of your spell? I'll be using my sole one as well now]

Adam saw invisible to the normal eye waves emanate in ripples from where Ranraac stood as he heard the word Fireaga being said. All of a sudden a peculiar blue white flamed surrounded Wraith as Adam sensed a massive increase in Wraith's power levels.

Adam looked around him his eyes half closed and his face screwed up in concentration as he started to mutter at strangely high speeds verses in an unknown language. He'd had just about enough of his opponent conjuring spell after spell and seemingly knowing when to use them after he'd already attacked. As Adam's incantations increased in their ferocity and speed he triumphantly ended them by raising his sword in the air, and lo a bolt of lightning out of the clear skies struck his sword channeling the dark blue-gold energy into his body making him glow with a resplendently stunning bright light that gave rise to a magically uplifting aura around him.

Snapping his neck towards Ranraac Adam's wrath filled eyes took in every aspect of Ranraac's swift movements. As Ranraac slashed with his sabre Adam fell to the ground while using his sword to deflect the sabre with the lightest of touches from his sword even as he used his foot to knock Ranraac off his feet who was pirouetting on only one foot. Ranraac who himself was ducking struck Adam on his ankle. Instantly Adam nearly got blinded by splinters of pain which shot up his foot as some veins ruptured from the blow. Persevering, Adam took hold of Ranraac's new kick and flung him in the air. While doing this an amused Adam saw Ranraac's bleeding arm trying to stab him which in his opinion was totally senseless and impossible as one couldn't simultaneously kick and stab from a near crouching position. Even before Ranraac's body hit the ground Adam raced over prepared to deliver a staggering blow with his now charged up sword.

02:31:52 Aug 24th 09 - Duke Windcsar The Random:

*munch munch munch*

03:28:26 Aug 24th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: That was major God-Modding, just countered every single thing he did, and sent him to the ground about to perform a death-blow.]]

03:42:47 Aug 24th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

{{OOC- Consider that he went back in time and avoided all my blows. How ought we term that? I threw the katana, made use of my body so that the sun fall in his eyes and did some slashing but that seemed to be nowhere on the Godmod list? Instead he's able to avoid all that and use his 3rd magic spell}}

04:40:49 Aug 24th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

[[In the words of a close friend that I met on my backpacking trip... "Nut up."  If you don't understand the meaning...well, then I still can't tell you because it would ruin my fun.  Figure it out.  One of you can admit defeat, both of you could suddenly die of "CharleyDoesntWantToReadWhiningItis" or you could both suddenly decide to be friends and be like "Well that was a fun battle! Let's have a beer!" but w/e you do...don't make meh won't like me when I am angry >:o]]

04:48:13 Aug 24th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: Wow, that all made no sense Deallus. Anyway, you need to give him a chance, and not counter every single blow instantly and send him onto the floor.]]

*Septim blocks Himanil's attack, knees him in the nuts, cuts his arm off, and pushes him to the ground.*

[[OOC: That was about the equal, 'cept yours didn't involve the arm being cut off.



06:31:52 Aug 24th 09 - Demonslayer Charley Deallus IV:

[[OOC: Thanks for the kind words Septimus...I knew you would understand]]

11:02:48 Aug 24th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

{Hm, that actually is quite helpful both of you]
[Let's see what I did. Blocked one attack, dodged another one seeing that I used a spell for the first time and thew him in the air. That's it, right?]

12:42:47 Aug 27th 09 - Duke Windcsar The Random:

*finishes his flamingo, and walks up to the victor*

*pokes adam, takes a few steps back, and draws his bow*

"im ready when you are"

12:43:41 Aug 27th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

"Let's just spar normally a bit before going proper."

*Charges Windscar*

12:48:05 Aug 27th 09 - Duke Windcsar The Random:

*puts away his bow, and braces himself for the oncoming brute of a man*

*adam rams into windscar, knocking him to the ground and knocking the wind out of him as well. windscar stands up, gasping for breath.*

*windscar now knows to try to avoid knockdown hits from adam.*

*sends a sweep kick at adams legs*

{OOC: ok thats it for now sorry but school calls}

14:51:58 Aug 27th 09 - Mr. Himanil VII:

*Feels the dust enter his nostrils as Windscar's sweep makes him fall hard to the ground making him bang his head in the process. Gets up rubbing his head with eyes watering slightly before hurling 2 knives at Windscar and charging him with a spear*

00:49:02 Aug 28th 09 - Duke Windcsar The Random:

*windscar yelps in pain as he has managed to dodge the first knife, but the second lodged itself in windscars thigh.*

*windscar pulls the knife out and wind materializes in the hole. windscar takes a step and limps, then notices the the giant charging towards him.*

*windscar barely sidesteps the charge, and manages to lodge the knife in adams left buttock.*

{OOC: leg will be fully healed after 2 posts from you}

01:24:08 Aug 28th 09 - Prince Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

[[OOC: You heal fast...>>]]

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