Forums / Roleplaying / Spamalot Castle

Spamalot Castle
07:14:25 Oct 21st 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

Upon a hill in the middle of the Spam Fields lies Spamalot Castle, a haven for the Spammers of Visual Utopia, home of the council of SPAM. Spammers far and wide may visit this place and sleep, knowing that no harm shall befall them, the haven of all Spammers.

God of SPAM - Septim
King of SPAM - Seloc
Prince of SPAM - Soccer
Duke of SPAM - Erunion Telcontar
Lords of SPAM - Verll and Spud
Knights of SPAM - Atreides and Acelnorst

Council of SPAM - Septim, Senturu, Spoon, and Effrandor

[[ZeTa, this post does not encourage spam, we are merely a group of spammers getting together and having fun!]]

12:26:30 Oct 21st 07 - Mr. Vengence:

*appraches the castlr*

"o great and mighty spammers, may i join you in this castle of spam?"

*leaves a gift of beer by the castle entrance*

14:37:36 Oct 21st 07 - Lord Jonny Bacardi The Ruined Son:

*walks into the castle*

"hey yall, hows it going?"

sits down, and takes a big gulp of Vengences beer. Throws it away.

"Not very good beer bro. What'd you do, brew this yourself. Its pathetic!"

14:43:18 Oct 21st 07 - Lord Seloc:

*Sit upon his throne, ordering ridduless things from his servents.*


15:56:33 Oct 21st 07 - Mr. Dakarius:

*appears behind Seloc and slits his throat. Dissapears in the next instance*
*Seloc dies*

God of SPAM - Septim
King of SPAM - Soccer
Prince of SPAM -Erunion Telcontar
Duke of SPAM - Verll
Lords of SPAM - Spud and Atreides
Knights of SPAM -  Spoon and Acelnorst

Council of SPAM - Septim, Senturu, Spoon, and Effrandor

17:51:05 Oct 21st 07 - Mr. Vengence:

*walks into the castle.*


18:12:32 Oct 21st 07 - Lord Seloc:

*Seloc's alter ego appears and slays dakarius and Vengence and takes his place upon the throne.*


God of SPAM - Septim
King of SPAM - Seloc
Prince of SPAM -Erunion Telcontar
Duke of SPAM - Verll
Lords of SPAM - Spud and Atreides
Knights of SPAM -  Spoon and Acelnorst

Council of SPAM - Septim, Senturu, Spoon, and Effrandor

18:55:20 Oct 21st 07 - Sir Verll:

*walks in to the throne room.*

"Hey, you guys, when did I become duke?"

21:55:53 Oct 21st 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

*Septim appears

"These guys have made Ch@nges to the list!!!!"

God of SPAM - Septim
King of SPAM - Seloc
Prince of SPAM - Soccer
Duke of SPAM - Erunion Telcontar
Lords of SPAM - Verll and Spud
Knights of SPAM - Atreides and Acelnorst

Council of SPAM - Spoon, Senturu, Effrandor, and Septim



03:24:43 Oct 22nd 07 - Lord Jonny Bacardi The Ruined Son:

I don't get to join, thats rather boring, aint it?

*yawns, and looks around*

:like I said, boring."

03:53:37 Oct 22nd 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

"Any Spammer starts as a Spamalot Civillian, you may apply for the title of Knight of SPAM by asking a member of the council of SPAM!"

04:31:02 Oct 22nd 07 - Sir Patton:

*A wizard appears in front of the castle*

I am the great and powerful wizard, Fizban the Fabulous! I hereby declare that spamming is a waste of time and people's energies and that the practice must be abolished!

*Fizban casts a castle-sized fireball which, incidently, turns the castle into cooked spam*

Stop the spamming now or I will utterly smite the castle later!

04:31:52 Oct 22nd 07 - Mr. Arthion:

*Arthion walks in looking very tired and wore out.*

"I took a wrong turn from Septims exotic eats...and have been lost for about an era what'd I miss?"

04:48:33 Oct 22nd 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

"Not much Arthion, Spoon elected me God of SPAM and a member of the council of SPAM"

08:34:51 Oct 22nd 07 - Lord Seloc:

"Which he just created I believe........"

12:36:04 Oct 22nd 07 - Lord Jonny Bacardi The Ruined Son:

I do believe this is correct sir.

So, can I become a knight of SPAM, or what?

13:01:02 Oct 22nd 07 - Mr. Acelnorst:

"First you shall overcome the SPAM trials! as a first task, go get rid of that annoying mage out there :P"



With your SPAM myfriends, or on it!

13:01:16 Oct 22nd 07 - Mr. Arthion:

"God of spam...hmmm....interesting.....well congratulations"

*Walks over to shake septims hand*

13:21:53 Oct 22nd 07 - Sir Verll:

"Ah....Damn! I really liked being Duke!"

16:55:25 Oct 22nd 07 - Lord Seloc:

Well if you contiune i'm sure you'll be there in no time!

23:49:47 Oct 22nd 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

*Septim shakes Arthion's hand and turns to Verll and Seloc.

"ZeTa said Verll couldn't *beep* anymore or he'd get another ban..."

23:58:36 Oct 22nd 07 - Sir Verll:

*falls down laughing*

"They have censored *beep*"

*can't stop laughing*

00:30:57 Oct 23rd 07 - Lord Jonny Bacardi The Ruined Son:

*walks over to the mage, and gives him a high five. Fizban walks away, feeling loved*

"alright, next task"

03:58:42 Oct 23rd 07 - Sir Patton:

*Fizban looks at Jonny sadly*

So, you have fallen to the ways of the *beep*mers now have you? Very well then, judgement is nigh!

*With that Fizban briefly switches avatars from an old mage to a very large platinum dragon, after which he prompty devours Jonny (being very thorough in his chewing) and then transforms back to the mage*

Continue sending your young *beep*mer wannabes to me! They cannot stand before the power of all that is good and holy!

04:44:23 Oct 23rd 07 - Mr. Arthion:


*says Arthion enthusiastically*

"nothing like seeing someone eaten by a dragon"

04:48:25 Oct 23rd 07 - Mr. Might:

*Ahoy there I wish to become a knight of *beep*alot*

08:38:34 Oct 23rd 07 - Lord Seloc:

"We're the knight of the *beep* table!
We dance when ever able,
We do some things....
And dance and sing!
Cause we're the knight of the *beep* table!"

12:09:53 Oct 23rd 07 - Lord Jonny Bacardi The Ruined Son:

*Jonny seems a bit worried at bein eaten and sitting inside a dragons stomach, but, ha, who cares. He uses the left hand still attacked to his head and shoulder to tickle to insides, and sneeze himself up, half eaten and all.*

"Whats up guys?"

13:59:10 Oct 23rd 07 - Mr. Acelnorst:

"You loook terrible... herwe, have a ShortPointlesAnoyingMessages needle and sew urself up!"

14:09:18 Oct 23rd 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

"FOR SP@M@LOT!!!!"

*Septim raises his arms and Patton is suddenly trapped in a bubble of SP@M, the bubble goes out the window and into Swifty's loveshack...Patton is never seen in *beep*alot again...

14:12:44 Oct 23rd 07 - Sir Patton:

*Fizban taps Septim's shoulder.*

Hi there! I'm afraid that it won't work out that way. Swiffers doesn't like old men.

*Fizban casts a close-range fireball.*

14:25:20 Oct 23rd 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

*Septim creates a SP@M shield and blocks the fireball, Septim then catches the roasted SP@M and throws it at Patton's face, burning through to the skin. Septim knows that Patton will easily be able to heal his face so Septim kicks Patton in the chest and puts his hand up to Patton's face.

"Eat this...."

*Septim releases a ton of SP@M from his hand, the amount of SP@M in his system causes Patton to explode.

"He'll be back"

17:10:39 Oct 23rd 07 - Lord Seloc:

"How many things can you think of that sp@m could mean.

Spontanius pointless annonimus mail,
Short pointless annoying messages."

18:58:51 Oct 23rd 07 - Mr. Might:

*Hello? Anyone gonna anweser me?*

19:11:10 Oct 23rd 07 - Sir Verll:

*Starts concentrating a mix between his sp@mpower and his geekpower, as to be ready when Fizban returns*

00:19:58 Oct 24th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

"Alright Might, I gotta talk it over with Spoon!"

02:38:23 Oct 24th 07 - Mr. Might:

*Alright thanks*

*For defence Might uses his mighty shields of might*

06:41:56 Oct 24th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

*Septim goes into the council chamber with Spoon for a few hours and comes back.

"Well! Might and Jonny, you need to SP@M in more places in order to become Knights, keep Sp@mming!"

06:54:24 Oct 24th 07 - Mr. Spoon:

Notice to all the non-*beep*mers that think *beep*ming is a waste of time:

This organisation is also founded to give the quantity, but not quality *beep*mers lessons in quality. We will try to keep control of those who *beep*.

So this is positive!

06:56:00 Oct 24th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

psst...Spoon...they beep out SP@M now! I will edit!

Notice to all the non-sp@mmers that think sp@mming is a waste of time:

This organisation is also founded to give the quantity, but not quality sp@mmers lessons in quality. We will try to keep control of those who sp@m.

So this is positive!

08:49:47 Oct 24th 07 - Lord Seloc:

I think everyone could read it anyway......

19:09:58 Oct 24th 07 - Sir Verll:

You know....It could be *beep*mers!!

19:24:38 Oct 24th 07 - Mr. Vengence:

*beep*??? Y THEY BEEP OUT *beep*?? SP@M

19:44:25 Oct 24th 07 - Mr. Killer:

So you can report them for saying SP@M. *Killer takes out a ping pong ball and throws it at the castle, with which it crumbles to the ground. He teleports to somewhere where no sp@mmers can find him, or *beep*mers.

23:36:23 Oct 24th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

*Septim looks at his crumbling sand castle replica of Sp@malot.

"OH MY GOD!!! That beach bully crushed my sand castle!"

00:15:18 Oct 25th 07 - Mr. Arthion:

*Arthion comes and bows before septim*

" I have come with the request to be a knight of Sp@m"

01:11:27 Oct 25th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

"You may rise, and I will have to talk with Spoon about that, in the mean time...go SP@M"

02:47:23 Oct 25th 07 - Mr. Arthion:

"Thank you Septim....I will do as you say as I wait for your response"

*Rises and begins to SP@M*

14:11:42 Oct 25th 07 - Mr. Vengence:

*Vengence walks proudly towards the council of sp@m.

"i am a *beep*mer coming from far away to greet you, and request i become a knight of sp@m"


22:42:30 Oct 25th 07 - Mr. Might:

Lucias is the best *beep*mer out there.

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