Forums / Roleplaying / The Endless Battle

The Endless Battle
17:26:23 Nov 27th 07 - Lord Seloc:

I want to try out an ordered Rp, i.e people post in a designated order.
Obviously you can't implement one strait away, because you need people to join, so the posting order is free for all, until I say so. (Please say whether your gonna join or not, when you post.)

So the story, Basics:

You are in an endless battle against the undead, think zombies.
There is an endless wall, which the undead endlessly assult, you position yourself on this wall, with who ever you like (i.e. I bunch of screaming lasses, or half a regiment of slingers, or a horde of berzerk vikings.)
Unless you want to be, your not together.
You can be evil or good, but evil people are still fighting against the undead, they just kill lots of their own soldiers.
There are lots of "Npc"s in your position to, but your not in charge of any, unless they're on your wall. (I.e No telling them to attack then cut left or something.)
Your parts of the wall are customised to your liking.


No guns or anything modern, this is a fantasy based Rp.
Don't travel the wall, you may teleport places, but don't go conversing with other people.
No disobeying of the order, if you want to apply for a role in the game pm me.
I may think of other rules as I go, you must obey them too.
Magic is allowed, as long as you realise that for every one you kill, they come back to life, and a friend appears.
No short posts once the order has been made, at least 100+ words.

and ABSOLUTELY NO WINNING! or loseing, it's called endless for a reason. (You may put side stories in it.)

You first posts don't have to be roleplaying, it's only complusary once I make the order.

17:35:23 Nov 27th 07 - Lord Seloc:

The rules don't come into effect until I've set an order.

17:36:11 Nov 27th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

*Septim runs in with an army of his clones.

"I am Prince Septim of Cidel and I would like to help defend against the armies of the undead!!!"

17:38:02 Nov 27th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

I am Pirate Lewatha of Umbar, and I shall help protect these lands with my thrusty bow and my endless amount of arrows ^^

If you accept my help, I shall send signal to my fleet. Which consists of about 5000 other pirates.

17:39:51 Nov 27th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

*Septim turns to greet Lewatha.

"Nice to meet you...although I could have sworn that I have met you somewhere before..."

17:42:13 Nov 27th 07 - Mr. Revenge Sweet:

sign up for the endless battle
*grabs a arrow and shoots an undead attempting to reach up and strangle him*
anyway? am i in?

17:42:43 Nov 27th 07 - Lord Seloc:

All right so far:

  1. Septim
  2. Lewatha
  3. Revenge sweet (He pmed me.)

This game is unlikly to start until tomorrow-ish because I want a decent amount of people to sign up.

17:43:40 Nov 27th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion joins the group.
"Seloc! I shall aid this defense, for a time. I am, Even if I say so myself, quite brilliant at wall building...

17:46:32 Nov 27th 07 - Lord Ragnarr The Wolf:

[ As far as I don't have to be very active, as I rarely am  active in my own RP game, I would like to take part in this. ]

I am Lord Ragnarr Stormguard the Wolf, lord and protector of the Northern Realm and my sword is yours, as well as those of my warriors.

17:48:16 Nov 27th 07 - Sir Patton:

"I, Fizban the Fabulous, will defend this wall with 500 Solamnic Knights and a couple metallic dragons. They just happen to be following me and keep yelling, "Paladine", I've got no idea why. Nevertheless, my magic shall stop them! Or keep 'em at bay.... err... can I try to lose and still keep playing? No? Ah well. Death to the Zombies!....err... undeath, no that's not right either..."

Fizban wanders off muttering to himself.

17:48:39 Nov 27th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

I am Revenge of the Earthian Tribe pro-tectors of the Underground


17:52:15 Nov 27th 07 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer wanders in, looking at the huge wall and the zombies beginning to get ready. He thinks for a while about what he has to do if he joins... i.e. write 100 words a post... He flings aside his coat, to reveal a vast array of weapons(small ones...). A small band of men and women are with him, 50(including himself). They have various weapons between them, and 10 are trained professional mages(including himself). After thinking hard he decides to join. "My small band of people and I, Killer, great wise leader of numerous lands, wish to help fight against this endless number of zombies." After saying this he gets his people to start changing his part of the wall, which is 1km long, which may be tough enough for 50 people to defend against endless numbers... He makes his part of the wall 2 metres wide, and 20 metres high. He starts putting various weapons along the face of the wall(spears and the like...). {Is this ok? or is the wall a certain height and width?}

17:58:09 Nov 27th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

All right so far:

  1. Septim
  2. Lewatha
  3. Revenge sweet
  4. Erunion
  5. Ragnarr
  6. Patton
  7. Revenge
  8. Killer

Nice , how many you looking for ? I really like it a bit like ministirith from LOTR

18:06:32 Nov 27th 07 - Mr. Might:

I am Might the Ranger if you accept me my other 800 rangers will join also.

[My Rangers PWN]

21:02:02 Nov 27th 07 - Lord Seloc:

A long as they're not power rangers.

Revenge I'm looking for as many as I can get as long as they follow the rules, Ragnar I'll let you in since it's ordered I expect it will be like one post a day, maybe less.

The current order of posts looks like this, the order is in those I think the best rp-ers with a few exceptions like if I don't like you:

  1. Lewatha, (Do I need an explaination.)
  2. Septim, (*cough*)
  3. Patton, (Active and good.)
  4. Ragnarr, (Good rp-er.)
  5. Erunion, (He's an elf, but your as far down as I can put you.)
  6. Killer, (Your in Ritz.)
  7. Revenge sweet, (Your a multi.)
  8. Revenge. (I don't like you much.....)

21:02:46 Nov 27th 07 - Lord Seloc:

That what it looks like, not what it is, if you have any problems with the list just say.

If not I will incorperate this tomorrow.

21:09:39 Nov 27th 07 - Lord Seloc:

I mean....

  1. Lewatha, (Do I need an explaination.)
  2. Septim, (*cough*)
  3. Patton, (Active and good.)
  4. Ragnarr, (Good rp-er.)
  5. Verll, (Was to lazy to join...)
  6. Might, (Still better than an elf.)
  7. Erunion, (He's an elf, but your as far down as I can put you.)
  8. Killer, (Your in Ritz.)
  9. Revenge sweet, (Your a multi.)
  10. Revenge. (I don't like you much.....)

21:34:27 Nov 27th 07 - Mr. Might:

What do you mean still better than a elf?

22:06:13 Nov 27th 07 - Lord Jonny Bacardi The Ruined Son:

"Seloc, my old friend, I too, shall aid you in this very dramatic cause that shall never ever be voctorious, but will be fun all the same"

23:29:05 Nov 27th 07 - Mr. Killer:

I'm in Ritz... What kind of a stupid thing is that to go on? I'm only going to have been it for one era, as I'm definitely leaving next era, and I've never been in it before.

08:43:08 Nov 28th 07 - Lord Seloc:

  1. Lewatha,
  2. Septim,
  3. Patton,
  4. Ragnarr,
  5. Killer, 
  6. Verll,
  7. Might,
  8. Revenge sweet,
  9. Revenge,
  10. Erunion,
  11. Jonny.

Note: I left the comments out as people didn't like them : (, It is no-longer in any order, and Jonny and Erunion are at the bottom, to make sure it runs smoothly. Killer you have seen the light, just don't go joining music either 0.o they keep on killing me : (

12:24:56 Nov 28th 07 - Lord Jonny Bacardi The Ruined Son:

alright, I'm at the bottom!
lets get this thing started.

15:02:41 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Revenge:

You dont like me.....  :(

16:03:01 Nov 28th 07 - Mr. Revenge Sweet:

*pats revenge on the back*

'he likes you really, its ok'

*shoots an undead that is going for his neck*


16:40:29 Nov 28th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

I am on top ^^

16:43:00 Nov 28th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

And I just realised how double that sounds..


Wewt for me!

16:57:26 Nov 28th 07 - Lord Seloc:

Wewt, ok people GAME START, the order and rules are now in play.

Any furhter questions pm me, any further *beep* please pm Revenge.

You can make little comments, ASWELL as your post in "[""]" at the start or bottom. Those thats fail to follow the rules, will be punished somehow.

I'll stay out the game until it's gets running smoothly, then I'll join.

Lew your first make us proud, be sure to give a discription of you part of the wall. I.e whether it's just a wall, or if it has a keep on, and whos there.

Order is as follows:

  1. Lewatha,
  2. Septim,
  3. Patton,
  4. Ragnarr,
  5. Killer, 
  6. Verll,
  7. Might,
  8. Revenge sweet,
  9. Revenge,
  10. Erunion,
  11. Jonny.

It restarts again once Jonny has posted.

18:32:12 Nov 28th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

As quiet falls on the wall, Lewatha's men take place, they are pirates to the bone, all smelling like rum. overviewing the battlefield, it still seems quiet, birds whistle, wild dogs bark.

Lewatha directs her troops into position, the archers in the behind, swordmen in the very front. By her estimations, there must have been about 800 pirates on that wall. She quickly overviews her troops, and counts about 300 swordmen, 400 archers, and 100 rum dealers. (pirate medics)

She has hardly finished counting, and in the furthest of the field, a horn calls, the horde of the undead is coming. She yells loudly :

"Fellow pirates, the day has come, where we fight amongst the good. Against the forces of the undead. May this day not be our last!"

A triumphing "yarr!" goes through the group of pirates. A few seem scared, but most of them are feeling like a mass fight like this.

The undead have already enclosed on the pirate part of the wall.They must be about 100 metres away when Lewatha shouted:


A first wave of flaming arrows is fired into the group of undead. About a 100 of them i*beep* by an arrow and lewatha sees a few them falling down. Than, the first ladders, carried by undead gravesmen start arriving. The swordmen on the wall manage to take most of them down, but 4 arrive at the wall, and are attached to it.

Slowly, zombies start climbing up them, and the swordmen start attacking the zombies climbing to the top.

And so, the siege of the first part of the wall, owned by the pirates of lady Lewatha,


has begun.


(whoa that took a while to write ^^)


16:59:08 Nov 29th 07 - Lord Seloc:

[Septim is away, skipping him, Patton you go.]

21:53:27 Nov 29th 07 - Sir Patton:

Fizban's stands over his section of the wall. The wall is shaped like a 'V' and it leads towards a tall, white tower. The tower has a very large and intricate gate section with multiple portuculises within the tower proper. The walls seem to act like a 'funnel' that leads towards the gates.

Further up the tower are several large platforms that the dragons can rest on and at the highest point of the tower resides quarters for Fizban to survey the battlefield and cast spells.

Fizban has a 'sane' moment and looks over the field at the hordes of the undead. "Bring up the clerics of Paladine and Mishakal and have them ready to heal the knights and to turn back the dead that the knights cannot hack down. Have the knights man the gates and ready the traps within." Fizban then turns away from the battlefield and says one more thing, "Order the dragons to begin..."

Upon receiving the word from Fizban, the dragons fly up into the sky. Going a little ways away from the tower, the dragons swoop down and unleash their firey breath on them. Many undead are toasted into ash and the more 'intelligent' of the dead shamble quickly away from the fire, straight towards Fizban's tower.

The ashes of the undead that were burnt float back towards the rear lines of the enemy. They are quickly put back together, more or less and they begin their attack again. Fizban remarks at the scene, "Well.. this will be a long fight."

22:16:41 Nov 29th 07 - Lord Ragnarr The Wolf:

This was unusual.

He had battled the free tribes, the "free" men from the far north, further than Stormpeak, but never tides of undead. They were bent on merciless destruction and would not stop.

Ragnarr had taken postion on the western side of the wall, closer to the central tower. He had placed the wolven banner on the battlements and looked silently towards the waves of undead scum.

He had arrived with all he could spare from defending his realm - half of the Northern Riders and all of the Silverwind warriors, about four hundred veteran northmen, ready to die defending the walls.

"Loose arrows!" cried out Shieldheart.

A volley of pointed bolts tore the air down and landed somewhere in the mass of monstrosity below.

Soon they would place ladders on this section. Then the real fighting would commence.

17:54:39 Nov 30th 07 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer looks about his wall. He sees a decent amount of logs attached to the wall, requiring a mere flick of a knife to them lose. He sees many spears sticking out of the wall, relying on the zombies own stupidity to kill themselves, underneath the logs, but firmly enough in the walls so the logs will roll off them. He looses an arrow somewhere at the dark black mass, about to siege the wall. He sees it killing a zombie. He walks about the wall, watching his troops prepare themselves. He asks a man how long the wall is, and he replies that it is 1km long, 2 metres wide, and 20 metres high. He makes sure that his troops are 20 metres apart. "Archers and magicians ready! ... FIRE! " A volley of arrows and other sorts of ranged weapons hail down on the zombies and various magic. Zombies fall... How many is unknown. He readies himself for when the zombies are a while away from the wall, as then he will begin the real battle.*

Sorry for my late post... I'm not on in the middle of the night... or morning... or early afternoon... on week-days...

21:22:45 Nov 30th 07 - Sir Verll:

Verll was from a distant continent where he was the sole ruler. But instead of human inhabitants it was only animals there, but their intelligence was as big as any human, and a monkey he had as a advisor was smarter than every other human he had met. He had brought every animal he had that could war or heal, or cast some sort of magic.

Verll stands at top at his part of the wall against the unlimited zombie.  His part of the wall was shaped like a U. You could walk a bit in, but when you had walked some tenfold meter inn a gate would fall down behind and you would be trapped, When that happened it was easy for the smart animals up on the wall to kill them. Otherwise the wall was clean except for a simple tower made of tree where he could work his powerful animal like magic.

He looks behind to check if his animals were ready for fight .The monkeys were trained from the birth to kill. It was different types of monkeys. We had the big berserker type which could tear a man limbs apart, and then we had the cunning ones. It was also averaged sized ones who had been trained in magical monkey way.  And then we had the tigers and lions. And then we had the gigantic mammoth which was stationed in down there were the gate was so that he could trample every zombie that came close. It was elephants ready to trample any zombie that might get their way up on wall. Verll watched as the zombies came closer and closer.

“Ready?” he asked the magic monkeys and the other animal magician that was there. They grinned and nodded and then he screamed

“Ready?!?” to the other animals out there. They all as one stood up and roared mightily.

Smiling he turned around and nodded to the magicians. After some seconds a dark sky gathered over thousands of zombies , and it looked ready to rain. But instead of raining water it rained coconuts. Some of the coconuts were so big that they crushed the Zombies by hundreds. But most were only a little larger than normal coconuts and crushed any head or body part it hit.

17:39:18 Dec 1st 07 - Mr. Might:

Might was standing on a wall with his rangers in a line behind him (Equiped with Composite longbows) next to the rangers were small fires so that they could light thier arrows. In the killing fields there were also premade fires ready to be lit. The wall was a double wall with to walls right next to each other so that if the zombies took one wall they could fall back to the next wall and use the small space in between to kill them.

Suddenly a horn sounded in the distance as hordes and hordes of zombies charged out of the woods with ladders and battering rams.

"Men, be ready to fire!"

"light your arrow and FIRE!!!!"

20:21:47 Dec 1st 07 - Mr. Revenge Sweet:

Revenge sweet climbed up onto his wall, and then looked around to see what it was like. it was encouraging. there was a stone building, and one of the sides was connected to the outer wall. when he went inside, he found there was a narrow slit facing the outside, and next to it a bow and arrow. this made the perfect shooting position, for from the outside it was so small that it could not be seen. it was shaped farily straight, but it curved very slightly inwards. and there were cauldrons of boiling tar all along the wall.  then the tramping of boots made revenge turn.

'ah, my troops. is there my army of 50 or 100?'

but as they reached the walls top, he could see that there was a maximum of wenty troops there.

'what happened?'

a legion of undead had attacked them as they appraoched, and what had been 50 was now 20

the rest of the wall, apart from that single building, was almost empty. at irregular intervals there were mounds of stone, which the soldiers would be able to hide behind after they had shot at the undead. but as he was about to issue a command for them to choose a pillar each to get behind, a sound came, and a rope with a hook on the end suddenly lodged itself on the wall. revenge immeadiatly cut it down, and the sound of an undead hitting the ground came up to them.


quickly, they all moved into a formation along the wall,, waiting for the command they knew would come. a rope came up over the wall. and another. but still the order didnt come. just as they were about to ignore orders...


and, as one the men reacted, and the fight began.


21:56:55 Dec 1st 07 - Lord Seloc:

Yes, Septim why did you post?

I understand your unhappy about missing your turn, but thats not even anything I would accept as a post. Remember it has to be over a 100 words, and in your first post explain the lay out of your wall.

07:13:01 Dec 2nd 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

[[OOC: Jeeze...gimme a break...when the time comes, this is my post...]]

Septim, wearing mithril platemail and using the shield Trueguard, walks up to his wall, his soldiers salute him and Septim salutes back.
"Are you ready to gain glory for the Cidellian Empire?! Then let these hordes of undead feel the sting of our blades and the piercing pain of our arrows!", roars Septim.
Septim walks up to the top of the wall and turns.
"Archers, stay on top of the wall and pick them off, let none even reach the wall, when your arrows run out...draw your shortswords and give them hell. Swordsmen, when the undead get up to the top of the wall, I want you to get them back down! And Spellweavers, save your magic for when the archers run out of arrows!"
Septim draws an Elven bow from his cloak and draws an arrow from a quiver hidden in his cloak, he aims and fires at a zombie down on the plains outside the wall, it hits the undead zombie in the throat. Septim then examines his stone wall, it is thirty feet tall and fifteen feet thick.
"This battle will never end..."

19:41:59 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Revenge:

Revenge alined his troops along the stretch of wall he had been given, they Stood strong

Revenge took out his sword, and held it to the sky, a large rain cloud burst upon the ground, the water flicked off his knotted hair, and held up his sword to the sky,

" This is our job, this is our wall, men this is our life"  Revenge exclaimed to the men, They roared back, and held their swords up with him

" For freedom from this unforgiving war, remember we are strong, we are Earthopians ,we are united "

* They roared back and got to there positions as the zombie army appeared in the distance*


20:00:39 Dec 3rd 07 - Mr. Revenge:

[ sorry my pc reset im writing the next bit now ]

He stood behind his men and readied himself for the upcoming war that approached.

He realised it wasnt going to be easy but he trusted in his men. He stared at the army that approached, and looked along the line at the others, his wall looked a touch older and weaker than the others, it had ivy across the front of it and as the rain powerd upon the soon to be battlefiled in front of them Revenge could only close his eyes and wait for the command from King Seloc

[ will we go down on the battlefield, mainly the leaders and fight like LOTR ? Like aragon and others, i meen with our stringest soldiers ? ]

18:06:02 Dec 4th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion was pacing. Up the wall. Down the wall. Make sure everyones in position. The men were in two lines, one at the edge, one behind.
All in all, he had 500 elite Naergothrendarins, each with at least some skill in magic, and all with a longbow and enchanted arrows. They also all had Trendarats, for if the Undead made it that far.
The wall it self was a formidable site, unforgiving, unyielding. The stone glistened wetly in the rain, the wall itself was bent slightly out, anyone trying to climb would indubitably fall off. At the ridge of the wall, it had a small lip, where ladders would go. Behind that was a 7 foot miniature wall, with an arrow slit for every elf at the front. The ones behind would lob their arrows, using EITS for aim.
Before you could even get to the wall, there was a very slight rise, not steep, or else it would provide cover. Once you topped that rise, you would fall down into a ditch, the bottom of which is filled with double edged, razor sharp blades. Undead were never known for their intelligence. The far wall of the ditch also has these blades, in case any undead lived long enough to try to climb out.
Erunion saw all these things without them truly registering. Then he looked, over. The Undead were nearing effective range. They were running. Once a sufficient number had passed effective range, Erunion gave the order. A flight of arrows took off, blowing flaming gaps in the lines, as each enchanted arrow exploded. The front undead kept running on, not noticing the carnage behind them, they topped, the rise, then the whole first three lines fell to their deaths in the ditch...

22:22:43 Dec 4th 07 - Lord Jonny Bacardi The Ruined Son:

As Jonny saw the attacks already starting on all the other walls, he finally noticed how close the undead where to his little section. As he looked at his men, he wondered if he could ever have asked for a better group. The best of the best, come from every corner of what once was the Paladin Empire. They where truly the best, their skill was legendary, their experience immense. They had at one point been the most feared army on the entire continent.  As the archerers started loading their bows, Jonny started looking around, inspecting the wall, he realized that it was perfect.
The wall stood at a towering 75 meters high. Every 20 meters, there was an extra 30 meter tall tower that had two mounted catapaults on it. These where able to shoot boulders twice the size of a man. As the men on top of the wall prepared themselves for the physically taxing fight they where about to begin, Jonny rushed down the stairs, to see how his second contingent of archerers was doing. There where lined up at the arrow slits, spaced 7 meters apart from each other, 10 meters under the top of the wall. When he was assured that these men where all ready, then he returned to his post at the top of the wall.
He, along with the rest of the men, watched as the undead hordes drew closer and closer. When they where almost 30 meters away from the wall, Jonny held up his hands, and let out the most fiersome war cry he could, which was instantly echoed by the rest of his men.Then, he dropped his hands. 30 Boulders where sent hurtling into the air, and came down in the middle of the masses, landing and rolling over undead soldiers as if they where clay.
They kept coming.
As Jonny and his men continued to watch, the front lines made it to twenty meter from his wall, and promptly disappeared. All the was left was a ten meter deep trench with steel spikes sticking out of the bottom. The second and third waves where by now lieing at the bottom of the trench, having crushed anyone of the first row who may have survived.
They kept coming. Slowly but surely, the trench had filled up. Now the ladder started to come, and one of them hit the side of the wall with a great thud. As the men waited respectfully, Jonny slowly strode over to where the ladder was. He got on top of the battlements, and looked down. It was tradition for the leader of any force defending a wall, to knock down the first ladder. As Jonny grabbed the top rung, he hesitated, watching the undead slowly making their way up the ladder. When he judged that they had made it far enough, he let out another massive battle cry, and with a great heave, thrust the latter back down the the ground. It landed with a great crash, crushing any in the way, and all those on the ladder.

08:50:48 Dec 5th 07 - Lord Seloc:

  1. Lewatha,
  2. Septim,
  3. Patton,
  4. Ragnarr,
  5. Goldsie, 
  6. Killer, 
  7. Verll,
  8. Might,
  9. Revenge sweet,
  10. Revenge,
  11. Erunion,
  12. Jonny,
  13. Seloc. 

The undead assulted their prey from that moment on, like a swarm of locust. The undead force was a shambles, but every now and then a regiment would appear packed together ready to assult their prey, prehaps mirroring their soldiering livily hood from when they were still alive.
There were bound to be some, the recently dead trying to minic their unforunate lives.

The undead had seemed to unknowingly gather their, half-dead (I will refere to them as this from now on.) near the back of their horde, like some sort of honored generals. Leaving the mindless corpses of dwarven axemen, and fallen gaia, to crash upon the mighty wall, and assult the inhabitance.

I will start giving you harder enemies further along. You can encounter half-dead if you want just remember their is allways more.

13:52:48 Dec 5th 07 - Pirate Lewatha:

As the gaia ran on the front lines of the hordes of undead, their spear, thrustily in their hands. Fear began to strike Lewatha's soldiers. Not yet have they seen the end of this horde of undead.

How many have I slaughtered already?! A pirate thought, that must be about 40 or so, and not yet am I to see the end of this oncoming horde!

Lewatha sensed the scaredness of her men, so she yelled:

"Pirates! Let us fight for our fallen brethren, let us fight for our wives and men at home! let us fight for, THIS WORLD!

A roar of fierce battle screams, went through the batalion of Pirates. Lewatha had encouraged them once again. They'd fight, untill the very end. Dying for their homes, their brethren, their leader.

Lewatha, with her power of the ice , yelled:

"omni glacio abrupto caedent"

*She shot an arrow straight into the air. obviously missing the battlefield and going very far above eyesight. into the clouds of heaven*

*All of a sudden, giant balls of ice, some as big as tenisballs, some even as big as footballs started crashing upon the battlefield in front of the walls, many undead skulls were crushed by the ice, and even more fell to the icy underground. This would certainly help Lewatha and her pirates in the battle.*

17:01:59 Dec 5th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

Septim shot an arrow and it zoomed down to hit a zombie in the throat, went through the throat, and hit the zombie behind him in the foot. Septim pulled another arrow from his quiver, loaded it, and fired again, this time hitting a zombie in the shoulder. Septim turns around to his archers.

"What're you waiting for? FIRE!!!"

They all fire arrows into the air that crash down upon the undead below, bodies fall and die and yet...more keep coming.

"When will it end?", Septim asks himself.

" is an Endless Battle...", says one of the clones.

22:13:21 Dec 5th 07 - Lord Seloc:

Gods paladins please don't just add your self, try PMing me like I've said to do, also there is a reason why I'm at the bottom.

Might what do think your doing? it's nowhere near your turn, and that wasn't even over 100 words, please keep to the rules. Stop trying to ruin the experiment of this thread.

O and also Gods paladin you will be incorporated, NEXT round ASSUMING I get a pm from you. (Simply PM Seloc.)

[Septim you forgot to discribe your wall again, for now we'll just simply assume it's a normal strait wall.]

22:43:43 Dec 5th 07 - Sir Patton:

The undead shambled on towards Fizban's tower, being chased by very large dragons. However, instead of fiery death by dragons, Fizban had something else in mind. As the undead tried to move towards the walls that flanked the tower, using ladders of wood and iron, Fizban snapped his fingers and the walls were sheathed with flame. Wooden ladders burnt, iron ladders channeled the heat to suceptible undead hands.

The central front of the undead came to the gates of the tower, which if the undead in the front had any brains they would wonder why they were open. The undead started to file on through, streaming towards the other side when the portuculis at the entrance slammed down, driving stakes through the undead caught underneath. Suddenly from secret entrances along the sides, the knights came forward. The undead were caught by surprise and were quickly hacked down into meaty undead chunks. The knights then fled back into the secret entrance as a dragon landed in front of the exit and blew his breath weapon. The portuculis let the flames through and many undead fell.

Sitting at the top of his tower, Fizban observed everything using a crystal ball (although it wasn't needed.) He then told the head knight that was waiting for orders, "Let's see what they throw at us next..."

17:16:19 Dec 6th 07 - Lord Ragnarr The Wolf:

[ I forgot to describe my part of the wall, I appologize.]

Thirteen ladders were hooked at the edges of the old, greyish stone wall, which had moss and plants between its ancient, blood splattered stones and battlements. It was nothing impressive - simply a straingt wall, with a few towers and no gate, as the main one was protected by some other warriors, southerners. Ragnarr hoped they would do their task well...
His warriors had pushed off at least a hundred ladders back at the swarm of moving dead, yet a few stayed, this time hooked, holding on the weight of the climbing enemies.
Volley after volley pounded on top of the attackers. Tens of undead fell off, pierced in numerous places, until the fight already reached them.
"Odin!" shouted Ricmorn before swinging his long-shafted battle axe, cutting an abomination in two.
Ragnarr had no time to identify the masses ahead of him, as the main task was to kill it before it killed them.
The warriors fought fiercly, with little casualties, as the ladders were quickly hacked off and the few that made it to the top were killed off or thrown back in the sea of attackers.

04:56:34 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Goldsie:

Goldsie stood atop the wall, surveying the horde that shambled towards him. Rain buffeted his face and the wind swirled his black cloak around him, revealing the silver armor underneath. With him were his mighty Lizardmen, scaled and fierce warriers who had marched from the steaming jungles of Lustria to face the undead threat, these aquatic creatures. Consisting of twenty mighty Saurus', these large and brutal beasts were slightly larger then men and were able to disembowel all but the largest opponents with ease. Then, in support were forty of the smaller yet more intelligent skinks, skilled with blowdarts and some even with magic, they provided a invaluable skirmishing force. Along with the main forces the Lizardmen had bought many exotic beasts to aid them in their struggle. The wall stood ten meters tall, and five meters wide and along the top were five giant bows each crewed by two skinks and 5 skink mages. The wall was shaped like a box with the side facing the undead left open, inside this box was a jungle, planted that morning and accelerated through the use of ancient magics. This area looked abandoned, except for the three giant Carnosaur's, (T-Rex) which stalked the area, two of these gargantuan creatures were ridden by Goldsie's most trusted Saurus', high lord Krok-Garr and grand master Tlaxkai, the third waited obediantly at the base of the wall for its master, Goldsie. As the undead grew closer, a hush seemed to fall over the jungle, Goldsie leapt off the wall and landed gracefully on the back of his Carnosaur, unsheathed his powersword and waited.

[[OOC: Just because your not intelligent enough to use a ladder Septim doesn't mean the zombies arnt.  Mabye if you actually left the computer and the VU forums...]]

14:55:45 Dec 7th 07 - Mr. Killer:

*Killer surveyed the wall further. It was cracked slightly,but stable. It was perpendicular to the ground, so the zombies could use there ladders easily enough, apart from the fact the wall was slightly curved at the top outwards, so they couldn't put their ladders up steadily enough, before one of Killer's troops knocked them off. He lloked across at his troops. He saw them quivering slightly, but he couldn't blame them, as there were millions of zombies, with more to come. He ordered his troops to pour oil over the logs attached to the wall. so they would be easy to set alight. He orders his troops to let them loose once the zombies are fairly close. The logs tumble down the wall, hit the spears and roll onwards, out towards the zombies, crushing them like flies. (Note: The wall is on a slanted hill.) This buys time, as it clears out many zombies, and they have the difficulty of getting over the logs. Killer surveys the wall, to see where abouts he is. He is somewhere in the middle, he estimates, but he coudln't be sure. He has no idea how long the wall is in total. At the end of his isdes of the wall he sees big turrets at the side, which you could climd up and view the incoming enemies clearer, and that is what he decided to do. He looked across the land from up there, which was about 15 extra metres above the grounf towards the wall. He saw many zombies, but he saw something else on the way...*

19:32:28 Dec 7th 07 - Lord Seloc:

Might and Revenge, no sp@mming, do not post anything AT ALL unless it is your turn.

Might I ask you as a friend to reframe from your extra posts.
Revenge I don't think you think me as a friend so unless you stop your extra posting I'll have you taken out this thread.

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