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The Farillian War
06:38:45 Jun 27th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

[[OOC: This isn't a joinable thing, this is a story...]]


Warriors are not born, they are made.
No man or woman is born a warrior.
Battlefield experience makes a warrior,
and the same thing can unmake a warrior.


The Farillian War


Gaius Erus sat in his home, it was small, but large enough for him. He had no wife, no children, his father had died twenty years before in battle, and his mother had died two years after. Gaius needed no friends, no family, he had learned to rely on himself, nobody else. He looked out his window to see soldiers marching by. Gaius laughed.

"They always have something to fight about...", he muttered before making breakfast.

-Two months later-

Gaius sat in a tavern, a glass of water in his hand. He refused to drink anything that clouded his thinking and took away his ability to walk straight. He heard the tavern door open and turned his head around to see a man in the uniform of a Belivian Captain.

"I am Captain Hosvalt, I have come to take every able man to join the Belivian Army, if you do not join, you will be imprisoned", said the Captain.

"At the rate the war has been going for you, I'm sure that prison is the better choice!" yelled a patron before throwing a tankard at the Captain. The Captan turned and walked towards the patron, he then grabbed him and threw him to the ground.

"Have you no respect for the King? The Kingdom? Be greatful you aren't in Faril! I hear they execute people for not being loyal! Would you rather have that?"

The Captain turned to the other patrons.

"All of you, I want your names, and if I don't see you at Fort Honor tomorrow, you will be marked as deserters!", yelled the Captain.

Gaius sighed, got up from his stool, and approached the Captain.

"I am Gaius Erus...", said Gaius.

"I expect to see you tomorrow, Erus", said the Captain before taking down another man's name.

Gaius walked out of the tavern and turned around, after making a rather rude gesture with his hand he walked off towards his house.

07:46:55 Jun 27th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

The next day, Gaius woke up and made breakfast, he ate and began packing his belongings into a small brown sack. He packed his clothes and a mirror. He then buckled his grandfather's old steel dagger. The dagger was of old design, with decorations engraved in the hilt and a cracked ruby set in the pommel. It was probably the only thing of value Gaius owned, and even it was not very valuable. Gaius then walked out the front door and began the short walk to Fort Honor.

Gaius walked towards the fort, he noticed that not many of the patrons had arrived, and he knew that not many would arrive, because at least three quarters of them had given false names. Gaius walked through the front gate and waited fifteen minutes until finally, Captain Hosvalt arrived.

"Well, Evus?" asked the Captain.

"Erus", said Gaius.

"Yes, Erus, welcome to Fort Honor", the Captain turned to face the five others that had arrived, "I am Marius Hosvalt of the Belivian Army! For the next two months you will be trained to be footmen and archers. Good luck men."

With that, Hosvalt walked off, and a young Private approached the group.

"Follow me men", said the Private before leading the five men off to the mess hall, after eating lunch with the new recruits he showed them the training field, the armory, the officers' quarters, and finally, the barracks. Erus began resting.

"Hey, with the dagger", said the soldier to his right.

"Yeah?" asked Erus.

"Nice dagger", said the soldier.

Erus looked over.

"It was my grandfather's", said Erus.

"Can I see it?" asked the soldier.


"I won't take it", said the soldier.

"Alright", replied Erus, he got up, drew the dagger from it's scabbard, and handed it to the soldier. The soldier examined it for a bit before looking up.

"The runes are around sixty years old, probably from the Silver War", said the soldier.

"What are you, a scholar?" asked Erus.

"No, my grandfather was in the war as well" said the soldier before passing the dagger back, "So, what's your name?"

"I am Gaius Erus, you?" asked Erus.

"My name is Ernest Signum", said the soldier, "But everybody calls me Ernie."

"Well, nice to meet you Ernie", said Gaius.

Ernie passed the dagger back, Gaius sheathed it, and they both layed down. They played a few games of checkers, mostly ending in stalemates, before eating dinner, they then went to bed, knowing a long day of training was ahead.

07:54:23 Jun 27th 08 - Mr. Justin:

i like it so far!!! a true master at stories u are septim

07:57:46 Jun 27th 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

[Wtf am I? Chopped liver?] ._.

07:59:25 Jun 27th 08 - Mr. Justin:

lol u to ernie!!!!!!! oh i posted chp 1 finally check it out u guys!!!!

08:29:07 Jun 27th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

The drill sergeant was of average height, but bulky, his body was built to withstand punishment. His hair was bald at the top.

"Alright recruits! Let us begin training!"

Those words marked the beginning of two months of painful training, and by the end Erus was ready for war. The training had included push-ups and situps while wearing armor, laps in heavy boots, and beatings to increase tolerance of pain. The drill sergeant rewarded recruits who showed strength, and punished those who showed weakness. The training was brutal, but it payed off, Erus was a true swordsman at the end of the two months, Ernie proved to be a great marksman. The drill sergeant was proud of them both.


The Farillians had adapted to survival in their jungle, but the Belivians hadn't. The first Belivian soldiers to arrive had been defeated within two weeks, as their armor and weapons had rusted. The Farillians used a special coating on their arms and armor to prevent rust, and soon the Belivians found out the secret. The Farillians also knew the jungle better, which proved a massive disadvantage for the Belivians, who were used to open grasslands and woodland.

Erus hated the jungle, he hated the Farillians, and he hated the rain. He sat in a small wooden fort with Ernie sitting in front of him. A checker board was on the table. Erus double jumped Ernie, but Ernie triple jumped Erus. Erus then moved his king into position, and Ernie was trapped, but Erus couldn't jump him.
"Another stalemate!" yelled Antonis.
Suddenly, a loud noise interupted what another footman was about to say, followed by a resounding crash. Erus grabbed his blade, buckled it, and ran outside to see Belivians pouring through a hole in the wooden fortifications. Ernie shot one in the neck and Sergeant Gravis yelled out orders to Erus, Antonis, and the other footmen, suddenly, an arrow zoomed forward and hit Gravis in the throat. Ernie shot the archer who had killed Gravis, and Erus took the sergeant's place.
"Get to the inner wall men!" yelled Erus.
The unit ran back and up through the inner gate, they saw no more soldiers running so Ernie used a wheel to shut the gate. Erus then ran up to the central building to see Major Jorvus Nullus discussing the battle with his second in command, Captain Kevis.
"Sir, my commanding officer is dead, I led my unit to the inner wall, orders?" asked Erus.
"I'm giving you a field promotion to Sergeant, hold the gate, we need time for reinforcements to arrive", said Major Nullus.
Erus ran out to see Ernie in a tower shooting out into the outer area while the soldier were preparing a ballista. Erus ran to the armory and pushed a cartload of bows and arrows out to the soldiers. Erus and the soldiers equiped themselves and climbed the towers, they began shooting any Farillians. A large projectile struck part of the wall and destroyed it, Erus and the few soldiers ran down to hold them back. Captain Kevis joined the battle to help. Erus stabbed his blade into an enemy, he then pushed the enemy off and turned to his right to block two blows with his shield. He then slashed an enemy's throat, blocked another blow, and stabbed his sword through a soldier's neck. Erus left the blade in the soldier as he jumped out of the way of a strike. The enemy brought his sword down at Erus, but Erus rolled out of the way. Erus then drew his dagger and stabbed it into the enemy's leg. The enemy yelled in pain, dropping his longsword, Erus caught it and cut off the enemy's legs. Erus stabbed the blade into the enemy's neck before retrieving his dagger and sheathing it, he then blocked two blows with his shield before slashing at the enemy, the enemy blocked, but Erus bashed him twice with his shield, knocking the enemy out. Erus then retrieved his longsword, tossed the enemy's aside, and continued fighting.

After five long minutes of fighting, the reinforcements finally arrived. The enemies, attacked from both sides, retreated back into the jungle. The day had been won, but the war was far from over.

09:04:58 Jun 27th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

Major Nullus called Erus into his quarters, the room was small, but nice. Nullus was old for a soldier, at sixty-two years old. In his day, he was a good soldier, but in his old age, he was an even better commander.
"Welcome Sergeant", said Nullus, "You showed real promise back there, good work. The men are grateful.
"I did it for Belivia", said Erus, "As well as the soldiers."
"A patriotic soldier! Hard to find these days...the King has to use threats to get them to join!" yelled Nullus.
"With the survival rate of most men out here, I wouldn't blame 'em", said Erus.
"Aye, well, I didn't call you here to talk about survival rates. I've got a mission for somebody like you, somebody who can think by themselves."
"What kind of mission?" asked Erus.
"In a Farillian fort ten miles from here, there is a map that shows the location of all Farillian tunnels. There is also a Farillian General inspecting the troops there, I want him assassinated and the map stolen and returned here. The map could very well win the war...", said Nullus, "Get a team of three together and head out."
"One question...why me?" asked Erus.
"You're brave, patriotic, and strong. You can make decisions as well, all good qualities", said Nullus.
"I'm not exactly what you would call stealthy", said Erus.
"Yes you are, I know you are, now go", said Nullus.
Erus walked out of the room and walked down to the barracks where Ernie was waiting.
"Well, what did he say?" asked Ernie.
"He's sending me on a mission, an important one, you in?" asked Erus.
"Of course", said Ernie.
"Good, what about you Antonis? You know the jungle well" said Erus.
"I'm with you", said Antonis.
"Alright, Gorris, you in?" asked Erus.
"I'm in", said Erus's friend, Gorris Farilor.
"Alright, we got a team, now we can't use names on this mission, so pick some codenames", said Erus, "Call me Septim during the mission."
"I'll be Duas", said Gorris.
"Call me Panus", said Ernie.
"I guess I'll be Semit", said Xarxes.
"Alright, prepare yourselves", said Erus, "We've got a hard mission ahead."

23:10:26 Jun 28th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

Septim walked through the jungle, his hand ready to grab his dagger, his three men walking with him. They didn't wear iron or steel because it gave off noise, they wore custom leather armor. Septim knew they were getting close to the enemy fort. So he told his men to stop.
"Semit, go up ahead and check for sentries. Panus, go with him and help him kill them...silently though", says Septim.
Semit and Panus nodded and walked off into the jungle. Five minutes passed and Septim spotted a Farillian scout around thirty feet away. Septim and Duas went prone and saw that an arrow suddenly went through the scout's neck. Panus ran underneath the tree and Septim smiled before they continued. After two more minutes of hiking they reached the fort. Septim used a small tube he had recieved from Major Nullus to survey the area, he called it the monoscope. Septim noticed two enemies on the wall and silently gestured for Panus to take care of them. Panus silently acknoledged his order, crouched, and shot off two arrows, both hitting their mark. It was night, so the guards wouldn't be noticed. Septim had Duas throw a grappling hook up on to the wall, and the four climbed up the side. They had climbed greasy ropes as a training excersize, climbing a dry rope at the side of a fort was easy. Duas was the first to reach the top, and he peeked over, he saw no enemies and jumped over. He went prone. Septim came second and did the same, followed by Panus and Semit.
"Alright, Panus and Duas, you kill the General, I'll steal the maps with Semit", said Septim.
Panus and Duas nodded, and Septim snuck off.

Septim peeked around a corner and saw two guards, one was sitting in a chair sharpening his sword, the other was on patrol. The patrolling guard approached Septim's hiding place and Septim grabbed his mouth around the corner, he pulled him back and held his dagger to the enemy's throat.
"Where is the General?" asked Septim.
"W-who?" asked the guard.
"The General, where are his quarters?" asked Septim.
"Over there, I was guarding them", said the guard.
Septim smashed him over the head with the hilt of his dagger, knocking him out, and turned to Semit.
"You distract the guard, I steal the maps", said Septim
Semit nodded and picked up a rock, he leaned around the corner, threw it at the guard, and hit him in the temple, knocking him out.
"That works too", said Septim before running into the General's house. Semit dragged the body into the house and hid it under the bed while Septim put the maps inside into his green sack. The two then went back to the wall, evading one enemy patrol, and slid down the grapple hook. They ran back to the rendezvous point. They waited twenty minutes, and eventually Panus returned with Duas over his right shoulder. Duas was missing his left leg and his right ear.
"What happened Ernie!?" yelled Septim as Semit began dressing the wounds.
"We were caught. We killed the General, but a guard saw us. He called for backup, Duas killed all three, the last one got his leg", said Panus.
"Well, hold him up, we can't stay here. The fort is a long way for a man with one leg, but we'll make it", said Semit as he finished dressing Duas's wounds.
"Alright", said Septim as he lifted Duas up. Duas held himself on his remaining leg, Panus gave extra support and Semit led them off, back to the base.

18:06:33 Jun 30th 08 - Prince Bertilius Septim II:

Erus returned to the base with Gorris, Antonis, and Ernie. Gorris was taken immediately to the infirmary. Erus stood by him, as was his duty as the leader of their unit.

Erus sat by Gorris's bed. A large bandage was wrapped diagonally around his head, covering his missing ear. The stump that once held his leg was well bandaged. Major Nullus walked in and stood beside Erus.

"Erus. His leg and ear will save thousands of men, you must've been a damn good leader to get everybody out alive", said Nullus as he walked over to the window.

Erus laughed, "A good leader? A good leader would've gotten his men out with their bodies intact!"

"This is w*beep*rgeant, men die in war. He's lucky it isn't his head that is chopped off", said Nullus, "He's got both arms and one leg, the other can be replaced. He can still live a normal life, but, he won't be a soldier anymore..."
Erus walked over to the window, and remembered his mission, he turned.

"We got the maps, here", said Erus as he handed the maps to Nullus.

"Good work soldier, get some rest...he's fine here", said Nullus before leaving.

Gorris was sent home with a Medal of Valnus, he recieved a large enough pension to live a decent life from the Empire.

Erus completed over twenty missions for the Belivians, from rescuing prisoners to assassinating high ranking figures, every mission was a success. A man named Corvus Forlon took Gorris's place during missions, he was given the codename Pental. The war, as all wars do, eventually ended. Erus went home, where he recieved a small pension from the government. He found it hard to adjust from the jungles and chaos of Farillia to the simple farming of his hometown, but, he got used to it.

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