Forums / Roleplaying / The Last Stand I

The Last Stand I
22:26:04 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Right, this is going to be pretty simple. There will be 10 races, i.e. Elves, Humans, Dwarfs, Trolls, Orcs, Halflings, Golems, Gnomes, errrs... and ummms...(Just so you know, I'm not sure what errrs and ummms are. I knew what errrs were earlier, but I've forgotten... I'll think of them, don't worry.) I'll be the dudes commanding whatever races that people haven't signed up for.

Now basically, you and your race are the last survivors of your kind. You command them. You are at war with the others races, but you don't have to be. You can call for a truce with one or more of the others, but it's the last race that wins, so...
I will give all details about the races and where they are later(tomorrow, probably).
The race will have a different place where they are, varying amounts of people for each race, and have different weapons, varying birth rates and death rates, so on so forth...

Sign up here(don't sign up yet, I'm only started, and you have to put in your race at any rate, which you should not do without further details, unless you're worried the race might be taken. You can say you'll be errrs and ummms, if you dare... They might turn out to be little rabbits and buttercups, and get wiped out easily... But, rabbits have a very high birth rate and could take over the world!):

22:34:44 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

I call ummms!

22:58:07 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Arvious IIII:

Isn't there a shooting game called this?

23:27:25 Feb 12th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

I call humans! But I don't want an army of politician survivors, I want all my survivors to have the karate skills of Chuck Norris, the shooting skills of Tony Montana, the invulnerability of the Tucks, and the awesome one-liners of the Terminator!

23:56:14 Feb 12th 08 - Mr. Killer:

... Ummm... Perhaps there is a shooting game called this. However they stole the name from me, even if they did make it first(I'm presuming they did...). And I don't care either.
I didn't think you would actually join until I explained everything... I'm not sure if Might was being sarcastic or wanted to be the ummms or not...

  1.  Septim - Humans

00:33:30 Feb 13th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

Wait, are my conditions met? Also, I want it to have the health of the katamari damacy ball!

00:35:28 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Just let Killer put in the characteristics first.

00:47:28 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Killer:

The races are:
Elves, Humans, Dwarfs, Halflings, Gnomes, Trolls, Orcs, Golems, Ogres and Slygonals(I made this name up)
All the races are now in one city each, of a sorts for some... and you have to scout around to find the others. Here's the race info... I'm doing each race in an individual post, it might take a while. Don't let this put you off, you don't have to read them all, but I suggest you read the race you want. I might do a table to show it nice and clear. Don't let all this bull*beep* put you off, it'll be easy once we start. I'm going to keep it simple, complicated games don't work. Magic will just be a force, there is no specific spells, you can use it as you wi*beep*'s just like an invisible forceto push and pull things, and can affect everything, but it isn't strong. Of course, how good the races are at magic vary, and you can defend against magic as well.

You have to feed your troops and make weapons for them as well, and reinforce defences, so all your troops can't be fighters. When you kill another person, you get slaves, and can use them to do the work instead, but they will be like your own troops towards the race you took over, and so any specialities they may have, you don't get. For occupations, I'll just say whether they are good at anything or not, and ignore average jobs. I think I'll have everything here... Maybe not, then I'll just add a bit when I remember. This first one will probably be the longest, and it's not really that long anyway...

Humans:   Population - One million
                 Location - A huge city, raised on a hill with a deep moat around it, with water flowing into it from a river, who's course was manipulated for their purpose. There is a wall around the whole city, moat and all, which rises 20 metres up. The moat is after that, and then the city. This is all upon a hill upwards, and the city is across level land at the top. There is a drawbridge for them to cross the moat.
                  Description - Between 5 foot and 7 foot, average 5 foot 10. They are of average weight and build. Their senses(eyesight, etc.) aren't anything special. They are fairly fast and strong enough.
                   Magic - Their magic is average.
                   Weapons - Ranged- Long-bow. Average
                                     Mélée- Long-sword & Metal round-shield. Good.
                   Occupations - Average everything

00:59:29 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Killer, ill be Slygonals.

16:09:49 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Killer:

I knew I'd forget something.  Mounts(steeds, whatever...)

Humans:   Population - One million
                 Location - A huge city, raised on a hill with a deep moat around it, with water flowing into it from a river, who's course was manipulated for their purpose. There is a wall around the whole city, moat and all, which rises 20 metres up. The moat is after that, and then the city. This is all upon a hill upwards, and the city is across level land at the top. There is a drawbridge for them to cross the moat. There are farms outside of the city, and a small 10 metre wall surrounds everything.
                  Description - Between 5 foot and 7 foot, average 5 foot 10. They are of average weight and build. Their senses(eyesight, etc.) aren't anything special. They are fairly fast and strong enough.
                   Magic - Their magic is average.
                   Weapons - Ranged- Long-bow. Average
                                     Mélée- Long-sword & Metal round-shield. Good.
                   Occupations - Average everything
                   Mounts - Horses, fast and enduring.

16:11:41 Feb 13th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

Hmmm...good enough...I sort of wanted at least Spartans, but these will do...

16:20:12 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Elves:    Population - One hundred thousand.
              Location - A city inside a forest surrounded by two rivers on either side that join up at one side of the forest. There is a wall between the gap on the other side. Elves can use magic to affect the river when threatened.(So can almost any other race, but elves have better magic) There is no wall around the main city, and farms are around it.
               Description - Between 6 foot and 8 foot, average 6 foot 9. They are slender and tall. They are light. Their hearing and eyesight are very keen. They are very fast and agile.
               Magic - Their magic is excellent.
               Weapons - Ranged- Long-bow - Excellent
                                 Mélée- Knife and wooden buckler. Average.
               Occupations - Excellent scouts and weapon-makers.
               Mounts - Horses, fast and enduring. 5,000 horses.

16:21:23 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Humans:   Population - One million
                 Location - A huge city, raised on a hill with a deep moat around it, with water flowing into it from a river, who's course was manipulated for their purpose. There is a wall around the whole city, moat and all, which rises 20 metres up. The moat is after that, and then the city. This is all upon a hill upwards, and the city is across level land at the top. There is a drawbridge for them to cross the moat. There are farms outside of the city, and a small 10 metre wall surrounds everything.
                  Description - Between 5 foot and 7 foot, average 5 foot 10. They are of average weight and build. Their senses(eyesight, etc.) aren't anything special. They are fairly fast and strong enough.
                   Magic - Their magic is average.
                   Weapons - Ranged- Long-bow. Average
                                     Mélée- Long-sword & Metal round-shield. Good.
                   Occupations - Bad scouts.
                   Mounts - Horses, fast and enduring.(sorry...) 100,000 horses.

16:32:29 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Dwarfs: Population - Five hundred thousand.
              Location - A massive underground city in the mountains, which is a mine as well. There is a large entry door, the only way to get in. The rooms are large, if you could call them that, and are mainly around the entrance where the dwarfs eat and sleep. The rest then are mines further into the mountain. Their farms are outside the mountain, and all this is surrounded by a 10 metre wall.
                Description - Between 3 foot 10 and 5 foot 4, average 4 foot 9. They are small yet a heavy build. Their eyesight is slightly poor from living in the mountains, but their hearing is very good.
                Magic - Their magic is poor.
                Weapons - Ranged- Cross-bow. Poor
                                  Mélée- Battle-axe & Metal kite-shield. Excellent. Their armour is stronger than the rest.
                Occupations - Exceeding excellent weapon-makers. Excellent miners. Excellent builders. Poor scouts and farmers.
                Mounts - Ponies, average speed and enduring. Dwarfs prefer walking. 5,000 ponies.

16:40:57 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Halflings: Population - Two million.
                 Location - A large plain ground with a lake beside it, on a slight hill. The city is smallish, mostly these people live on their farms. The farms are just surrounding their city. There is a 15 metre wall around all this, including the lake.
                  Description - Between 3 foot 7 and 4 foot 9, average 4 foot 4. They are small and a bit tubby. Their eyesight and hearing is good.
                  Magic - Their magic is average.
                  Weapons - Ranged- Short-bow. Good.
                                   Mélée- Short-sword & small metal round-shield. Poor.
                  Occupations - Excellent farmers, poor miners. Good scouts.
                  Mounts - Ponies, average speed and enduring. 50,000 ponies.

16:43:27 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

  1. Septim - Human
  2. Wraith - Elf

16:51:55 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Gnomes:  Population - Five million.
                Location - A large plain ground with a small mountainous area and small forest surrouding it, on either side. That being, the mountain is on one side of the city, and the forest are on the other side, completely surrounding it. They have a huge city and the farms are inside it. There is a twenty-metre wall surrounding all, mountains and forest.
                 Description - Between 1 foot and 3 foot, average 2 foot. They are small and average build(for their size...). Their hearing is excellent. They are fast and strong, for their size.
                 Magic - Their magic is good.
                 Weapons - Ranged- Slingshot. Average.
                                   Mélée- War-hammer & small wooden round-shield. Little armour. Crap.
                Occupations - Excellent builders & scouts. Poor miners and lumberers.
                 Mounts - (Ummm...) None.

16:53:07 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Killer:

  1. Septim - Human
  2. Wraith - Elf
  3. Might - Slygonals(this will actually be a good race, but I'm not sure if it will suit you... You can change if you really want to when you see their description.

23:28:23 Feb 13th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Tell me what they are then! So I can make my choice......also about elves. They suck at hand-to-hand a average human could kill them. [Not very strong and stuff.]

00:03:32 Feb 14th 08 - Mr. Killer:

I told you about them. They wouldn't beat a human with their weapon, but could if they had evenly matched weapons. I'm saying what the races are like, even if they go against every single book in the world. I'll be doing more races presently.

00:06:02 Feb 14th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

You never posted Slygfonals.,,,

00:29:48 Feb 14th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Elves, I meant, I'm starting on the rest now.

00:40:34 Feb 14th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Slygonals:    Poulation - Eight hundred thousand.
                    Location - Their city is spread out in a large forest. The farms are scattered around the place, but the thickness of the forest is a good defence for them, and all should be wary when they tread there, as they could be lost at best, or be destroyed by other things. Even Slygonals had difficulty with navigating it. No other defences.
                     Description - Between 5 foot 10 and 6 foot 6. Very slender, which gives them the appearence of being taller than you if you are slightly taller than them. All their senses are good. They are learned in lore, and know where many cities lie, making it easier for them to know where to scout at a guess. They can detect auras around everything living, and can guess their emotions from this. They are fast and agile.
                     Magic - Their magic is very good.
                     Weapons - Ranged- Long-bow. Crap.
                                       Mélée- Spiked club and wooden buckler. Crap.
                     Occupations - Good farmers. Poor weapons-makers. Excellent scouts. Poor builders.
                     Mounts - None.

00:55:24 Feb 14th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Orcs:    Population - Fifteen million.
             Location - A large plain, wasteland now. Their city is huge. Their farms are scattered around inside the city, not producing much food at any rate. Their city is surrounded by a thick wall, 20 metres high.
              Description - Between 4 foot 10 and 5 foot 6. Average 5 foot 2. Heavy build. Their smell is good, but bad eyesight. They are strong and fast. They fight sometimes(often), so your city does reduce it's population over-time, unless you can enforce your rule really really well, which I doubt. If you are commander of these, your life could suddenly be in danger as well, so be careful.
               Magic - Their magic is terrible.
               Weapons - Ranged- Cross-bow. Average.
                                 Mélée- Scimitar & metal round-shield. Excellent.
               Occupations - Bad scouts. Terrible farmers. Poor miners and poor weapon-makers.
               Mounts - Wyvern. Small(for dragons) dragon-like creatures. 20 foot long. Fast, agile and enduring. 1,000.

01:00:55 Feb 14th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

Slygonals sound like crap........

Orcs are for me....

01:03:25 Feb 14th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Thought you'd say that... Still one of the better races though. I'll do the rest tomorrow, then I'll explian the rules... Pretty much being, get food, makes weapons, arm soldiers, go and fight. You'll both descibe how you're fighting and stuff, I'll explain later.

01:03:51 Feb 14th 08 - Mr. Killer:

  1. Septim - Human
  2. Wraith - Elf
  3. Might - Orc

17:53:35 Feb 14th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Golems:    Population - Ten thousand
                  Location - A dry plain, little grass, but not quite desert. Their city has high enough buildings, but are only one-storey high. They have no farms, they don't need to eat food or drink. Their city is surrounded by a high wall, 20 metres high.
                  Desrption - Between 24 foot and 30 foot. Average 26 foot. Very  heavy build. They have no sense of smell, but have good eyesight and can feel tremors in the earth. They are slow, but strong, even for their size. They are made of clay. They're practically indestructable, but water can turn them to mud, if applied in large quantities.    
                Magic - Their magic is poor, but magic cannot be used directly on them, but you can use it indirectly on them, e.g. pick up a large boulder with magic and hurl it at them.
                Weapons - Ranged- Rocks. Average.
                                  Mélée- Rocks or nothing at all. Excellent.
                Occupations - Poor scouts.(This is the only job they have, they don't need farmers, as they don't eat, no need for resource gatherers or weapon-makers, as they use rocks. There is also watchmen for day and night, but all the races are good at that. I'll do a table of a few things afterwards anyway)
                 Mounts- None...

18:14:50 Feb 14th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Ogres:     Population - Five hundred thousand.
                Location - A swampy area. Their city is just scattered buildings and farms all around the place. Their city is surrounded by a thick 10 metre high wall.
                Description - Between 8 foot and 10 foot. Average 9 foot. Heavy build. Poor eyesight, but good smell. They are slow and strong. They are like big ugly humans.
                Magic - Their magic is poor.
                Weapons - Ranged- Bolas(Three weights(rocks) tied to rope and are swung around and then thrown, I think). Poor.
                                 Mélée- Morning Star(A spiked mace, round sort of a one). Excellent.
                 Occupations - Poor scouts and bad farmers.
                 Mounts - Griffin(or however you want to spell it). Half eagle, half lion, you know what they are, I don't have to explain. These are big enough ones, around 15 foot long and strong. Ogres aren't good riders however, and have only a few, however they managed to tame them. 5,000 of them.

18:20:01 Feb 14th 08 - Mr. Delran:

  1. Septim - Human
  2. Wraith - Elf
  3. Might - Orc
  4. Delran - Ogre (this is just temporary untill I see the trolls, if trolls are crap I will stay with ogres)

18:34:34 Feb 14th 08 - Mr. Killer:

And, finally...

Trolls:     Population - One hundred thousand.
                Location - A rocky area, surrounded by forest. Their city is just an abondened city of some other race, humans most likely, who thought it a good place to place a city, but then moved off elsewhere, deciding it wasn't. The houses are just big enough for the trolls. The city is surrounded by a 20 metre high wall, made by their predecessors, humans or no. The forest then surrounds this, which isn't too thick of a forest, but is dense.
               Description - Between 10 foot and 12 foot. Average 11 foot 6. Heavyish build.  Poor hearing and poor eyesight. Good smell. They are very tough, they have a skin like rock. They aren't quite as strong as ogres, but you can penetrate an ogre's skin much easier, even if it still hard. It is nearly impossible to use blade or arrow against trolls, more useful are weapons of force. They are slow and strong.
               Magic - Their magic is average.
               Weapons - Ranged- Spear(12 foot). Good
                                 Mélée- Club(no spikes or anything, just a club) & wooden buckler. Very good.
               Occupations - Poor scouts and poor farmers. Good lumberers.
               Mounts - Rhinos, or rhinoceri. Slow most of the time, but fast when angered. Hard to control. Strong and enduring. 10,000 of these.

19:03:30 Feb 14th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Alright, there's all the races. Now, the rules, or whatever you want to call them, usually done first(I'm doing this in non-italics in case some people are incapable of reading italics)...

You start off with your city, as described above(Highly recommended you at least read your own race description, if not all of them). You have nothing to start off with apart from your troops(population), buildings and farms. You have to work on the farms to get food to feed your troops. When going to war you must have a supply of food to keep you going. Each person eats one food. I'll explain more about it later.

You have to gather other resources(ores, stones and wood). You can do this wherevere you are, regardless of the fact that you can't in some places. There is no specific wood, stones or ores. Wood and ores are used to make weapons, stones and wood to make various defences(this is what building is for) such as catapults, walls, rams, etc. More described about that later. The weapons are made from wood and ores gathered. You don't have to go through changing the ores to metals, and there is no bowyers or smiths. They fall into one category, weapon-makers. These make however many sets of weapons(armour,(every race has some armour, apart from golems, they don't need any, you need a hell of a lot of force anyway, armour wouldn't make any difference, it just isn't mentioned apart from for dwarf, as they make it so well) mélée weapons and ranged weapons) with the resources that are given to him. One set, there is no specific archers or soldiers.

Mounts are important enough, and they can be used for scouting if you want, but they are easier spotted and killed. Still, they make them faster, usually. Wyverns aren't wisely used for scouting, they only fly into war really because they're hungry for bloodshed. If you fly them about for scouting, you could be making a lot of detours for them to catch stuff, and the orcs wouldn't have control of them. You can capture other races' mounts, and use them if possible for the race. If not, you can always drive them into war, but they have to be fed. You can let the mounts go if you don't want ot feed them for some reason, but you can't eat them. Here's a list of if the races can use other races' mounts, and if so, how well. If they can't ride on them, they can, as I've already said, be driven into war. This is just showing how well they can ride them. Some races can ride them better than their own races. Blank means they can't ride them.

Ex. = Excellent, V. good = Very good.

             Horses   |   Ponies   |   Wyverns   |   Griffins     |    Rhinos

Humans|   Ex.      |  Average |     Average  |   V. Good  |    V. Good           
Elves    |    Ex.     |                |   V. Good   |       Ex.       |        

Finsih this later.

19:17:48 Feb 14th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

That chart is confusing...

23:00:22 Feb 14th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Probably as I didn't fini*beep*... I'm changing the elves, as humans are probably better riders on second thoughts.
In descending order of how good the races are at riding each animal.

Ex. = Excellent, V. good = Very good, Good, Average, Poor, Terrible. Excellent being using the beast to the best of ability and can keep it calm almost all the time, terrible being able to just about stay on the beast, with little control of it's direction, and also not being or good size and girth for comfortable riding and the beast may flee in fear. Average being used fairly well, managing to keep the beast on course and managing it's speed, but has a chance of fleeing in fear when met with fearful opposition.

             Horses   |   Ponies   |   Wyverns   |   Griffins     |    Rhinos

Humans|   Ex.      |  Average |     Poor     |    V. Good   |     Good           
Elves    |    Ex.     |  Terrible  |    Poor      |     Good       |    Poor
Dwarfs | Terrible |  Average |   Terrible  |    Terrible    |    Poor    
Halflings|  Poor   |  V. Good |     Poor     |    Average   |    Poor
Gnomes |              |    Poor    |                  |                    |  
Golems |               |                |                  |                     |
Orc        |   Poor    | Terrible  |    Poor      |                    |   Terrible
Troll      |  Terrible|                |     Poor     |      Poor      |    Average
Ogre      | Terrible |                |   Terrible  |    Average   |   Poor
Slygonals| V. Good| V. Good |   Average |    Good       |    V. Good

(Note: Slygonals do not like taming beasts, which is why they have no mounts. They can keep the beasts from fear though, and are actually pretty good riders. Humans are better riders, just that they can't keep the beasts as calm, and their girth is not suited to ponies either. Blanks are that the rider can't ride them, as I've already said, and they can only drive them at the enemy, or something)

23:34:08 Feb 14th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Magic is an important part of them game. I'll go through it now.

Basically, it's like an invisible force. You can make it visible if you so wish, for illusions, and even as physical presences, though you can do that while it's invisible anyway. You can't use it well, even elves have difficulty using it well. There is no spells in this game, you can just use the magic to crumble walls by being a physical force.(Difficult, I also recommend you put magic wards on it to defend, which will make it a lot more difficult, unless you have a crappy magic race, even they can put strong enough defences on walls) Wards aren't particularly strong, they're just like a remainder of earlier magic, which affects magic trying to detroy whatever it's protecting. However, they're hard to cast, but you should cast them on your defences anyway.                                  
            Basically, it's like a physical force, like the wind(but not the wind) which your mind can affect to make it do things. It's very tiring doing this. You can use it to do whatever you want, if you are magical enough. Groups can do magic together to help strengthen it, but it's hard to do it in more than groups of ten, and you have to co-ordinate it together... You're better off using them as ten sperate people usually. All races can do magic, and anyone can do magic, but some races do it better than others. You can make it appear as well, as terrifying monsters, which is hard to do, but most often the most effective way of getting rid of enemies. So basically, you can do anything with it, but you should look for the best way of using it. And I have to stress this, it isn't powerful. Even elves can't use it to great effect(well... they can, it's pretty devastating if used properly, but for instance, you can't just levitate a whole wall at once and hurl it inwards at the city). If you use it stupidly, it will kill you, or at least exhaust you. I will not hesitate in killing people, even if you have only a few left.

Bravery. I'll have to go through this I suppose, as fearful creatures will run away if faced with too great a threat.
Humans - Brave enough. They will flee if they face a greater enemy when attacking, but inside their own city, they won't abandon the city(You can do this, and wander about with the rest of your people, but it is ineffective, and you have to spend a lot of time looking for food.)

Elves - Brave. They will flee, however, when they recieve insane orders ordering them to face impossible odds. They will defend their city to the last, but will avoid bloodshed if possible.

Dwarfs - Very brave. They will fight to the death, no matter where, and no matter what, if their leader asks them to, and if s/he's not completely insane, and even then they might(Some might call this bordering on stupidity)

Halflings - Amazingly, one of the bravest race. Their resolve makes up most of their bravery, and will go to the end when they have decided to. However, they avoid bloodshed when possible, but will not be enslaved.

Gnomes - Very fearful. Not cowardly exactly, just don't want to die(can't blame them...). They are however, usually confident with their defences inside a city, and it would be hard to drive them from it, but might flee on battle-fileds away from home.

Slygonals - With no other option, will fight to the death with no regrets. Will flee when faced with terrible odds, but will fight for as long as they can while staying alive, or even dieing, as long as they can see their homeland might be saved.

Golems - Maybe not brave, but have no fear. Will fight to the death if ordered to.

Orc - Very cowardly. The only reason they fight is because they like spilling blood, but more that they are more afraid of whoever's sending them to war. Will flee at the first sign of safety if they haven't practically a certain chance of winning.

Troll - Very brave, stupidly so. They, despite the much history of them saying how vile they are by other races, have notions of being heroes, which they won't be, not even amoung their own race, as it would take a thousand deaths to achieve that by one troll, as they wouldn't accept any others as a hero before them, as they are stubborn.

Ogre - Not brave, but not cowardly. Will fight when wise to do so, or even that they would probably lose, but desert if faced with a near-impossible odds.

00:00:15 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Farming / food. Each person eats 1 food every day, all races( exc. Golem, 0 food). However, they each have a certain amount of food per farm, and you have to feed your animals, which I will show. Golems can also gather food, and though they don't have any farms, are pretty good at doing this, as they can get food where others wouldn't reach, and give them to their animals.
Here's what the animals eat...

Horse - 3 food.
Pony - 2 food.
Wyvern - 50 food.(hungry even for their size)
Griffin - 20 food.
Rhinoceri(rhinos) - 10 food.
I'm going to put up your population of people and animals every day, so make sure you have enough food. Here's what the races produce per person working to make food. Remember, when going to war, you troops must have enough food. (Might, don't be too displeased, I did say they had terrible at farming... The worst, but not too much worse... than the nest worst. Only around one and a half million farmers, and also five thousand more for the Wyvern. Still, that leaves you with near 13.45 million people left over...)

Humans - 50 food.
Elves - 50 food.
Dwarfs - 30 food.
Halflings - 100 food. 
Gnomes - 50 food.
Slygonals - 70 food.
Golems - 25 food.(Considering they have no farms, this is pretty good. Remember, they only have to feed animals(which they have none to start off with, and are pretty useless to capture.)
Ogres - 20 food.
Trolls - 30 food.
Orcs - 10 food.

00:42:29 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

[Orcs can ride Wyverns? Orcs can't do anything! Where are you getting these Orcs from? They are stronger than Humans and they are quite Brave [If you call it that......more like they go into a beserker mode]

15:30:30 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Delran:

Dwarves and gnomes can ride griffins. Some of them are actualy great riders.

And ogres, because of their size, can ride wyverns with improved results rather than griffins.

16:13:51 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Grrr... Orcs are stronger than humans, I didn't say anything suggesting they were or weren't, even if they are pretty much the same strength, orcs are still better fighters. They aren't quite brave, they just usually have huge numbers on their side. The wyverns, as you see, are all badly ridden by all the races, and are only steered(not even steered) in the right direction in wars because they like bloodshed. Griffins, however, are easier to ride, and though they don't like being ridden, they will go in the general direction you want them to. And size isn't everything, and also, if you notice, ogres aren't too big for either of them. Now, who's making this? I'm explaining everything, even if you think it's wrong according to books and films, well... tough *beep*. Anyway, I'm doing it like most of those books and films, as they follow pretty much the same pattern in most, with a few exceptions.

17:32:01 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Killer:

The rest of the resources, and weapons.
This is how much one troop gathers. All weapons are made of both metal(which is automatically made from ore into a metal by the weapon-makers, so you don't have to worry about that)

Humans - 10 ore - 10 tree - 20 stone
Elves -     10 ore - 10 tree - 20 stone
Dwarfs -  30 ore - 10 tree - 20 stone
Halflings - 5 ore - 10 tree - 20 stone
Gnomes - 5 ore - 5 tree - 20 stone
Slygonals - 10 ore - 10 tree - 20 stone
Golems - No use for ores(unfortunately, they have to get tree and stone, contrary to what I said earlier, I forgot about buildling) - 50 tree - 200 stone
Ogres - 10 ore - 10 tree - 20 stone
Trolls - 10 ore - 20 tree - 20 stone
Orcs - 5 ore - 10 tree - 20 stone

Each weapon-maker need 1 ore + 1 tree for each set of weapons he makes, and he can make ten sets of weapons in a day.

(no exceptions. Poor weapon-maker races merely don't have as good a weapons. Apart from Golems, their weapon is stone, which they have to gather.) However, as for ranged weapons, you don't need to keep making arrows for bows that are lost, or any other weapons that you can lose. They can retrieve them afterwards. Each peron has 20 arrows per bow(person), if they are one of the races with bows. You can run out during a battle, but can't make more arrows, only get them back after the battle has been won, so use them wisely.

Building. Ok, here's some of the defences and the resources you need(tree and stone). They aren't flammable, unless I mention that. Also, the amount of days needed to build and how many people are needed. The number of people required to use it are shown where needed. (Golems count as fifty people, trolls and ogres as five, gnomes as 1/5 of a one, and halflings as 1/2 a one.)
(Half the days are needed for gnomes and dwarfs to build, same amount of people. Golems need a tenth of the amount of people to build them, and take the same amount of time. Slygonals take twice the time to build them and same amount of people.)

Guardtowers(15 metre high towers, used to look out at the approaching enemy, and for archers to fire out of, and very difficult to shoot back at them) - 100 stone, 20 tree. 10 people, 3 days.

Walls(A 20 metre high wall, surrounding a city, or around a wall surrounding a city, not anywhere else though, 10 metres thick.) - 100,000 stone, 1,000 tree. 500 people, 20 days.

Trebuchet(Large weapon, sort of like a sling, or a large catapult. Flings rocks over enemy walls, to cause havoc within or over frienldy walls to cause havoc without. Flammable) - 500 stone, 1,000 tree. 100 people, 10 days. Needs 20 people to use.

Onager(Similiar to the Trebuchet, but aims rocks at the walls towards over it, quicker, and more inaccurately, to detroy the walls. Flammable) - 500 stone, 1,000 tree. 100 people, 10 days. Needs 15 people to use.

Battering ram(Here's a replica in France below... It's the kind of one you will use in the battles. It's used to batter down walls, with the people pushing at the back. Flammable) - 500 tree. 100 people, 7 days. Needs 30 people to use(they're safe at the back, sort of)
Replica battering ram at Château des Baux, France.

Assault ladders(Just a big ladder used to climb up walls. Flammable) - 20 tree. 5 people, 1 day.

Ballista(A large cross-bow like weapon, but much stronger. Flammable) - 100 tree, 10 stone. 5 people. 5 days.

Ok, that's it. If you have any more, just post them, and I'll decide whether or not to add them. No gunpowder based weapons. Tell me if anything is wrong in the list above. Golems, trolls and ogres will have bigger weapons, as gnomes and halflings will have smaller weapons, but it won't make much difference.

18:08:52 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Alright, you're probably bored looking at all this crap...
Right, this is the point of the game. First, you have to send out scouts, however many you want. They have to find the enemies cities and go back to their city and live to tell where they are. Then, you set off with all your food, very important, otherwise your guys will starve and die... The scout will lead you to the city, and I will say how many days it will take to get there, from the scout's view, before you set off. If your race has bad scouts, then it'll take a while and probably the loss of a few scouts to find a city. You're better off giving your troops weapons first, and then maybe buildling siege eapons and defences if you have time.
If it so happens two(or more) armies meet in neither city, I'll give a description of landscape, and  you will just fight it out there, with no defences apart from armour and shields, and the siege weapons are brought along as well, and they can be used. Sometimes, your siege weapons might fall off the edge of a hill and be destroyed while travelling.. If so, unlucky you. 

In the most case, one army will be defending their city, with the description of their location as written above, and any other defences they may have added. The other will be trying to knock down the defences and kill the guys inside. Generally, defending is a better position to be in, bt the attackers can retreat when they want to, though defenders might send their army out after them to finish them off, or let them leave.

In any case, all you have to do is just say what you want your troops to do and where they would be positioned, and when to fire, etc. You'll do this like a story sort-of description, and I'll base it on how well you do it, as well as other factors. However, no matter how good your story-telling is, you must have good defences etc. otherwise you will lose, probably. I'll state the losses on either side.

18:14:09 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

[I suppose we can have allies to help us...?]

19:43:11 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Deathudude:

  1. Septim - Human
  2. Wraith - Elf
  3. Might - Orc
  4. Delran - Ogre
  5. Deathudude - Golems

21:23:47 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Yeah, you can ally with the other races, and if you stray across other things, perhaps...

22:29:33 Feb 15th 08 - Mr. Deathudude:

i no ive only just joined but does it  start when we have all the races or how long will we whate?

00:16:35 Feb 16th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Well, I'll wait for some more to sign-up, which they'll hopefully do. Exceeding hope, would be nine(I'll sigh-up as the last one), hopefully maybe 6 or 7, and then I'll be the rest. I'll be fair don't worry. I think I've explained everything at any rate, if anything is confusing anyone, just ask.

21:03:46 Feb 19th 08 - Mr. Killer:

*Sigh* Well... we're starting now :(

However, first I want a vote, do you guys want two races each, or will I control all five other races?

21:41:04 Feb 19th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

[I don't mind controlling another race. They act separately, right? But if we have another race each, what will you be?{If so I'd like to be Dwarf} ]

21:43:44 Feb 19th 08 - Mr. Killer:

I've no problem being no race. However, if any more joins *Looks questioningly at everyone* I'll just be the rest of the other races. They act seperately, and I can't expect you to keep them at war, so they will be at peace with each other, unless you really want to kill them... They still act seperately though.

21:47:30 Feb 19th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

[Ok. I think there should be a rule restricting trade between the same player for that reason... Just a thought... =P]

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