Forums / Roleplaying / The Place-Godly Assault

The Place-Godly Assault
22:56:52 Mar 28th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Nobody saw it coming, but it came...the old God Mastros and the two remaining Gods, the God of Creation and the God of Air. They caused it all...


Septim sits upon his throne as the God of Time, Chaos, the Elements, Creation, and Destruction. Three men approach his throne. One an old man, beard down to his knees, the second a simple looking builder, and the third a winged demon. Septim rises, knowing who they are, to smite them, but the air god shoots an arrow at Septim, diminishing his power to his mortal level, which is still quite substantial. The winged demon becomes the God of Elements, the builder becomes God of Creation and Destruction, and the old man regains his position as God of Time. Septim is approached by the three Gods, but Septim still has a trick up his sleeve. He turns into a mighty white dragon.


He uses his remaining power to stop Mastros from freezing time and flies off. The God of Elements pursues him, walls of fire chase Septim, but Septim evades, waves rise thousands of feet, but Septim uses his fire to evaporate the water. The God of Elements attacks Septim from behind, but Septim turns and uses his massive claws to throw the God of Elements to the ground before flying off into the portal to the mortal world, where the laws Mastros had set long ago prevented him from using his powers there, but the minions are a different story.


Septim flies through to Erabor to be greeted by Validus.

"Father! What is wrong?", asks Validus.

"The old ones have returned...", says Septim.


Oceanus is again the last haven for the creatures of this world, dwarves, humans, Serpentians, Drakonians, orcs, monkeys, and trolls all flee to Oceanus. The limitless hordes of demons, mermen, harpies, and gollums destroy all in their path to make way for the rule of the Gods.


Come as you seems the world is in a pickle once more.

You start with an army of five hundred unseasoned warriors, twenty mages, three airships, a hundred unseasoned rangers, and twenty five riders. Each town liberated gives you men, this is resistance, not takeover. After each attack return to the thick walls of Oceanus.

Septim and Validus wait for more people to come. Topal's men arrive.

23:16:26 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Elfy:

err im little confused by this but, er ill join if im allowed? i cant tell cos uve alrdy assigned the empires to peeps so this means im not allowed or??


23:18:11 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

i will join if i can aswell.

23:28:06 Mar 28th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

I havn't assigned Empires, those are the old Empires. There have been two other "The Place" threads, so go ahead!

23:37:51 Mar 28th 08 - Mr. Might the God of Cows:

*Xerxus sits in the throne of Mightaria.*

"If only Septim had listened to Might. He told him it would happen...."

00:11:52 Mar 29th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

*Septim and his son greet Topal.

"Welcome, if your Empire was taken it's only a matter of time before the others are..."


Hundreds of millions of demons attack each Empire with millions of other creatures. The walls are thrown down instantly and all inside who don't escape are cut down by the might of the God of Destruction. Only one place is safe from the magic, Oceanus, because Septim created it and enchanted it, all who enter are mortals...including Gods.

00:15:56 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Might the God of Cows:

*Xerxus watches as the hordes of demons charge into the empty capital.*

00:50:36 Mar 29th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{Septim, I'd like to join but mind if I have my 31 personal bodyguards (The best of the 501st and skilled magi) with 5 airships, and nothing else to start?}

01:27:31 Mar 29th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

[[OOC: That's fine...]]


01:47:19 Mar 29th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{Many thanks}

Bloodied and battered, Erunion and his personal bodyguard walk into the palace on Oceanus, their airships outside. With irony and sarcasm dripping from his tongue, Erunion lashed out at Septim
"Septim! You have returned... But as a mortal? Oh how the mighty have fallen."
Angrily, Erunion continued forward.
"What happened? You were their God! the people trusted in you to protect them, but you have failed once more, as ye did before. The people lose faith, as they lose their lives to the terror your greed unleashed! Look what your lust for power has done! Millions dead once more, because you set yourself up as a deity. You believed that if you gained their power, you could become one of them! It was always power! Always that which blinded you to your weakness. You are no deity, neither you nor these beings that have replaced you. You are all creatures, and I pray that the creator, what ere it may be, will have mercy upon us. Upon the few good men who remain alive."

01:52:52 Mar 29th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Septim, in his ruined and tattered white robes, looks at Erunion.

"I see now that it was not meant to be for a mortal to become a God...I am still of some use. I may be nearing eighty, but that improvements nothing. I the only human capable of morphing into a dragon, and can use the Power of the North. I also have my blade, Firengard, which is quite powerful, but in my now mortal hands it's power has diminished from when I held it as a God..."

02:05:44 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Might the God of Cows:

*Xerus walks into the room laughing.*

"Might told you....he told you so many times that this would happen! He died because of you Septim are one of the most cold-hearted bastards I have ever seen out of the Hells."

02:09:43 Mar 29th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion was in accord with Xerxus.
"Septim, you reached for the stars, grasped them for a time, but got burnt. You were told that he who reaches for the stars would stumble over a straw, but you failed to listen. Now we pay for your mistakes."

02:19:38 Mar 29th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

[[OOC: My character, though he's dressed differently at times...]]

Septim draws his blade.

"Then kill me! I will not kill myself! No honor lies in death by your own hands! I will not be an easy one to kill if you decide to!"

02:22:49 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Might the God of Cows:

*Xerxus stairs at the frail old human trying to look scary.*

"Don't be ridicules...."

02:24:48 Mar 29th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

[[OOC: I am half I can live until fallen by the blade and my strength doesn't fade with age...]]

02:30:30 Mar 29th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:


Name: Cephorus Septim IV
Age: 78 1/2
Race: Human/Drakonian
Height: 6'
Weight: 185 lbs
Melee skill: Grandmaster
Magic skill: Grandmaster
Crafting skill: Grandmaster
Archery skill: Grandmaster
Tactical skill: Medium
Smithing skill: Grandmaster
Current mood: Depressed


Name: Jonas Topal
Age: 41
Height: 6' 1"
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Black
Eye color: Blue
Blade skill: Master
Magic skill: Medium
Tactical skill: Master
Crafting skill: Poor
Smithing skill: Medium
Archery skill: Medium
Current mood: Enraged


Validus Septim
Age: 30
Height: 5' 11"
Weight: 185 lbs.
Hair color: Brown
Eye color: Green
All skills at medium except blades, which is master. And tactical, which is high.]]

02:39:09 Mar 29th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Name: Erunion Telcontar
Age: 73 (Physically is frozen at 36)
Height: 6' 4"
Weight: 190 lbs.
Hair color: Dirty Blonde
Eye color: Green
Blade skill: Grand Master
Magic skill: Grand Master
Tactical skill: Unparalleled throughout all known planes of existence.
Crafting skill: Mediocre
Smithing skill: Mediocre
Archery skill: Master
Scientific ability: Head researcher at the Vault in Naergothrendar.
Current mood: Angry, and sad at the deaths of his people, which serves to fuel his anger even more.

02:57:07 Mar 29th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

A blade suddenly goes through Septim, blood drips from the blade as the life of Septim is extiguished. Septim falls and the blade comes out, the man then chops Septim's head off. The man is revealed to be Topal.

"That is for my wife and children you dirty scoundrel!!!", says Topal in rage that fills his heart.

Validus walks up to his dead father and takes his Drakonian ring, he also takes Firengard and turns to Topal.

"You have killed my father!", yells Validus.

"He deserved it! He caused the death of my people!", says Topal in rage.

"I don't care! He was my father!", yells Validus, "That is no reason to take his life!"

Validus charges at Topal and attacks with Firengard. Topal uses his blade, Deathstrike, to block. A duel ensues.


Septim rises, nothing is upon him except for the tattered remains of his white robe loosely around his legs. Chaoticus approaches Septim.

"Welcome to the void...", he says.

The other vanquished Gods surround Septim, and Septim picks up a ghostly Firengard from the ground.

03:04:15 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Might the God of Cows:

Name: Xerxus
Age: (Millions of years old.)
Height: 8 "2"
Weight: 400 lbs..
Hair color: No hair
Eye color: Black
Blade skill: Best on earth
Magic skill: Best on earth
Tactical skill: Second only to Erunion
Crafting skill: None
Smithing skill: None
Archery skill: Grand Master (With Crossbow)
Scientific ability: Awesomely Smart.
Current mood: Uncaring

03:06:08 Mar 29th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Septim uses the ghostly Firengard to deflect the blows of the ghostly katana of Aquos, he then turns and kicks Chaoticus, he catches Chos, Chaoticus's shortsword, and stabs Firengard into Chaoticus's chest, Chaoticus's ghostly form disappears and Septim turns to slit Destructos's unguarded throat, he then rolls under a fist from Earthos and deflects Aquos's katana once more, he stabs Firengard into Aquos's chest while using Chos to block a blow from Firos. Septim throws Chos into Earthos's eye and picks up Destructos's hammer, he smashes Earthos, and Earthos disappears. He turns to Firos and attacks with Destructos's hammer, but Firos blocks and kicks Septim in the gut, Septim falls to the floor, Septim uses the Power of the North to recover and sweep Firos's legs from under him with his leg. Septim then jumps up and chops off Firos's head. Septim yells to the dark sky above and Airos appears, in true form.

"I expected them to finish you off...I guess I will have to, there will be no running away this time!", yells Airos.

03:07:51 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Might the God of Cows:

[Wtf? Your a should have LOST.....]

03:35:57 Mar 29th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

[[OOC: Might, those were apparations made by Airos to trick me. They were actually mortal soldiers that had died by my hand...Airos is for real though, this is not his I should stand a small chance of ESCAPE...]]

Septim runs towards the edge of a cliff and jumps off into the fiery abyss below, he lands on a harpy, Septim grabs the harpy's head and snaps it before jumping off onto another harpy, on this one Septim uses Firengard to cut off the wings and he binds them together using magic and uses them as a makeshift parachute, Airos throws spikes at Septim, and Septim uses the wings to dodge them, though one hits him in the leg. Septim reaches the bottom and sees the thing he was looking for, a gate to the mortal plane. He runs at it and jumps through. Airos's rageful roars are heard behind him.

03:49:18 Mar 29th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

In the throne room, Erunion was shocked to see the death of his old friend. As his anger evaporated, he saw the rage and fury on the faces of his allies who were locked in a deadly duel.
Rushing forward, he threw himself between the two of them catching their blades on his forearm guards. He then pushed his hands out at each of them, magically sending them flying a few feet.
"Stay this madness! There are too few of us left to fight amongst ourselves, this can only lead to more death, which is the last thing we need. Topal, in many ways Septim was foolish, but he desired always what was best for his people. Never could he have seen this coming. Validus, your father was a deity. The power he has may enable him to escape from wherever he was sent. If not, revenge is still the greatest of foolishnesses, one we cannot afford at this time."

04:17:59 Mar 29th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Septim feels an icy sensation crawl down where his spine should be, he feels his head roll across a hard floor, his neck felt like ice as the veins and spine connected. Septim felt whole. Septim rises and looks around, he sees his son at odds with Topal, and Erunion trying to split them up. Septim whispers something and Firengard flies from his son's grasp into his own, the Drakonian ring also flies right onto his finger. Septim's wounds are healed, the bloodstains remain, but the wounds are healed.

"Validus, your father is not dead, merely sleeping", says Septim.


04:26:35 Mar 29th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

"I have not bled in a long time", says Septim, "Pain...feels good to have now..."

05:18:21 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Might the God of Cows:

[Septim, that made you look/sound SO EMO! Not to mention you look like Jesus :P]

*Xerxus sighs and picks up Septim.*

"I have got to get you to a bed, old man."

*Xerxus brings Septim straight to a bed, ignoring all the protests he could make. Even his "Fury of the North" Garbage.*

05:53:52 Mar 29th 08 - Sir Shinigami:

(I might play, however I'd rather play as a guild instead of a set kingdom. Also, instead of warriors, I want rogues and instead of rangers, they'll be assassins.)

06:28:13 Mar 29th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Septim turns into a dragon and flies away from the mentally unsound demon.

[[OOC: I am good at STICK FIGURES...not real guys...]]

06:36:21 Mar 29th 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Frostsoul:

[[Hey, is there any offshore Countries for this game? we Dark Elf could get involved....]]

06:39:00 Mar 29th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

[[OOC: The elven continent sort of went into the ocean, only few remain, you can come with thirty dark elves, the last of your race...]]

06:44:56 Mar 29th 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Frostsoul:

[But we Dark elves live on Naggaroth after we left and traveled to the chosen land... Okay I'll quit being so specific... Sure 30 men sounds great, were do I live and what do I do?]

06:47:06 Mar 29th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

[[OOC: You are crossing the ocean to wherever you can rebuild your lives, which just happens to be Oceanus, the last stronghold in the resistance against the Gods...]]

06:53:28 Mar 29th 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Frostsoul:


07:18:54 Mar 29th 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Frostsoul:

The Dark elven lifeboat landed ashore the pure white sandy beach of the province of Oceanus. Apart for their weapons and armor the survivors of the great battleship 'Harlequin' had landed upon the heavenly island with the barest amount of items and utensils to assist them.
Every citizen of the Dark Elf society was and are highly trained soldiers.

"So it has come to this has it..."
Salaracen stood on the beach looking out onto the ocean, his clothing a very unusual color against the landscape of the white beach and the tropical greenery.

The Dark Elf people followed the road that lead to the mighty walls of fortress on the island.

07:49:50 Mar 29th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Septim lands upon the outer wall and looks out, ten looming shapes are on the horizon. They land, morph into humanoid lizard forms, and Septim stretches his hand out in preparation for a handshake but is instead punched in the face.

"You killed my people! You and your demons!", roars Drake.

"I didn't...the old Gods came back and dethroned me...", says Septim.

"Suuure, whatever you say!", says Drake as he punches Septim again.

"Would I be before you in these tattered, bloodstained robes if I did not speak the truth!", says Septim.

Drake stops.

"Tratiors take many forms!", says Drake.

"I am not a tratior!", yells Septim.

"I...I see truth in your words...", says Drake.

"You should! Now, you and your men would be useful to the resistance", says Septim.

"I have nowhere else, the other remaining ten thousand Drakonians are imprisoned in the void...I will work with you to free them...", says Drake Drakonius, walking off to join the others in the main camp.


Validus walks down to the beach to meet the Dark Elves with his mages and warriors, the archers are also ready in case of attack.

"Dark Elves? Havn't seen your kind since the Xerillian Wars!", yells Validus, "What side are you on!?"

07:54:34 Mar 29th 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Frostsoul:

Salaracen is surprised by the question given.

"We are strangers to the politics of these lands, we do not understand... is there a war going on that sides must be taken in?
I am sorry, my *language name here* is not very good"

08:17:14 Mar 29th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

[[OOC: We speak Erusion...the human language...]]

"Are you with the demons or the mortals!?"

09:01:55 Mar 29th 08 - Sir Salaracen Vineraven Frostsoul:

"<Erusion>We are mortals, so we are with you yes? May we stay here in these lands?"

All of the Dark elves had got themselves together and now stood in a tight bunch with puzzled faces behind Salaracen for none of them could speak Erusion for it was forbidden to learn the languages of lesser races, only scribes and political leader could learn other languages than their elven one...

14:38:58 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Elfy:

*On the distant shores of the other side of the island, a wind begins to blow...the sky seems to brighten..then on the distant horizons a fleet can be seen. These are the Last of the High Elves...they come to rebuild..repopulate...revenge...Dark Elves are NOT to be trusted...

An echoeing song can be heard coming from the direction...louder...and louder...We Have Arrived...............

17:31:44 Mar 29th 08 - Sir Shinigami:

Somewhere within Oceanus...

A man walks down a dark hallway, his footsteps are muffled as he strides silently. He comes before a large double-doorway and opens the door. Within the chambers is a dimly lit room with no windows. Inside sat a man dressed in black clothes with golden trim, he was observing a map, look up he nodded, "Lieutenant, thank you for coming. Are the letters to the rulers ready?"

The lieutenant stopped and nodded his head, "Yes sir, of course. Though are you sure on this course of action? We have kept our coffers full doing what we have been doing, and we aren't as exposed to much risk."

The guildmaster listened to the words and then nodded, "Yes there'll be more risk, that's why we're charging what we are. Still, there'll be many that'd sign up for the payout we'll offer, and it's for a good cause.. if we can make a sum of cash for it, so much the better. Send out the messages.."

The letters read as follows:

To all the rulers of the 'free' lands:


Allow me to introduce myself, I'm Guildmaster Lorenzo Drake of the Crimson Shroud. I've come to make an offer to all of you all. It seems, that in the fight against the demonic hordes, that you need as many men as you can get ahold of.  I have men, and I have ways to make their lives... 'difficult'.

For the services of my men and I, we will be charging a fee. Prices are as follows:

Information - 1,000 gold pieces (or whatever the currency is) per question  answered.
Supply Raids - 20,000 gold pieces plus we keep the plunder.
Assassination - 50,000 gold pieces per target. (For use of high-level targets, enemy rulers, etc.)

Bear in mind that while the prices may seem expensive, my men and I guarantee the results that you're expecting. To seek us, look for one of my agents within the Fox's Den Tavern near the port of Oceanus. He will serve as my medium and I look forward to doing business with you.


Lorenzo Drake - Guildmaster
(A red wax seal with a symbol of a cloak is on each letter)

17:41:45 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Elfy:

[so do i start out wit the same stuff as sal since my civ went down with that island as well]

17:59:54 Mar 29th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

[[OOC: You start with thirty high elves, and when the continent of Xerillia went beneath the ocean, the dark elves, high elves, and wood elves held a strong alliance...]]

Septim walks up behind Shinigami.

"Sending us letters? Wanting to profit from war and chaos? Oh well, we could use your help, and if you're wondering how I found you...I have my sources...though the only high level commanders the enemies have are Gods, Airos and Creatos...there is a demonic General by the name of Sherigar-Hasphat, he was my best when I commanded him, so I will pay you twenty thousand now and forty thousand when it's done...", says Septim before disappearing into the shadows.


Validus looks down, and back up at Vineraven.

"Your race was crippled, now it shall be rebuilt, here...if you wish, help us in our battle, but I'd rather all of you survive so that your race may flourish once more", says Validus, "Though I'd wish the hostility towards Erusians will never resurface..."

18:28:04 Mar 29th 08 - Sir Shinigami:

The lieutenant looks on after Setpim disappears, "Sir, was it alright to let that man sneak in here like this? Especially since he didn't leave any gold?"

Drake shrugs, "Either his money will be good, or he'll be the next mark and I'll do  him for free. Send the feelers out to scout for this 'general', activate cell 'A' and be sure to check on the traps in this building. I think I'll go out and deal with this one personally.."

The lieutenant nods, "Yes sir."


Name: Lorenzo Drake (Didn't realise there was another Drake character being used, woops)
Age: 29
Race: Appears Human
Height: 5' 7"
Weight: 167 lbs
Melee skill: Expert (can only use short blades)
Magic skill: Expert (can only use illusionary magics as well as magical items)
Stealth skill: Grandmaster
Archery skill: Grandmaster (Borders on the line of inhuman. One shot can kill any unarmored target)
Tactical skill: Grandmaster
Smithing skill: Expert (When making traps, arrows and knives.)
Current mood: Amused.

18:43:04 Mar 29th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Septim walks back to the main base on Oceanus and over to Jonas Topal's tent.

"Topal? You in there?", asks Septim as he walks in, there he finds Topal on the floor, with his wrists cut, blood oozing across the floor. Emperor Jonas Topal is dead. Septim remembers when he first met Topal, a great warrior and tactician and as happy as could be, now a cold, dead, corpse on the ground. Septim picks up the suicide note.


To whomever finds this,

I have forgiven Septim for what he wasn't his fault. I can, however, no longer live upon this planet without my wife and son, so I am sending myself to the void to be with them...give my command to whoever finds this, I don't care if it's a slave...give it to them...

Jonas Topal


Septim folds the note up and walks out, he goes to the Headquarters and presents the note.

"Emperor Jonas Topal is dead...this note and his corpse are all that remain. I also have news from a Drakonian scout that the Gods are launching an we'd better prepare..."

18:48:48 Mar 29th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

"Topal is dead? Was it an assassination or a true suicide?"
 Erunion then turned to the man behind him;
"Jenkins, study that handwriting and send a detachment of men to study the tent, see if there is any sign of this being an assassination, or if it truly is a suicide."
Turning back to Septim, Erunion spoke once more.
"How many are coming, where are they coming from and what is the composition of their army?"

19:26:09 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Elfy:

Fine, We'll work with the Dark Elves...for now..

19:36:54 Mar 29th 08 - Prince Gorris Septim:

Jonas Topal stands in the pits of the void, his wife and son are nowhere to be seen, only a demonic figure with wings is before him.

"Topal, that's your name right? Well, your son and wife are down here, but you killed yourself...and I will not allow you to be with them unless you serve me as my General, I heard you were quite the tactician...", says Airos.

"Serve you for my wife and child? I merely have to do what I've done all my life, order deaths or kill personally? Of course, to be with my son and wife, I will do anything", says Topal.


"Fifty thousand soldiers to our two thousand, not good odds, I hope you havn't lost your tactical skill...", says Septim.

19:37:59 Mar 29th 08 - Sir Shinigami:

Lorenzo and 20 other men arrive on the shore of the mainland under the cover of night. From the trees a single torch's flame. The band of archers moves into the trees and meets the contact.

"What is your report scout?"

The scout douses the flame and takes a swig of his waterskin, "Sir, that general you mentioned is indeed on the move. It seems that they're fixing to mount some offensive against the island. It's a pretty large force, more than the guild could take if we fought them toe-to-toe."

Lorenzo nods, "Of course, which is why we never do that. Have the mages gone on ahead?"

The scout nodded, "Yes guildmaster, they're working on the spell  now."

Lorenzo grinned, "Excellent, let's see if we can infiltrate this army and strike at its heart."

20:11:54 Mar 29th 08 - Mr. Might the God of Cows:

*Xerxus sees the Dark Elf party and goes to meet them.*

"Hello mortals."

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