Forums / Roleplaying / The Quest of Ages

The Quest of Ages
05:15:17 Sep 24th 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

Well then! I feel like doing my first forum RP, and I would like it to be a quest to find something (For some odd reason...)

We are searching for the Amulet of Ages, the Amulet has the power to turn time backwards or forwards.

Sign up like so:

1. Name, description

Alright! So lets get started!

05:18:12 Sep 24th 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

1. Gaius Septim II, a moderately sized man who is proficient in most forms of combat, but is a master of blades, he usually wears a brown shirt with dark brown trousers, he also wears a black cape around his shoulders.

05:44:04 Sep 24th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

1. Xiax, an experienced hedge wizard, a veteran of many campaigns throughout the continent as part of certain mercenary groups. He may not have studied at any of the great arcane institutions, but his skill, battle instincts and sheer talent for magic more than makes up for his lack of formal training. His penis is also more than 7 feet long. He wears very baggy trousers and a green cloak, he does not wear a shirt as he likes to show off his muscular build. Yeah...

05:48:05 Sep 24th 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

(Hey, I'm still going to be with the group...)

1. Gaius Septim II, a moderately sized man who is proficient in most forms of combat, but is a master of blades, he usually wears a brown shirt with dark brown trousers, he also wears a black cape around his shoulders.

2. Xiax, an experienced hedge wizard, a veteran of many campaigns throughout the continent as part of certain mercenary groups. He may not have studied at any of the great arcane institutions, but his skill, battle instincts and sheer talent for magic more than makes up for his lack of formal training. His penis is also more than 7 feet long. He wears very baggy trousers and a green cloak, he does not wear a shirt as he likes to show off his muscular build. Yeah...

08:38:46 Sep 24th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

Seloc, A new swordsman, previosly a farmer until he ran away from home to join the army.

12:20:05 Sep 24th 07 - Sir Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin:

1. Gaius Septim II, a moderately sized man who is proficient in most forms of combat, but is a master of blades, he usually wears a brown shirt with dark brown trousers, he also wears a black cape around his shoulders.

2. Xiax, an experienced hedge wizard, a veteran of many campaigns throughout the continent as part of certain mercenary groups. He may not have studied at any of the great arcane institutions, but his skill, battle instincts and sheer talent for magic more than makes up for his lack of formal training. His penis is also more than 7 feet long. He wears very baggy trousers and a green cloak, he does not wear a shirt as he likes to show off his muscular build. Yeah...

3.Seloc, A new swordsman, previosly a farmer until he ran away from home to join the army

4.Jonny, master tactician, he rapier holds a piece of Lothon the everliving inside of it. He wears the armor of the Frozen Flame in combat (when he can manage to out it on). He is 6'8, wears a cape, color unknown.

14:50:19 Sep 24th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

"Oh no! A rapist has joined our ranks! Back away and make sure to keep your front facing him at all times! Even though he's short he's nasty!"

18:50:19 Sep 24th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

Rapier a thin stabing sword.....

19:00:03 Sep 24th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

1. Gaius Septim II, a moderately sized man who is proficient in most forms of combat, but is a master of blades, he usually wears a brown shirt with dark brown trousers, he also wears a black cape around his shoulders.

2. Xiax, an experienced hedge wizard, a veteran of many campaigns throughout the continent as part of certain mercenary groups. He may not have studied at any of the great arcane institutions, but his skill, battle instincts and sheer talent for magic more than makes up for his lack of formal training. His penis is also more than 7 feet long. He wears very baggy trousers and a green cloak, he does not wear a shirt as he likes to show off his muscular build. Yeah...

3.Seloc, A new swordsman, previosly a farmer until he ran away from home to join the army

4.Jonny, master tactician, he rapier holds a piece of Lothon the everliving inside of it. He wears the armor of the Frozen Flame in combat (when he can manage to out it on). He is 6'8, wears a cape, color unknown.

5. Erunion Telcontar, Elf Lord, and Duke of Naergothrendar. 6'4, Dark blonde hair, green eyes, wears Naergothrendarin armour, approx 125,000 years old, very powerful mage. Uses a Naergothrendarin Longbow (Draw weight believed to be 275 pounds) and a Trendarat.

23:03:50 Sep 24th 07 - Sir Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin:

Trendarat=what exactly?
seriously, I've never heard of that

some one should use a morning star, that'd be so awsome

23:09:38 Sep 24th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

A Trendarat is a weapon I invented. It's a thicker bodied version of the Katana with a dip in the end shaped like half a leaf. Increase in weight, and shifting of center of gravity. Effective against armour and for breaking through blocks, but needs a lot of strength to wield.

23:19:37 Sep 24th 07 - Sir Ragnarr Stormguard:

I'm in, Gaius. As always. ((:

1. Gaius Septim II, a moderately sized man who is proficient in most forms of combat, but is a master of blades, he usually wears a brown shirt with dark brown trousers, he also wears a black cape around his shoulders.

2. Xiax, an experienced hedge wizard, a veteran of many campaigns throughout the continent as part of certain mercenary groups. He may not have studied at any of the great arcane institutions, but his skill, battle instincts and sheer talent for magic more than makes up for his lack of formal training. His penis is also more than 7 feet long. He wears very baggy trousers and a green cloak, he does not wear a shirt as he likes to show off his muscular build. Yeah...

3.Seloc, A new swordsman, previosly a farmer until he ran away from home to join the army

4.Jonny, master tactician, he rapier holds a piece of Lothon the everliving inside of it. He wears the armor of the Frozen Flame in combat (when he can manage to out it on). He is 6'8, wears a cape, color unknown.

5. Erunion Telcontar, Elf Lord, and Duke of Naergothrendar. 6'4, Dark blonde hair, green eyes, wears Naergothrendarin armour, approx 125,000 years old, very powerful mage. Uses a Naergothrendarin Longbow (Draw weight believed to be 275 pounds) and a Trendarat.

6. Ragnarr Stormguard, Lord and protector of the Northern Realm, Commander of the Northern Riders.
Description: Ragnarr is a coldhearted northman who's face never seems to change from an emotionless and cold look. He's a great fighter with his great-sword Darklighter. He also has a white wolf as a battle commrade, who's name is Greyjoy ( Xiax would probably say something about that ((: yes, Ragnarr is deeply influenced by Eddard Stark ).
Apperance: Tall, long blonde hair, neatly trimmed beard and mustache and a long pale face. Most often wears chainmail and a white fur cloak. And has cold grey-blue eyes,...

08:56:43 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

Have any of you hear the word "humble" before?

12:04:03 Sep 25th 07 - Sir Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin:

haha, well, yea, but who he needs humbleness, at least I didn't take massively awsome weapons, just one that could never break.

15:02:10 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

Yeah I was wondering the same thing when I read some of those Seloc.

17:23:23 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

Kassius etc: huge bear like dude (ah you can tell its getting interesting now dontcha :P) 6ft 6 and huge frame, fights with steel claws held in each hand and is normally seen covred with ragged scraps of chainmail and plate as protection, dirty long ragged hair too, used to bee leader and master smith of a highland clan untill he caught a rage virus which made him wipe it out (can now control it to make kewl stuff like red eyes and big @ss muskuls :P (likes to tell knock knock jokes too for some reason)

18:07:54 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

The first part sounds a lot like Rhade....

18:15:33 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Yup. "Kassius, take a bath!"

20:25:11 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

nah its not stinkin its.........................musty o and i draw a blnak whos rhade? i feel like i shud know

20:28:22 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

have a look at the three kingdoms rp on page 2.

20:38:33 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

:P got bored of looking, im sure hes not as good as my char anyway :P

20:53:36 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

No he's better....

22:17:35 Sep 25th 07 - Sir Ragnarr Stormguard:

So Gaius, is this going to be like the Stormborn , or what?
And can I have some info about the plot, lad?

23:14:40 Sep 25th 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

All I can tell you is that we are heading towards the last known location of the Amulet, Neirshel

23:17:47 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

"And what, boy, might this amulet do? What makes it special?"

23:20:26 Sep 25th 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

Duke Gaius Septim II

9/23/2007 9:15:17 PM

Well then! I feel like doing my first forum RP, and I would like it to be a quest to find something (For some odd reason...)

We are searching for the Amulet of Ages, the Amulet has the power to turn time backwards or forwards.

Sign up like so:

1. Name, description

Alright! So lets get started!


You could do just about anything with an Amulet that controls time!

23:34:56 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

"I could get young again... Wait! I'm immortal!"

{OOC} You can kill me, but I won't die naturally...

23:46:25 Sep 25th 07 - Sir Ragnarr Stormguard:

"How come immortal? What are you?..."
"Oh, yes, elves,...I thought they're immortal only on their own magical lands,..."

23:53:18 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

"You people are all so short dang it! My penis is taller than all of you!"


23:55:51 Sep 25th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

hmm i wonder if someone is trying to compensate lol :P

23:57:43 Sep 25th 07 - Lord Epyon:

*Epyon walks in without having read any of the posts above*

"I want in"

23:58:34 Sep 25th 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:


Sign up like so:

1. Name, description

Alright! So lets get started!

00:05:40 Sep 26th 07 - Lord Epyon:

1. Epyon, a rebellious badass. A rebel without a cause. Wielding two giant ass swords, he slices through enemies like they were nothing. He has magician's blood in him, but is unaware how to properly use his spells. His parents were killed by an evil wizard who Epyon hopes to seek revenge on. Perhaps this is why he is so arrogant.  He may be arrogant, but he is totally  badass. If this were modern times, he'd be the guy with the trenchcoat and all the guns on the sweet motorcycle. Unfortunately, its not, but thats what he's like. Except with two swords.... no shield, cuz he doesnt need one.

Lord Epyon.... what a badass......


00:19:35 Sep 26th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

"Welcome to the group Epyon. We have Gaius Septim the Swordsman, Xiax the insane, Seloc the Farmboy, Johnny with his pig-sticker, Myself, Ragnarr the Icy, Kassius the Bear and now you, Epyon the misshapen rear end. Or Badass, whichever you prefer. Something tells me that this is going to be very difficult. Most likely someone will incinerate Ragnarr, Hunt Kassius to make themselves a rug, Rid the world of your rear, chop Johnny to peices, find out they've had a grudge against me for 5000 years, Slap Xiax in Happy Acres and then Seloc's parents will come and drag him kicking and screaming back to the farm..."

01:14:08 Sep 26th 07 - Sir Jonny Bacardi The Last Paladin:

yea, lots of things could happen. This game will either be
1) stupidly hilarious
2) Stupid
3)actually work like its supposed to

one thing I forgot to mention about my character though. he has a slight *cough* HAHA Cough Cough* drinking problem

just to add to the entertainment we will be providing

03:33:11 Sep 26th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

Drinking is boring! Make him addicted to the smell of rocks!

03:35:37 Sep 26th 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

Alright friends! Sign-up is over in a half an hour!

04:06:17 Sep 26th 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

The story starts in a small tavern in the village of Oakhaven where eight adventurers sit around the largest table. A small fire flickers in the corner of the room and the man at the end of the table, Gaius, looks up.

"I have called you all here for a reason, you are all quite well known adventurers and quite able from what I've heard of you all. Kassius, Epyon, Seloc, Ragnarr, Erunion, Xiax, Jonny, do you think you are all ready for a quest that will be sung about by the bards for many years to come?"

*Gaius hears several variations of the word "yes" from everybody at the table.

" we are searching for the legendary Amulet of Ages, we will rest here tonight, but tomorrow morning we leave the town to a destination far from civilization"

*Gaius rises from the table and approaches the barman

"I will take eight rooms"

*The barman gives Gaius eight keys and Gaius returns to the group, he distributes the keys.

"I would suggest going to sleep early tonight, but I am sure that Jonny will stay up for the night drinking..."

*Gaius then turns and walks up the stairs to his bedroom.

05:27:30 Sep 26th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

*Xiax goes to his bedroom as well.*

06:14:37 Sep 26th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

"Jonny, You should hit the sack. I have no intention of healing any hangovers you may posses in the morning. Good night, everyone. You'll most likely be dead by this time next week, but, you have hope."

07:11:01 Sep 26th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

"Is Erunion trying to threaten us? You saying you're gonna kill us all by next week Erunion? You know, the elf boy has never really been much of a team player, making fun of us simple folks and all with his thousands year old learning and all that. I say we get rid of him early before he kills us all!"

07:32:28 Sep 26th 07 - Duke Gaius Septim II:

[[OOC: This isn't is a quest...]]

08:36:20 Sep 26th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

[we'll see about that muwhahaha!]

*Seloc goes to his room.*

"Night guys don't let the bed bugs bite......"

14:48:56 Sep 26th 07 - Mr. Xiax:

"Bed bugs?! Are you threatening me Seloc?!"

15:06:56 Sep 26th 07 - Sir Ragnarr Stormguard:

*Ragnarr takes the key Gaius gave him in his hand and places it slowly somewhere under his cloak.*
"Barmaid, bring me some mead."
*Ragnarr drank from his drinking horn once he recieved it and after a few more ales, he headed upstairs.*

16:34:13 Sep 26th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Hearing Xiax, Erunion turned back downstairs, the good of the expedition his chief concern for the moment. After all, if something goes wrong, there's a good chance of death...
"Barkeep, where's the nearest sanitarium?"

Wondering, the barkeep replied, "What, by all that's holy, is a sanitarium?"

Rolling his eyes, Erunion replied; "A place where you keep insane people."

Glad that he can help, the bartender spoke; "Oh, well, the nearest ones 250 miles that way" With this, the barkeep pointed North.

"Oh, alright..." Uncivilized barbarians!

17:07:42 Sep 26th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

*grunts an incomprehensible greeting then takes the key looking at it in a confused manner*

"WTF is this for?"

"crushed the key and throws it behind him then goes out side and settles down under a tree"

"bah weak children cant bear the elments while they sleep"


17:12:22 Sep 26th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

About to go back to bed, Erunion hears Kassius's foolish statement.
"Ah, Kassius... We can bear the elements, we merely have the intelligence not to bother when we have perfectly good beds available..."

17:15:53 Sep 26th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

*throws a rock through the window at Erunion*

"Hehe Beds? grass makes a perfectly good bed. Anywho G'night yah oldie"

17:21:09 Sep 26th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion grabs the rock with one hand, and tosses it back onto the grass.
"Good night, boy."

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