Forums / Roleplaying / The Web Weaver

The Web Weaver
22:42:40 Jun 29th 08 - Mr. Killer:

This is a sad tale, of disappointment, misfortune and luck, and which is my duty to recount, as you may learn from my mistakes, little 'uns. Alas, not many learn from others mistakes, and their own are all the more grievious for that. Then, at least, may this be a tale to keep you entertained for a while.

"It was a fine day, much like this one. The evil birds were twittering in the bushes, planning on who to take and eat, pulling legs off first and then digging there sharp beaks into the abdomen. The flies were plentiful and the trees swayed slightly in the wind. I was standing on a leaf, chestnut I think, when the bitter north wind favoured me with a gust. I flew far and wide, almost passing over the great river, shimmering in the sunlight. Alas, I landed upon it, and the current swiftly pulled me downstream. The leaf overturned, and I plunged into the icy cold waters. I was sure I was going to die. Luckily, perhaps, I was pushed out at a waterfall, and fell far, but survived. I had crossed the river, which many have wished to do, but no other had succeded and returned alive. Perhaps they found a better life elsewhere, but I couldn't be sure, when you listen to my tale you will be doubtful as well, it is a tretcherous land.
                The ground was uneven, I struggeled up over mounds and hills, it was tough going. I managed up them, them climbed a tree in which to build a cobweb. This I did, a magnificent web it was. A spiral orb web, dancing in the breeze, fluttering attractively, of course. I don't know what those other spiders do with those useless webs of theirs. Anyhow, first I began on the primary strand, then strengthened it," the spider looked around at the younger ones at this point. He continued "Of course, you all know how to build a web. I shall continue so. It was a fine day as I said before, and flies were buzzing about the place. I caught a few, and left them.

To be continued...

15:17:11 Jun 30th 08 - Mr. Killer:

"After a while, I went up, and gave them a lethal bite, and slowly ate one. Alas, while traveling back, I got stuck on my own web, much to my embarrassment. I was stuck there a while, doing little but looking at my surroundings. It was a majestic oak upon which I was bestowed, several hundred thread lengths, reaching into the sky and dragging the clouds over to rain down upon it. The green foliage was everywhere, though the leaves on lesser trees were growing sp*beep* during the cold winter months. I waited a while, thankfully having eaten my hunger was satisfied. A wasp landed near me, and I feared he would sting me. I was helpless." The old spider looked at his audience at this point, they were captivated even though he was a terrible story-teller. He continued tapping his feet.
          "It was not in fact a wasp, but merely an imitator. Still, I was stuck. The creatures struggles to be free loosened the web however, and I fell to the ground, a long distance, however my thread saved me. I climbed back up and freed the bug for his troubles, even if not on purpose. I went on about my journey, and wandered and ambled every which way. I stumbled across a giant spider, by the name of a tarantula, what type I do not recall. It was battling with many creatures, similar to a rat. It threw spe*beep*verywhere, irritating the animals, and made its escape. I scrambled away before they returned."


21:12:43 Jul 1st 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:


22:14:27 Jul 1st 08 - Sir Ernie The Orange:

Sadly....I am terrified of spiders -.-

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