Forums / Roleplaying / VILLAGE III

15:17:44 Aug 10th 07 - Sir Salaras Lentorix Vineraven:

okay i need active people play this game other wise it wont work.

okay sign up like  we do for werewolf

15:20:24 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Aben II:

how do you play this?

1 Aben.

15:22:07 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:


2.Kassius meh dunno i ignored the uthr 1s :P

15:43:30 Aug 10th 07 - Sir Salaras Lentorix Vineraven:

well, once every 1 who dose sign up, signs up. i will explain i detail.

but for now...

okay we play this game in a roleplay kind of way.
 so we speak in roleplay kind of way.

once we have enough people, i will get the list of people and give each person on it a house or piece of land.

after that you must live in the village with what ever job youve been given.

there will be challenges and decions we must all make together these desicons will aftect the village.

there are rules.

*no killing other people in the village EG: *septim smacks salaras over the head with anshovel he dies*

you may get into brawls or fights, but you cannot avoid the fact that you could be arrested by the guards

no doing annoying things like escaping the
prison, the guards will let you out in a short while

if somthing unnatural happens like, septim finds a box of choclate, will be posted by me.

15:45:59 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Aben II:

cool !!!

15:57:48 Aug 10th 07 - Sir Salaras Lentorix Vineraven:

you like the sound of it?
1rst time we played it we had secerets, like im a murderour.

16:00:52 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Aben II:

i thought your not aallowed to kill people ?

Also how dose the game end ?

16:02:54 Aug 10th 07 - Sir Salaras Lentorix Vineraven:

well depends how well it goes.

16:05:33 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Aben II:

so it ends whn people get sick of it ?

16:09:07 Aug 10th 07 - Sir Salaras Lentorix Vineraven:

no, if we fail to make the village work. eg if we make  a bad descion

16:11:49 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Aben II:

oh, sorry, i get it now.

16:15:12 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

like letting a little bunny into the village and you find out its coated in anthrax, that kind of mistake?

16:16:17 Aug 10th 07 - Sir Salaras Lentorix Vineraven:

well......... yes, or deciding to build walls instead of food

17:24:04 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Defensive:


2.Kassius meh dunno i ignored the uthr 1s :P


(save this thread please it sounds good)

19:13:16 Aug 10th 07 - Duke Mielo:


2.Kassius meh dunno i ignored the uthr 1s :P


4.Mielo (let's try it again I guess)

(shave this thread please it sounds good)

19:21:31 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Defensive:


21:21:05 Aug 10th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

wow my names gotten longer :P

23:07:14 Aug 10th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:


2.Kassius meh dunno i ignored the uthr 1s :P


4.Mielo (let's try it again I guess)

5. Gaius Septim

12:53:10 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Zakath V:


2.Kassius meh dunno i ignored the uthr 1s :P


4.Mielo (let's try it again I guess)

5.Gaius Septim

6.Zakath V

12:55:38 Aug 11th 07 - Sir Scientist:


2.Kassius meh dunno i ignored the uthr 1s :P


4.Mielo (let's try it again I guess)

5.Gaius Septim

6.Zakath V

7. Scientist the almighty

17:58:07 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen IV:


2.Kassius meh dunno i ignored the uthr 1s :P


4.Mielo (let's try it again I guess)

5.Gaius Septim

6.Zakath V

7. Scientist the g@y

8 Iwasfrozen (Jack Frost)

22:10:21 Aug 11th 07 - Mr. Strike Zakira:

can i join?

23:00:33 Aug 11th 07 - Sir Scientist:


2.Kassius meh dunno i ignored the uthr 1s :P


4.Mielo (let's try it again I guess)

5.Gaius Septim

6.Zakath V

7. Scientist the destroyer of worlds

8 Iwasfrozen (Jack Frost)

00:24:43 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

Mr. Strike Zakira

just copy the existing link and post your name at the botom to join in

01:58:45 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Strike Zakira:


2.Kassius meh dunno i ignored the uthr 1s :P


4.Mielo (let's try it again I guess)

5.Gaius Septim

6.Zakath V

7. Scientist the destroyer of worlds

8 Iwasfrozen (Jack Frost)


03:02:21 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Goldmeister:


2.Kassius meh dunno i ignored the uthr 1s :P


4.Mielo (let's try it again I guess)

5.Gaius Septim

6.Zakath V

7. Scientist the destroyer of worlds

8 Iwasfrozen (Jack Frost)


10. Goldmeister (Goldsie)

09:08:39 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Defensive:


2.Kassius meh dunno i ignored the uthr 1s :P

3.Defensive (Defensive II)

4.Mielo (let's try it again I guess)

5.Gaius Septim

6.Zakath V

7. Scientist the destroyer of worlds

8 Iwasfrozen (Jack Frost)


10. Goldmeister (Goldsie)


sorry just forgot to post my name for next era

10:28:02 Aug 12th 07 - Sir Salaras Lentorix Vineraven:

woah lots of people!

that means youve got to be active or you die okay!!!?

14:17:00 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Seloc:


2.Kassius meh dunno i ignored the uthr 1s :P

3.Defensive (Defensive II)

4.Mielo (let's try it again I guess)

5.Gaius Septim

6.Zakath V

7. Scientist the destroyer of worlds

8 Iwasfrozen (Jack Frost)


10. Goldmeister (Goldsie)

11.Seloc (I assume Seloc)

17:18:35 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

well i got school starting so the time ill be on will be about 3:40-midnight (GMT)on and off so boot me now if it wont work

17:59:00 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Defensive:

*boots Kassius Xxi up the bum

21:09:04 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

better than me kassius My schools starting now so i only have 4:00-6:00 and maybe a couple hours at 10ish (GMT)

23:50:50 Aug 12th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

lol looks like its gonna be a sleepy village, and defensive i shall remember that post >:D

23:53:26 Aug 12th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*Septim walks up

"When does this start?"

09:26:33 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

what do you mean, this IS the game :S

09:28:06 Aug 13th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:



10:11:11 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

"Of cource it is, it's a game!"

10:12:20 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:


11:37:54 Aug 13th 07 - Sir Salaras Lentorix Vineraven:

okay when do you guys think we should start to play?

11:45:20 Aug 13th 07 - Duke Mielo:

as soon as the era ends!

12:08:50 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

works for me :) lets play! lol

19:26:36 Aug 13th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

*A mongoose walks up and puts up a flier, it says:


Ye Olde Taverne is a cozy Tavern in the roleplaying section, it has a beer pool, lots of tables and chairs, and lots of good ol' fashion fun! C'mon down and join the party!


Gaius Septim


20:20:09 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

play the game!!!!!!!!!!

20:22:22 Aug 13th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:



20:51:06 Aug 13th 07 - Duke Mielo:

Stop spamming this for christ's sake! It makes me feel not playing anylonger

20:52:43 Aug 13th 07 - Sir Gaius Septim:

I'm not spamming, this all has relevancy to the conversation, some mongoose did the flier...start the game!

20:53:29 Aug 13th 07 - Mr. Kassius Xxi:

exactly there have been no proven liks btween the mongoose and septim, all witnesses had "accidents" ........ok this is spam but the play the game one wasnt

10:08:15 Aug 14th 07 - Mr. Seloc:

Wow this games going nowhere fast.

13:45:22 Aug 14th 07 - Sir Salaras Lentorix Vineraven:

okay now that every one has signed up please tell me what kind of job, house and anything else youd like your character in the game to have or be special about them.

16:46:59 Aug 14th 07 - Mr. Iwasfrozen IV:

I'm easy.

Give me anything. (With some power not anything dull !!) ;-))

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