Forums / Roleplaying / Zombie Apocolypse I

Zombie Apocolypse I
15:48:22 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomiv:

A long time after the year 2050, almost all mankind has been wiped out by the infectious TTvirus. The virus mutates humankind to zombie like creatures, no longer having a mind of it's own. In this story, a group of survivors must struggle to survive and find others, while the endless zombie hordes rampages on.... claiming cities and turning other survivors into their kindred....

15:52:06 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might picks up a chainsaw*

"Im in!"

15:56:24 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

This sounds like Resident Evil....

16:21:19 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

loadingt his desert eagle

im in

16:22:35 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

*Picks up a double-barrelled and a bunch of shotgun shells. Then arms himself with his Khukuri.

"I guess you'll need someone to watch your backs."

16:38:09 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomiv:

uhh.. wher's the zombies.?

16:39:02 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

You tell us, you started this thread. =P

16:41:13 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomiv:

you might as well exercises a bit survivors
*wraith,deathuelf,and might the evil cow works out, training their endurance, leg muscles..*

16:41:33 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomiv:

i'll start the game when theirs more survivors and zombies!

17:40:59 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Verthias X:

Verthias led his legions, shuffling, dripping, and with occasional non-essential limbs falling off and hitting the concrete with dull thuds, and vaguely sensed prey in the distance. With his unnaturally sharp senses, he could smell the sweat of the humans on breeze, hear their breathing and their thudding hearts even from this distance. With a gesture, he sent his zombie hordes in a broad sweeping movement, moving through the city, hunting for prey.

17:52:47 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

The new battalion arrived. With Demonsul at the forefront, they caught up with Verthias and reinforced the zombie ranks. Standing intimidatingly among the other zombies, the new battalion members were infected with a mutant strain of the virus. The resulting creatures were fast, smart, and vicious. Under the control of Verthias and his second in command Demonsul, they were lethal.

19:59:25 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Zyrike:

Another horde arrived with Zyrike at the front. it met up with Verthias and Demonsul but decided not to merge and sent his z's through out the city hoping to find prey before Verthias did.

20:23:25 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

deathuelf puts his desert eagle in its holster with 5 clips on his belt. He then put his magnum in its holster but it only had the 6 rounds in it. He put he's newly shapened axe on his belt and put the belt thing over his head and shoulder that was filled with shotgun rounds and with all that he picked up his shotgun and went to sleep. 

20:26:24 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Noting the departure of Zryike, his equal and the third Lord of the zombie horde, Demonsul took his New Battalion out of the main armies of High Lord Verthias and prepared to move out. This day would not be the day the New Battalion was beaten to the kill. Soon, the Battalion were running (or the Battalion Zombie equivalent) at full speed towards where the humans were most likely to be.

20:27:12 Mar 14th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Revenge pulls out his Laser-blaster normally used by Ronan in Stargate Atlantis

" Im in "

20:42:42 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

thats not fare ronans gun is so cool.

21:21:05 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might takes out his Gren-nuke.*

"If all else goes wrong.....theres always this that I can count on."

21:23:32 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

yeah, you sure you can throw it far enough away or is it a suicide weapon?

hold on, do the survivors start together, or do they have to meet up?

21:50:41 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Verthias X:

[I'd assume they start together. "you might as well exercises a bit survivors
*wraith,deathuelf,and might the evil cow works out, training their endurance, leg muscles..*". Unless they're doing synchronized exercises without seeing each other... although it does say that they're meant to find others. Seems to be quite confused.. *glares*]

Verthias noticed the departure of his lieutants, hunting the few, pitful human survivors in the city. Pragmatically, he knew that the faster, more mobile forces of Demonsul would be more likely to score the kill than his slower, if vast, armies. Settling on the fine old wall of meat strategy, he focuses his hordes in a noose, wrapped around the street the humans were within. From his or Demonsul's signal, the noose would tighten - wave after wave of zombies heading down every street, through every building, towards the centre.

22:43:03 Mar 14th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion finishes belting on his experimental suit.
The thing had been invented for UN peacekeepers and police, but the cost wouldn't have been logical...
He also grabs his Gauss shotgun and slides it over his shoulder into it's own ammo producer backpack.

{Gauss shotgun: Uses electromagnetic coils to propel several dozen metal pellets down miniature barrels in an circular pattern. Good range for a shotgun, devastating. Once ammo runs out, you can take any other metal and stuff it into the "Ammunition maker." It is melted down and turned into correct sized pellets. The pellets are then fed into the shotgun while the shotgun is strapped into the holster...
The suit fires small pellets which shoot tiny pellets which release a chemical at the required distance. This chemical creates an extremely powerful vacuum...
Controlled by thought.}

22:57:17 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

Deathuelf was looking around the building they were in and he found MP5 with a scope on the top it and could be set to single shot, burst shot or that one were it can keep shoting untill its out of ammo. He also found 7 full clips with it.  

23:03:14 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Verthias X:

[ know, Erunion, I thought this was meant to be not-that-distant-from-modern times, not based in the year fourty thousand...and i'm not even going to start on chemicals producing a void and not causing an atomic detonation in the process. Can't we just all stay with one standard of weapon? *points to the more traditional anti-zombie weapons in the thread*]

[A scoped MP5, Deathuelf? You won't get very good accuracy with a submachine gun.. that's good for 100 meters, max. Why not go for a rifle?]

23:11:26 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

[but if its on single shot then it'll be allright and its also to see long distance.]

23:24:51 Mar 14th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{The gun itself is inaccurate at long distances...
This isn't that distant into the future. All we need is a chemical that reacts to the air that pushes it aside or neutralizes it for one second (approx). This would cause other items to be shot into this "void" before and as the air returns. Not super advanced, but would require a great deal of luck to create.
Gamemaster, can I keep it??? If not, just replace that with powerful and controlled electromagnets...}

23:37:32 Mar 14th 08 - Mr. Might The God of Cows:

*Might takes out two desert Eagles, a ak-74, and his two-handed Greatsword.*

03:15:00 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

[Where are we anyway? A room, a road, a skyscraper, a field...? I can place defences better if I know what my surroundings are...

And Deathuelf, if you're going to have a scope, I recommend something useful to go with it which you can use the scope with... like some kind of sniper.. not a submachine gun...]

03:33:03 Mar 15th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

Septim walks in with:

an M4 carbine assault rifle with hollow point explosive rounds, a hair trigger, an drum magazine for less reloading, laser sighting, a scope with 4x zoom, a special grip that does not slip when doused with sweat, and a custom rifle butt that goes better with his shoulder.

a SPAS-12 shotgun with a clip slot, flechette ammuntition, a customized butt, and laser sighting.

an MP5 submachine gun with a fiber optic scope, a double clip, laser sighting, a customized butt, and a specialized grip.

two Colt 1911s with magnum rounds, extended clips, laser sighting, a flashlight, semi-automatic fire capabilities, and a fiber optic scope.

A combat knife perfectly balanced for quick stabbing.

A bayonette perfectly balanced for the same reason.

A .50 sniper rifle with a 8x optical zoom scope, laser sighting, an extended clip, a lightweight frame, and a carbon fiber barrel.

A medical computer that can administer antidote, along with stimulants and adrenaline shots.

"I am ready for some zombie slaying!!!"

03:37:27 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Plato:

I don't want to play this but I know someone...

*TRUE Gary comes in*

"Zombie slaying, toxic, bombs, weaponry, HEHEHEHEHE!!!!!!!!"

04:18:08 Mar 15th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

{As I'm guessing that the chemical is out, I'm going to change/flesh out my equipment.}
Alright, my suit. The chemical is out.
Instead, I have a powerful electromagnet on each of my arms and legs (can push or pull metals) and the entire suit is made out of 50-years-into-the-future kevlar.
I have a helmet made of titanium with bracings so that it won't crumple under severe trauma and padding for the head. The facemask has no opening for sight and an advanced gas-mask for breathing (the entire suit is HASMATish...). There is no slit of glass for vision. Instead the entire suit has input sensors that have several modes for night-vision and heat vision. These feeds go directly into a cybernetically enhanced brain (implant chip to read and understand a wider variety of information. Also used to control equipment and speed up thought processes).
I wear a backpack which turns scrap metal into pellets (or slugs) for my gun by melting them then pushing the metals into a frame. The metals are then cooled and placed into waiting slots.
All my equipment is battery powered. The batteries can be recharged by solar energy or by plugging them in to another type of generator.

My gauss shotgun has laser sightings, the ability to use slugs (it has several mini-barrels and one main barrel) and a sniper scope. It also has excellent range and accuracy. (Think Crysis gauss gun with shotgun capabilities...)

As for how I got this equipment, I was the head physicist for a military research lab. When everything went down the drain, I took the most advanced versions of my best prototype weapons.

Yes, I still need food and water...

04:43:37 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Gboypt:

*gboypt With a Band of Good boys Came*

"I'm In..."

*Picks and tuned up his Guitar*

"I will Be the Lead of the Band"

*all other good boys gets the Drums and others*

04:52:11 Mar 15th 08 - Sir Erunion Telcontar:

Erunion stares through the vision sensors in his suit as a large number of so-called 'good boys' came in and started playing on random instruments...

"Well, I guess the Zombies will be here soon then... At least they'll be distracted long enough by these lads for the rest of us to get out of here..."

05:45:29 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomiv:

you survivors are currently divided into 2 places, u could decide which. A barricaded hospital and a police station. After you decided you could explore outside and stuff, and i'll update wut happens lol :)

05:47:08 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomiv:

anyways, the zombies will be here soonn.... and if you guys explore outside and find a safe place then you could inhabit it as well, and put some defences on it. Just choose if you want to explore, search for weps, materials for barricades and stuff. Later you guys could beat up zombies as well, but zombies could turn you to their own....

05:49:20 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomiv:

anyways, to clear stuff up, the survivors in the police station and hospital are currently the only "immune" ones, which are not zombies. if anyone else joins, they will not start with the others, instead on their own untill they find each other by exploring! Have Fun!

05:55:06 Mar 15th 08 - Prince Calus Septim V:

The heavily armed Septim is at the police station. He looks up at the other survivors.

"I am leaving to a safer place, those who wish to come with me, come, those who don't, don't..."

08:04:15 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Gboypt:

"ok i will be in the police station"

*plugs in the Electric Guitar and the rest of the band is getting ready to rock the Zombies To death*

08:59:12 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

*Wraith is in the hospital. He starts by getting a few painkillers, bandages, slings and other useful necessities from the cupboards. This he puts into a small shoulder bag. He looks around and wonders what the others will do. A hospital is a hard place to defend... Then again, safety in numbers...*

09:04:25 Mar 15th 08 - Sir Revenge:

Revenge in normal clothes and just his Laser-Gun
He starts at the Hospital

He walks up and looks out of the frame of the window
He turns back to the other survivors in the Hospital
" Well, theres not much we can do execpt sit tight and hold them off"
" It will be suicidle to go out, theres no cover for a while..."
Revenge only just coming to town had previously had some Army training and was taught in situations like this and didnt know hardly anyone
He would have liked to settle into the community a little better, but times were never right for him...
" Right, so whats your names?"

09:10:10 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

"I'm Wraith and haven't found anyone else yet. You? And what can you see from the window?" Wraith asks while emptying the cupboards of any useful items they contained.

{Wraith was in an elite group of soldiers for a number of years and has been through some very important and dangerous missions. Think of it as the SAS..}

09:18:05 Mar 15th 08 - Sir Revenge:

" There must be a few more...., well split up"
" Search the bottom floors and Ill search the top floors"
Revenge on his way breaks into the medical room and gets as much Medicine and tablets in a bag as possible
He thens turns to the caffeteria
He walks up to the fridge and freeze
" Dam Hospital food... Tastes like Sh..."
He was interupted by a yell from Wraith
He closes the fridge and Freezer and runs to the hall
" What you found?! " Revenge yells up the floors...

09:21:43 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomiv:

After a while of searching, wraith finds some ammunition in one of the crates. "Wonderful, he says", now i will be more prepared to kick some zombie butt! *continues searching and finds a couple of needles, with a label *posion* use with extreme care. This might be of some use....

09:25:02 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Gboypt:

*Gboypt and his bunch of Good Boys is searching for something *
*they Found a plug and the barbed wire*

*then Starts wiring up the Barricade and connects it to the plug*

"where are that Evil Zombies!?"

09:25:58 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

*Wraith walks into the operating theatre and sees the last patient cut open. The doctors must have been hit by the virus because they were eating the patient. Wraith takes quick aim with the shotgun and shoots. He kills 2 of the doctors and shoots again at the last one. Then something comes at him, making him yell in surprise.
He hits the last zombie with an uppercut to the chin with the butt of the shotgun then kicks its head. As the zombie staggers back, Wraith drops the shotgun, unsheathes the khukuri and slashes the zombies head clean off its shoulders. Wraith then reloads the shotgun, cleans the khukuri and vows never to let his guard down like that again.*

09:26:11 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomiv:

Added another feature. Night and Day. I need someone to keep track of knite and day via VU clock. Currently it's night, and the survivors in the police station and the hospital hears a low moan. "what was that"? they say. "Probaly the zombies". They keep on searching for supplies, while shivering a little... Meanwhile, the zombies have came across a farm, raided it and slaughtered all the sheep and cows in it. Feasting upon the livestock, they move on again, forever in search of blood and flesh.....

Battle system: later, when the game is more organized, like a bit more survivors and zombies and they go exploring and encounter a zombie, their will be fights.. i'll add it later. :)

09:30:35 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

[Ah well.... I posted before I saw your post.. Can I leave it there? It makes me seem cool. =P. And thanks for more ammo. :)  ]

*Wraith takes the ammo and puts the needles carefully in some foam wrapping and places them in the shoulder bag so they dont break too easily.*

09:35:37 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomiv:

yep u could

09:39:44 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomiv:

The moaning sound comes ever closer, suddenly gboypt awakes from his dozing and finds that their are five zombies already at the doorstep of the barricade of the hospital. "Help, Help"! he says, and rings the alarm. Wraith arvives and says, "i just kicked some zombie butt, lets kick some more"! *Takes aim and fires two more shots* Wraith now has 15 shotgun ammo left. The three remaining zombies come and their is a sudden electric shock as they are electrocuted. "good work, wraith says" and slaps each other on the back. Meanwhile septim waits for volunteers to go with him....

09:41:29 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Erm, I'm at the hospital and they're at the police station... xD

09:43:47 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Gboypt:

*The Band of the Good Boys lead by Gboypt found a beatbox, amplifier, some electric guitars and some generators...*

"Who might leave items like this here"

*Tuned the Guitar and gets Ready for battle*

[ i wish zombies are afraid of noise and music ]

*the band practiced their Songs with the new items*

09:55:08 Mar 15th 08 - Mr. Peacemakerofdoomiv:

lol, oops, lets replace wraith with septim lol

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