Forums / Roleplaying / The Stormborn

The Stormborn
17:46:55 Oct 23rd 07 - Lord Seloc:

*A wave crashed over the center of the ship, sweeping the crew of their feet. The scene was chaos, swords were scattered acorss the deck, barrels up ended, injured men struggling to get out of the wind. Everywhere Seloc turned to look was being battered mercilessly by the storm.
 Most of the crew were hiding, some were trying to tie barrels down or collect misplaced essentials, Some were holding onto the nearest thing to them for dear life. Seloc himself had taggled one arm around the rudder oar, and with the other he held on to a crate filled to the brim with old boots and worn clothing. He wasn't trying to save the crate but mearly to stop it falling on him.*

18:38:12 Oct 23rd 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

Walking forward as the rain started falling, Erunion spoke to Septim.
"I haven't the foggiest idea! It's no egg I've ever seen, which rules out most types of dragons, in fact most types of eggs. Take it to the Lady! She seems to know a great deal about some things of this world, she might know! Here, I'll come with you."
Walking back into the cabin, Erunion saw that the storm was starting to pick up.
"Naergothrendarins! Get under the deck! You, Teskan, Helteon and Jornan, you are our sailors, stay up here and see what you can do to help, Johansen, get to your main cabin! You'll be healing the injured!"
With that, Erunion himself went into the cabin area, hoping Septim would follow him. By the light and the creator! What is that egg?

19:28:08 Oct 23rd 07 - Sir Verll:

Verll was still down in his cabin.

20:11:25 Oct 23rd 07 - Mr. Might:

[OOC: Is this game based off Rune? And if it is may I join?]

20:21:54 Oct 23rd 07 - Lord Seloc:

[OOC: It not based on anything I believe we're making it up as we go along. Might you would be welcome to join, just find a place you can appear naturally, I.e prisoners like Erunion, or next time we land and need more crew. Septim how many side stories you gonna have? the amulet, the egg.......]

20:40:13 Oct 23rd 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

{OOC: Something tells me that Septim is going to find more side stories as we go along... From what I've seen of this and Rune, it's a similar world, with many over-lapping characteristics, Ragnarr probably got the idea from Rune, but we are in fact making this up as we go along.}

20:44:04 Oct 23rd 07 - Lord Ragnarr The Wolf:

[ It's fine, Septim adds additional stories which is fine.]
[ What's Rune? ((: Anyway, this is not based on anything except for the story in my mind, since I am something like gamemaster here. You can join, yet you have to find a suitable moment for it, e.g. shipwreck or prisoner, Seloc said. ]

00:38:25 Oct 24th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

Lord Seloc


10/23/2007 12:21:54 PM
[OOC: It not based on anything I believe we're making it up as we go along. Might you would be welcome to join, just find a place you can appear naturally, I.e prisoners like Erunion, or next time we land and need more crew. Septim how many side stories you gonna have? the amulet, the egg.......]


Lol, I WILL MAKE UP AS MANY AS I WANT!!! And all of this is going to funnel into one conclusion in the end...

*Septim followed Erunion through to the cabin area, holding his egg close to him.

First the amulet, now the egg! What the hell are the Gods doing!?

01:15:54 Oct 24th 07 - Lord Jonny Bacardi The Ruined Son:

As Jonny started shouting and tieing up crates and barrels, a gianst wave came up, splashing salty water all over his face, and his newly healed leg. It still pained a bit, but not like before.

"You there, get down below decks! Are you crazy. And you, get away from the railing, you'll get washed over board! You crazy bunch of lunatics, do you all want to die!!"

When Jonny had secured what he could, and the deck lay emprty, except the water and the few men needed there to help sail, he slowly made his way, agianst the wind and rain, towards the captaisn deck.

16:42:59 Oct 24th 07 - Mr. Might:

[OOC: Well then hurrry up and light the ship on fire! Ill join when i see a opening.]

18:16:56 Oct 24th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

{OOC: You could have been shipwrecked during the storm...}

19:48:44 Oct 24th 07 - Lord Ragnarr The Wolf:

"Seven hells, Jens, loosen the sail a bit, damn it!" Ragnarr shout was nearly unheard among the creeking ropes and wood, raor of the wind and bash of the waves, as well as the unending heavy battering of the rain.
By all means, it seemed that they were on their way out of the storm, as the wind became less strong and the waves less destructive. A collosal thunder boomed in the sky after the sky became white for a moment of a second from the strong lighting.
Another wave swept the deck. Thoren lost his ground and clutched the board beside him, which slipped through his wet rough hands. He was being taken away down in the sea when Ragnarr's hand grabbed his. Ragnarr nearly lost his ground, yet they managed to stay aboard.
The bow cut through the waves. Ragnarr looked back - the Blue Ray was right behind, steadily taking the waves smoothly.
The rain grew lighter and the wind - weaker. A spear of light came from the distant horizon, from where the sun slowly appeared. It seemed that they were at the storm's end...

20:42:18 Oct 24th 07 - Mr. Might:

*In the middle of the ocean on a piece of wood from a ship a unconcious man is floating on a pice of wood.*

[OOC: Well Im the man and sense Might doesn't sound like a good name for this type of story unless its a nickname ill need a new name.]

20:52:39 Oct 24th 07 - Lord Seloc:

[OOC: There are worse names, Ragnarr i'll let you pick Might up.]

20:53:26 Oct 24th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

{OOC: How about Mitelan? Or Mightoral, or something like that...}

20:56:11 Oct 24th 07 - Mr. Might:

[OOC:How bout I just keep Might as some kind of nickname that my former comrades gave me?Also im terrible with the grammer stuff.]

21:13:42 Oct 24th 07 - Sir Verll:

[OOC] Me too^^ and Might is good for a nick name :) just say that your name is something like Erunion's suggestions, but that you comrades call you Might^^

21:29:50 Oct 24th 07 - Mr. Might:

[OOC: Alright I pick Mightoral ,but Might will be my nickname. I am a ranger of some kind that knows some sea things.]

21:41:35 Oct 24th 07 - Lord Ragnarr The Wolf:

[Seloc, better you pick him up, since everybody is on my longship and you are also a captain after all. It would not be fair or realistic, my thought was you finding him,...I mean if you don't want to I guess I will...]

22:01:26 Oct 24th 07 - Lord Seloc:

*The 'Blue Ray' was recovering, everyone on board was throughly soaked, equipment was scattered everywhere, one or two people were even tangled up in the mast. Seloc himself was leaning heavyily against the rudder oar.*


*Seloc jumped up and stared away in the direction the sailor was pointing, sure enought the was a black shadow floating on a piece of wood.*

Seloc: "Who is it?"
Sailor: "I don't know sir all crew members are accounted for."
Seloc: "Alright then, ropes over the side, someone fetch some blankets!"

*Seloc hopped back to the rudder oar and steered the ship in the direction on the shadow, break from it's position behind the 'Stormborn'. Althought the ship was fast the man kept bobbing around, and it took Seloc a condsiderable length of time before, the strange man could be dragged aboard.
The whole crew circled the man, out of curiosity, looking down on his lifeless form laided out on deck. The man spluttered as he slowly regained conciousness, Seloc addressed the half awake man in a commanding voice.*

Seloc: "You there, whats your name and what where you doing at sea!"

[OOC: I'm am captain aboard this ship,and I do not allow god moding. This ship is realisticly based.]

23:23:29 Oct 24th 07 - Mr. Might:

[OOC:Excuse me I do not do God modding even though I don't know what it is. Whats the rules?]

*Might opens his yeyes and after a few minutes of coughing out waterhe looks up and says, "Excuse me? I didn't get the second part but im assuming you were asking my name but, which one?*

09:27:37 Oct 25th 07 - Lord Seloc:

[Try to post more than two lines.]

"What were you doing at sea? And your whole name."

*Seloc and the crew were listening intently.*

11:48:45 Oct 25th 07 - Lord Jonny Bacardi The Ruined Son:

"Captain. It looks as though Seloc and the Blue Ray have picked up a floater agian. They're not really paying attention to where they're going."

Jonny said as he got up to the commanders deck. As jonny and Ragnarr looked back at the other ship, they noticed it start to veer off course a bit.

"Haha, well, they'd better fix it. Thats gonna take a bit to make better."

16:56:02 Oct 25th 07 - Lord Seloc:

[Jonny you know what a floater is right?]

21:23:24 Oct 25th 07 - Lord Ragnarr The Wolf:

[ Seloc, you find a freezing man at sea and you start interogating him instead of giving him warm mead and furs to recover at least a bit?... rough captain ((: ]
"I see that, Bacardi." Ragnarr did not really worry what was going on the Blue Ray, as Lord Seloc was a very skillful sea captain.
The sun rose high above them and sent its warm spears at them. The wind grew weak and the waves dissapeared. The two ships had entered the waters after a storm. Sometimes no wind appeared for days after that, sometimes it recoveres by night time. Yet the hot sun and the lack of cool wind would surely bother them for some time.
"Sir Verll and Lord Septim, see to it that the mess after the storm is arranged. Erunion, see if the Lady Arnora is feeling fine. Lord Bacardi, report the damage caused."
The longships glided slowly on the almost still silent surface of the sea...

21:39:28 Oct 25th 07 - Lord Seloc:

*The 'Blue Ray' was sailing up besides the 'Stormborn', soaking up the beautiful weather, most of the crew aboard the ship were slacking off. Seloc was lying on deck with his eyes closed snozing gently.
The castaway was bellow deck asleep, unforunatly the man had fallen unconcious before he had given anything but his name. The whole crew were still non-the-wiser after a week of being with the man, except the physisan who could tell you the man was recovering from a fever.*

[I am a harsh man Ragnarr and I only plan on getting worse.]

22:03:53 Oct 25th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

{OOC: How can Seloc become else but harsh, when he so irrationally despises us Elves? :P}

"Johansen, we can't allow the ship to get into the doldrums, these damn things could cause illness amongst the men. See if you and Alteran can get a wind going!" Johansen, obeying orders, started testing the sky, trying to call upon a wind.
Walking under the decks, Erunion knocked on the Lady's door. Being allowed in, Erunion asked; "How fares ye? I have been asked by our good captain to see how you are doing."

22:31:54 Oct 25th 07 - Mr. Might:

[OOC: Sorrry it took so long to post my internet was down.]

*Might opens his eyes and looks around and sees a man over him and says, "Im hungry Gared wheres my mrning food?* Only then does he notice that this is not Gared but a very ugly man.*

[OOC: Ugly Man= Lord Seloc Bwahahahaha.]

00:24:17 Oct 26th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

[[OOC: I know Seloc's harshness. I did three RPs on it! :)]]

Septim lost track of Erunion and instead went to Ragnarr. Ragnarr gave Septim his orders and Septim followed them. Septim started grabbing splintered woot and broken pieces of the mast and threw them into a pile.

01:13:57 Oct 26th 07 - Lord Jonny Bacardi The Ruined Son:

Jonny began his rounds around the ship, He looked at the mast, and at the deck. He had Darius and two other men named Nolan and Hargarr lowered over the sides to inspect the wooding around the ship.

Aside from some scarpes, and a piece of the raining that was broken off when a herd of barrels came and broke though it, the ship seemd to be in fine order. some cuts in the mast, too, where visible, but they too, would be easy to fix.

Jonny went to report to Ragnarr.

01:13:59 Oct 26th 07 - Sir Verll:

Verll walked over to Ragnarr, asking what he should do. The answer was that he should go around checking if the sails were securely tied to the mast after the storm. He went over the ship and and all was good until he reached the last one.He looked up,and noticed the sail was badly tied to the mast after the storm, seeing no sailors close he decided to do it himself. He took of his jacket and started climbing up. After some seconds he reached the place where it was about to get lose. He quickly tied it together and started to climb down. But when he was about to start climbing something was reflected in his eyes, he looked up and saw something sticking out of the mast. He climbed up and took a look, and of all things it were a dagger! Somehow it had to be put there during the storm. The shaft was nice with a green emerald at the center and blue streaks going from the emerald and over the whole shaft. Unbelieving that no one had noticed it before him he reached up and started pulling it lose. Just at the moment he had it lose, something knocked him out, it felt like something had hit his head. With the dagger in one hand he started falling down...

01:15:29 Oct 26th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

*Septim finished his clean-up and disposed of it.

"I'm a warrior, not a maid...but...orders are orders..."

*Septim reports back to Ragnarr.

01:49:09 Oct 26th 07 - Lord Jonny Bacardi The Ruined Son:

As jonny is just about to walk back to report, to the captain, he happenes to take a last look at the torn up said, and sees a shape falling from the top of the mast.


As Jonny sprints back towards the mast, he calls to Darius, Nolan and Hargarr to come help him out, and bring the extra canvas.

There wasn't much time. The quickly took sides of the canvas, Verll was only twenty feet away from shattering though the deck. Finally the had the canvas ready, with only ten feet to spare. The four men braced themselves, as Verll's body hit the canvas, and bounced back up a bit. It did this once more, having slowed considerably. However, then the dagger he was holding cut through the canvas, and he hit the floor with a large thud.

Jonny and Darius quickly ran to the fallen man, while Jonny told Nolan to go get tell the captain what happened. As Darius and Hargarr pick Verll up and carry him below decks, Jonny picks up the dagger.

A most unusual weapon, he had never seen it before. He would study it later, but first, Verll. Jonny followed the men down under the ship.

08:45:58 Oct 26th 07 - Lord Seloc:

[lol Fighting over the dagger, and might I'm on deck the guy next to you in a random crew member, also as I am the captain I surgest you don't insult me.]

Finre: "Captian!, ...Captain!"

*Seloc was shock awake by the ugly Finre.*

Finre: "Captain! he's woken up."
Seloc: "Get off me! where is he."
Finre: "Crib three."

*Seloc rose slowly and made his way below deck, to interigate the person further.*

08:49:36 Oct 26th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

*Septim sat down and looked at the egg.

" what is this? Erunion knows not...yet for some reason, I feel I've seen this before...I will have to ponder this later..."

*Septim places the egg gently into a small sack and places it into the chest in his room. He then locks it with several locks and walks out to the deck to see Verll flying off of the mast. Septim ran over to Jonny and looked upon the dagger.

"Strange...the Gods are acting...strange...oh well. Good find!"

*Septim walks over to the edge of the ship and looks out.

13:09:32 Oct 26th 07 - Lord Ragnarr The Wolf:

[ When I say make sure the mess after the storm is arranged, I did not mean Go and clean the place up. Give out the orders for it, damn it, you people are the ones who give commands,...]
[ I'll post the continuation of the story a bit later since I can't now,..]

18:40:12 Oct 26th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

{OOC: Septim, ever heard of "Chain of Command?" High rank gives orders to lower ranking officer, who orders around the lowest tier...}

18:51:38 Oct 26th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

[[OOC: I am the type of guy who will do anything he orders his men to do. If I ordered them to fight an army of a million, I would go with them. If I ordered them to kill a dragon, I would go as well...]]

20:53:37 Oct 26th 07 - Lord Ragnarr The Wolf:

The ship was finally back in order. The men did not have much to do in the windless heat. Most of them took off their chain mail armor and took out cold beer from below. Others started dicing. There was no work to be done, not at all. The sail hung heavily from the mast.
"Sigurd, Ricmorn, Olaf, bring the light sail from beneath deck. Ironfounderson, Eyjolf and Thirkir - take down the sail and then put on the light one with the others,..." Ragnarr knew that the light sail would do little difference in these conditions, yet it was worth the effort.
He turned and looked at the Blue Ray, wondering what had happened with the man Lord Seloc found at sea...

20:56:57 Oct 26th 07 - Lord Seloc:

*Seloc burst the door open, startleing those inside.*

"Ok now your awake sunshine, lets contiune the interigation shall we? Why were you at sea? Where are you from?"

*Seloc waited patiently for the answers.*

20:59:49 Oct 26th 07 - Mr. Might:

*Might looks around after the man leaves and wonders where his dagger with a very expensive green emerald in its hilt is. After a few seconds of wondering he hears footsteps come down the stairs.*

21:01:16 Oct 26th 07 - Mr. Erunion Telcontar:

{OOC: So would I Septim, however you must earn the respect of the men beneath you, so that they will not question orders when it comes to the time to fight. Taking out a mop and cleaning a deck, well, that will lower you in your mens eyes...}

21:16:11 Oct 26th 07 - Lord Seloc:

[Might I've already entered the room...if you'ld be so kind as to answer my questions.]

22:51:38 Oct 26th 07 - Mr. Might:

[Oy well this was when your guy went to run to get ya]

*Well err my names Might err well thats my nickname my real names Mightoral and my buisness is........ Wheres my dagger? I had it with me when my bosses ship sunk." Looks accusingly at Finre, "Did you take it?"

00:29:12 Oct 27th 07 - Prince Lucias Septim II:

*Septim looked out at sea, then walked down into his cabin where he pulled out a number of small rocks. Septim placed them all in a single line and started moving them around, every once in a while he curses and places them all back into a single line.

12:08:15 Oct 27th 07 - Lord Seloc:

"I can assure you 'Might' no-one aboard this ship would lower themseleves to common theivery. Never-the-less where are you from? what ship did you sail on? and why were you out to sea?"

18:53:06 Oct 27th 07 - Mr. Might:

"I am from the village of Thorbarbadin, I sailed on the ship "Pink Lady" I was out at sea to chase a group of thieves but, thier dead now I guess." *Might then remembers that he had it in a pouch connected to his belt.*

"Who are you?"

19:01:53 Oct 27th 07 - Lord Ragnarr The Wolf:

[ Can I just say that the dagger was on the Stormborn and Might is on the Blue Ray so what the hell is going on? Anyway, I won't wait anymore for this, I'm going on. Might, please see previous posts to understand how the hell this game is played,...]

The day went on, slowly and tediously, yet the crew had time to rest from the storm and enjoy a long drinking contest which ended with Kormac the winner. By the time it was over, the sun was starting its journey away from the blue sky, going down towards the distant horizon.
Light clouds appeared from the north-west. A light breeze passed. The calm sea quickly became unsettled and waves started bashing the longship, tillting it between the low sea waves. A cheerful yell by the crews - finally, they could continue on and leave the heat behind.
Ragnarr was on the commander's deck as usual, overseeing the deck.
"At the oars! Prepare the sail for wind from the north-west." As unusual as it seemed, a shadow of a smile appeared on Ragnarr's  face- a very rare sight.
"Lord Septim, send a raven to the Blue Ray asking about the man they found and infroming them of our course towards steady east, towards Quar-Ashel. Everybody else, at your positions."
Quar-Ashel was a port-capital of luxary and prosperity, much larger and more exotic than Highrock. It was located on the coast of the Land of Eternal Sands, inhabited by the eastern swarthy people, or how the northmen called them "quarbs" - a people of emotions and heat, science and warfare,... Few had the chance to visit any of their cities, and the ones who had never forgot them.
The wind grew stronger and the two ships slowly started to head towards the eastern waters,...

[ Sorry about that, quarbs are an equivilant of arabs, couldn't think of any other name for now,...] [ Might, we are in a more norse theme than old-school pirate theme, so try to keep up. ]

19:41:31 Oct 27th 07 - Sir Verll:

[OOC] originally I and Jonny was making a story about the dagger, but it seems Jonny invited Might along and as far as I know it seems that they decided to have Might have another dagger that was quite like the one that I found....

19:58:44 Oct 27th 07 - Mr. Might:

[OOC] What are the rules? And where are we playing so I can put somekind of country/village where im from.

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