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Ye Olde Taverne
21:05:07 Aug 3rd 10 - Mr. Scipio:

*Scipio turns to the Sprisley with a grin on his face*
"Ha ha ha, make many assumptions about me, I can see where you have taken the assumptions of another as gospel but that is no excuse.

"I do not consider myself anymore special than I am but clearly some here ignorant of my being do, mere fact that us trolls are stronger than humans is not my fault, I was born that way, what be your excuse ?"

"... and as regards abusing my powers to make men miserable..." Scipio continues "... your ignorance of my race again brings about that assumption for we are known through the ages for who we are, the fact that you humans have annoying traits that bring about the worst in us is no fault of mine. You live above our heads making loads of noise at all hours of the day - no peace for a troll - yet when we retaliate by bringing misery back on you you blame us. "

"What more can we do, we try to move away in search of peace and quiet only to have you humans chase after us in your encroaching ways, burning down our forests, digging up our mountains, stealing our gold - away with you, you begin to bore me and I have more important matters to attend to.

22:22:57 Aug 3rd 10 - Mr. Scipio:

*Scipio sits wary of all about him, a stranger in a world of strangers that try to hide and ambush him from the shadows, little do they know we have survived in the shadows all our lives. He contemplates the lack of progress in his quest for the great prize, the power imbueing spirit of the beast*

"These bigoted lieing humans trying to outdo him and keep the prize for themselves"
"... first they try to mislead me in all manner of ways an the one called Septim who seems to know the most about the beast tries to make me reveal all - and now they think to scare me off my quest, Hah !! ... just what have they revealed to me"

"Though I have to sift the chaff from the wheat some things are abundantly clear,  the beast be surely near and I have them all to fear, I shall have to device a means of finding this prize so dear while taking care"

22:55:36 Aug 3rd 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Demonsul wonders how much Scipio has had to drink. Having downed a pair of Septim shots himself, his conclusions are somewhat fuzzy. He mutters something - probably quite insulting - and heads over to the bar for another drink.

23:28:26 Aug 3rd 10 - Mr. Scipio:

*Scipio lifts his feet of the table and turns to face the bar, picks up the glass that had been filled by Septim and takes a first cautious sip of the contents to reassure himself, anything but water would send warning tingles through his tongue. 
A bland glass of water, not to his taste as it was missing a few minerals and ores of the earth, he reaches into his robe for a pouch and proceeds to empty some of the contents into the glass to provide him with an enriching tasteful drink,
... ahhh, water just how it should be - nothing could be quite as enriching and thirst quenching as this when you had dry eyes - he takes another gulp of his drink*

*Feeling rejuvenated he continues to contemplate his circumstance while at the same time unconsciously bursting into song*

"Close your eyes
... realise
... I can see through your lies
No suprise
... you despise but fail to see
... that your eyes very like spies
... tell me all the thoughts you think"

"Your eyes
.... tell me everything
Everything I need to know about you.
Your lies
... tell me everything
Everything I need to know about you."

"I don't need to hear your lies
... pitiful cries on the rise
Twill suffice
... that you try feed me sad lines
... that like pies in the sky
... fade away whenever you blink

"Your eyes
.... tell me everything
Everything I need to know about you.
Your lies
... tell me everything
Everything I need to know about you."

"Put your face
... way up high
... seek those pies in your sky
... you'll surmise by and by - that till you learn to bake that pie
... you will have to resort to your silly drink"

"Your eyes
.... tell me everything
Everything I need to know about you.
Your lies
... tell me everything
Everything I need to know about you."

*Abruptly he stops singing, he knew what he must do, while he had been singing he had summarised events past and ongoing and a few very simple things should when done bring the truth to bear though it seemed the more he knew the more questions they brought about*

23:54:49 Aug 3rd 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Being still somewhat drunk, Demonsul applauds.

"Encore! Encore!"

05:20:15 Aug 4th 10 - King Charley The Sprisely Active:

"the fact that you humans have annoying traits that bring about the worst in us is no fault of mine. You live above our heads making loads of noise at all hours of the day"

"Uhh...and you have been doing what since you came in here? Attempting to pry knowledge not meant for mortals most likely." ;)

*Orders another drink*

05:49:10 Aug 4th 10 - Mr. Scipio:

"So you begrudge my seeking for knowledge, ehh !!?"

"I take that as an admission of your pathetic attempts at hindering my progress, you are so much better than I" ;(
"... but alas you have unwittingly helped me along as you will shortly be finding out and for this I ought to thank you but I won't"

*Scipio takes another sip of water gingerly placing the still half full cup on the bar top*

12:25:12 Aug 4th 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

"Nobody begrudges you for seeking knowledge. They begrudge you for secrecy and threats. You haven't explained explicitly why you want the knowledge you seek, and you've acted pompous and threatening ever since you set foot through that door," muttered Demonsul, staring at Scipio with open hostility. Suddenly, he grins sarcastically. "Besides, if you really must know, that fellow is in Septim's foot locker."

16:55:54 Aug 4th 10 - King Charley The Sprisely Active:

"Along with his fifty year old collections of spam...and that stuff can kill a troll, let alone a man.  Oh, and about my 'pathetic attempts at hindering your progress'...that is just your 'high and mighty' look at things since you sit so high upon your horse that you do not even bother looking at the ground below you.  In all of my quests and adventures that have covered the face of this world, I have never heard of you doing anything worthwhile with your power.  Even when great enemies threatened the destruction of the world itself, and my comrades here and myself banded together to stop them, you most likely hid in the shadows or used it as an advantage to steal more knowledge.  I call you a coward and a hoarder of knowledge who will selfishly hold onto it and never use it to benefit the people of this world," said Charley as he went back to his drink.
"Does this fool remind anyone of Delran? Remember what happened to him?" asked Charley.

00:59:31 Aug 5th 10 - Mr. Scipio:

"Threats !!"

"Threats !!!? ... who here have I threatened at anytime !!?"
"Mayhaps your twisted view makes you mistake me for those that have been doing the threatening, and quite a few here have been, admitedly I had to dust-off one individual but that was an instictive and defensive reaction and not one from any inate desire to do so"

"You humans have a very warped and vile sense of being, yes I seek knowledge but I hide not this fact and I use it to protect such underlings as would require it no matter their kind and I do have occasion to use it in making your lives a tad miserable but that is relative - to what do you need ask ?"

"Look around, just how many of mine and other kinds do you see ?
... you have but driven most that survive your kinds encroachments on the world away - the unlucky few that survive that is - unlucky as most of us would be more fortunate dead - which is how your kind would prefer all you consider different from you anyway"

"You begrudge the fact that I am strong but do you think you would have the choice to be weak and yet survive the hardships and humiliations your kind imposes on us ?"
"You force us to live in the shadows and then turn around and laugh at our disposition !!?"

"Yes I seek knowledge, and yes I will hoard it away from you brainless humanlings as and when I can"
"... look back at your history and understand why, the abuse of any such knowledge or power by your kind is blatantly apparent - yet you and your kind band together in turning on and destoying those that differ from you, yet you have the gall to point at us in accusation of your crimes, crimes you apparently can cocieve to be highly unjust but only so when your kind is not the object of your mirth and spite"

"... tis almost as if you live in a mirror looking out at the world without realising you are looking at yourself, unjustly casting your view of what you see of yourselves on others that look unlike you"

"... and you dare call me a fool !!?  ... next time you choose to point your foul fingers or make your unjust remarks at another, take a second to look into this first for I have no need to stoop and call you names, I will stay up here where you place me and let you do the name calling"

*Extricating a large golden framed mirror from one of his pockets Scipio walks over to the fireplace, places the mirror on the mantel and walks out of the tavern ne'er to be seen or heard of again*

01:30:51 Aug 5th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

*Watches Scipio Walk out of the taverne and starts to Clap*
"I Think that was a very well prepared speach"

02:00:00 Aug 5th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

*walks over to the mirror, runs a dispel on it, grabs it, smashes it on the ground, and vaporizes it*

"I've seen bad things happen with enchanted mirrors, trust me."

*walks back behind the bar*

03:15:30 Aug 5th 10 - King Charley The Sprisely Active:

"Funny how he generalized so badly and grouped all humans narrow-minded...ah well! I would like a Septim Shot for everyone in here!"

*Throws money at the bar*

04:20:44 Aug 5th 10 - Sir Arvious The Inactive:

*randomly starts to yell while asleep*


*wakes up on a table*

"Largagasuahfmae... uhh... more booze!"

06:32:22 Aug 5th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

"Thank you vwry much charley"
*Looks at the drink*
"I have not forgotten about the last drink you gave me charley"
*Thinks fuck it and downs the tangy yet refreshing beverage*

10:45:44 Aug 5th 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

*drinks his shot as well*

"Now if only we had more folks like that guy who just left. Best entertainment I've seen in here in a long time...barring Slasher, perhaps."

20:48:33 Aug 5th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

*gets up and pours Arvious some "booze"*

*walks back behind the bar counter*

"Alright everybody, I'm probably going to be gone for around two weeks come Saturday. Charley is going to be gone as well, so that leaves me in need of a temporary barkeep!"

*looks at Arvious and sees him gleefully drinking the booze*


*looks at Demonsul*

"Demonsul, you are temporary barkeep! I trust you with the duty of quenching the thirst of any individual that should step in here! Good luck!"

*takes off his apron, hangs it up, throws Demonsul a temporary barkeep badge, and walks over to Slasher*


*holds out his arm, and Slasher jumps on it and climbs up to Septim's shoulder*

"Right, goodbye everybody!"

*grabs a hold of his footlocker and drags it out the door with him*

22:44:25 Aug 5th 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Demonsul looks round, a smile creeping onto his face...

"What a wonderful turn of events! First round is on me!"

02:26:17 Aug 6th 10 - Duke Some Fcked Dude:

*Drinks the fine drink just given to him*
*Lay's Head first on the table*

12:00:04 Aug 6th 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

Demonsul looks dubiously at Fcked Dude, but pours him another 'fine drink' anyway.

01:00:29 Aug 11th 10 - Sir Arvious The Inactive:

*wakes up fours days later after having a dream about a certain website not being up*

"Wnakfiakgmaer... uhh.. booze?"

20:48:49 Aug 14th 10 - Sir Arvious The Inactive:

*wakes up 4 days later*

"Someone do something, dammit!  I'm sober! And bored!  And sober!"

13:28:27 Aug 17th 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

*pours Arvious a lot of booze

"Didn't think it would be worth serving just you. And that downtime is over, by the way."

16:16:54 Aug 17th 10 - King Charley The Sprisely Active:


"Well...looks like this place has fallen on hard times..."

*Sees half of the patrons dead from old age and the other half are in comas.  Dust has begun to cover most of the tavern and the beer mugs are full of cobwebs*

"I would like a Septim a CLEAN glass...wait..."

*Hops behind the bar and pours his drink and then hops back*


12:26:47 Aug 18th 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

"You're going to put me out of the job I st--I kept for you to come back to."

17:36:19 Aug 18th 10 - King Charley The Sprisely Active:

"You can switch back and forth with me.  I am a busy man you know? Ruling a kingdom and such! The queen also occupies much of my...time." :D

01:24:27 Sep 9th 10 - Mr. Shade:

"how many of you regognize the name "Aqua God?"

22:48:59 Sep 14th 10 - Emperor Gaius Septimus Cidellus:

*stumbles in, holds up a finger, and begins to speak*

"I...can explain..."

*Falls over*

16:31:23 Sep 15th 10 - Sir Karzun Demonsul:

"No need to explain." says Demonsul, glancing around at the all-but- empty Tavern. "Things have hardly been lively here, and I doubt they are going to get any better any time soon...or ever, for that matter. I think any further attempt at making activity for this place would be beating a dead horse." saying this, Demonsul felt a deep sadness. "It's pretty much the case that this place has...I hate to say it...finally died."

23:13:35 Sep 18th 10 - Sir Arvious The Inactive:

"Huh?" Arvious asked.  "What are you blabbering about?  I was under the impression we were talking about the purple 5-foot tall statue of a dodo bird."

06:09:32 Sep 20th 10 - King Charley The Crazy Moderator:


01:02:27 Sep 21st 10 - Sir Arvious The Inactive:

"Eh?  What's with y-oh... uhh... you look like a dodo bird from the side, I swear..."

23:35:45 Sep 27th 10 - Mr. Wattdidusay:

Wow, this place is dead!  Whole forum is dead, maybe the game.  Anyone ever hear from Charley?

03:32:40 Sep 28th 10 - Mr. Shade:

*Shade enters. He is wearing a dark black traveling cloack and sits at a lonely table in the corner of the tavern

"One ale, if you please."

04:44:08 Sep 29th 10 - King Charley The Crazy Moderator:


07:48:29 Sep 29th 10 - Mr. George Ian:

*The doors of the tavern swung open and a tall lanky looking fellow clad in a greyish-blue cloak and matching hat stepped in, he had an air of intruige about him. His eyes glinting like golden saphires in the light from the fireplace as he glanced about the room looked as keen as sabres fresh off the grindstone yet when you looked closer had an intense depth to them, deep piercing impenetrable spatial wells that seemed to take on the colour of his cloak.

*He was a stranger to these parts ...
... George Ian was a truman - half human half troll - but unless you knew you would be hard pushed to tell. As a kid he had had a very fortunate upbringing, benefiting from both sides of his lineage as they had all lived under the same mountain - and his mother, a teacher, had tutored him in the way of humans and even insisted he went to the human school to further his education when his knowledge began to surpass hers. Now a young man he was following in his fathers footsteps, travelling the world in search of knowledge and adventure.
... and his adventures had led him to the tavern.

*No stranger to delights of a good brew, he walked over to an empty seat at the bar, plonks himself down and raising a hand points toward a cask of ale

"A nice stiff ale for the travel weary, friend"

06:10:38 Sep 30th 10 - Emperor Alexius Septimus Cidellus:

*examines the two new men carefully before smiling*

"Will do!"

*pours two drinks and gives one to each of the newcomers*

22:31:21 Sep 30th 10 - Mr. George Ian:

*Getting off the barstool George slips off his cloak which he hangs on a hook conveniently located on the wall nearest him and returning the smile with a  "... ahhh, Thank you dear Sir"  picks up his glass which he raises to the barman and the gentleman still sitting still dressed in a dark travel cloak in a corner of the room.

*George walks over to the table in the corner

"A fellow traveller I see, mind if I share your table, I seek a bit of lower ground and mayhaps we have something in common to talk about, if you don't mind the company that is ?"

02:25:56 Oct 6th 10 - Mr. Shade:

*Shade eyes the newcomer with suspision, shurgs, and goes back to his drink.

"If you wish, I could use a bit of company myself. If it is not to much trouble, may I hear about your former travels?"

21:58:00 Oct 7th 10 - Mr. George Ian:

*George Ian settles into a chair that while facing the traveller still allows him full view of the rest of the Tavern

"Ahhhh, lovely brew, first drop since leaving Kaedesia yestereve .." George Ian says taking a sip from his glass

*Kaedesia - home to a clan of shy High Elves and one of the few Utopian regions that still had many mythical beasts still roaming free and wild - was over 5 months hard ride away on Horseback, and that was if one cut the journey short, travelling by ferry from the Kaedria to avoid the Draconian mountain ranges - a treachorous route at the best of times.

"... is there any particular region that interests you, friend. My travels through Utopia has been pretty extensive, I would not want to bore you and I doubt you have the time" said George Ian

"By the way, the name is Swift ..." he said reaching his open hand out. "... hope you don't mind my calling you friend ?"

13:28:23 Oct 8th 10 - Mr. Shade:

* Shade looks at the hand with a glare.

"I apologize, but I learned that sometimes trusting strangers, even if I do know your name, can be deadly. My name is Shade."

*Shade sips his drink, takes out a knife and slams it on the table

"The knife is just to show whos turn it is.Can you tell me about Kaedesia? Maybe a couple of near death stories?"

10:11:10 Oct 9th 10 - Mr. George Ian:

*An twinkle of amusement in his eyes Swift withdraws his hand slowly and moves to lift his glass up to his lips for another satisfying mouthful of ale.

"No need for apologies Shade, I guess I could tell you a couple of stories but no near death experiences in Kaedesia itself pop into mind"

"... but seeing as your eager to take turns I'm keen to hear about your travels or whatever gets your goat but do be carefull with that pocket knife, wouldn't want to see you hurt yourself"

20:39:17 Oct 9th 10 - Mr. Shade:

*Shade glares at Swift

"Don't ever mock this knife. It is sharper then a mythrail sword, and coated with a deadly poison. If the blade dosen't kill you."

*Shade takes a long drink and begins to play with something inside of sleve

"In my youth, I was raised by an elven tribe in magic and thevery. It was tradition to give the oldest child a blade, made from the stone of the Kendrith mountains

*the Kendrith mountains are about a twenty day hike from here, and house many dark secrets and rumors about their stones having a speicial property which makes a blade from them more deadly then mythrail. Only seven full length blades exist out of these stones.

"When I passed the test of bravery, I was to kill the one who hated me. they gave each of us a normal blade and a knife. we battled for hours, until finaly, he was slain. I looked upon the body and cut a lock of hair, to remember my victory over him. The elders then presented me with the only knife of the Kendriths. And that is the story of the knife that sits before you."

*Shade snatches the knife from the table and puts it back in its sheath

*with a smirk "Your turn."

00:05:08 Oct 10th 10 - Mr. George Ian:

*Swift's eyes still dance with apparent amusement whilst remaining strangely impassive in light of the somewhat agressive airs of the young man seated before him and he smiles

"Ha-hah-hah..." laughing light heartedly he peers over the glass raised to his lips for another sip of the aley broth
"... Young man, I mock not your Knife or even You, I merely identify with what I learn of you that which makes me who I am today, mayhaps you shall yet tread the paths I and a few others that came before us have trodden down well ..."
*Swift pauses for another sip of the hearty broth and then continues
"... hopefully you shall but that in itself is mainly dependent on you"

*That said Swift raises his glass to the heavens
"May the gods bestow upon you the wisdom, strength and time that would greatly assist your passage" and he empties the last dregs of his glass down his throat gurgling with undeniable pleasure

*All said for the moment Swift turns toward the bar beckons
"... another Ale for me Sire..." and having noticed Shades near empty glass adds "... and another glass of whatever he's drinking"

02:19:13 Oct 10th 10 - Mr. Brian:

With no intention of attracting any unwanted attention, nor trying to be stealthy, Brian casually walked through the front door humming a happy tune. He paused for a second to locate any empty chairs and spotted a barstool. Without missing a single beat in his tune, he made is way to the seat while getting the bartender's attention.

"Give me the finest drink you have to offer my good man. I'm quite thirsty and willing to pay!" he said in his friendliest tone.

09:07:04 Oct 10th 10 - King Charley The Crazy Moderator:

*Pours the finest drink he has to offer*

"Good thing you are thirsty and willing to pay in a friendly tone!"

11:40:06 Oct 10th 10 - Mr. George Ian:

*With a dry throat and no forthcoming replenishment in sight Swift walks up to the bar withdrawing a pouch from his garb and proceeds to empty some nuggets of gold onto the bartop

"I must apologize for not offering to pay for my earlier drink but..." and Swift points at the gilt letterd sign above the bar

" ... I had assumed yon sign permitted me the first 2 drinks free, 'tis now I notice it to be yellowed with age and barely visible to most with sights not as keen as mine, 'twas not intentional I assure you."

".. to avoid any future embarrasment and so I can have that second glass of  ale I have waited on and so need to assist wet my parched throat, would it be  at all possible to set up a tab on my behalf ?"

19:28:01 Oct 10th 10 - Mr. Brian:

*pays the bartender for the drink and takes a sip tasting it*

"This is a fine drink indeed!"

*goes back to humming and sipping his drink*

22:30:46 Oct 10th 10 - Mr. Shade:

*Shade has been figering the knife, seeming to be testing something with it, glances at the wall on the other side, goes over and ties a bag of 300 gold  coins

"Who ever hits that first with a throwing knife, gets all his drinks on me."

*as he says this, he removes a knife from a spring loaded contraption on his arm

"The difficult part, you must be at least half drunk before you try this, and throw it from the other side of the room. Contact me when you are ready."

*Shade stands by the bag of gold and takes antoher bag out and pays for his next drink

" A ten aged beer, please. oh, and a little whisky added in."

00:11:34 Oct 11th 10 - Mr. Brian:

*looks over at the man that proposed the challenge*

"Sounds like fun to me!"

*gulps down drink*

"Bartender! Three more drinks please my good man! I have a challenge to try!"

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