Forums / Roleplaying / Ye Olde Taverne

Ye Olde Taverne
01:10:55 Dec 8th 12 - Senturu (Mr. Senturu God of Evil Spam):

*deftly flicks the dagger away*


"tsk tsk my dear boy."

*grabs the closest statue and smashes it against another*


they merely take up room.


*the ancient Golems begin cleaning up the shattered pieces of statues*

01:19:28 Dec 8th 12 - Mr. Small Fries:


"You're the first to stop one of those," pauses, "but...I fear you've done something...dastardly..."

*hastily runs for the door, snatches a drink from a nearby table, and escapes*

Sand pours from the statue, begins coalescing into a draconic-man form. 

01:32:24 Dec 8th 12 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):

"hmm...this may be fun."

*takes a glass and runs to the bathroom. a bit later comes out with a full glass*


*gives the drink to the demon-man*

"on the house!"

01:43:46 Dec 8th 12 - Mr. Small Fries:

*boisterous laughing ensues, from outside*

"Good job!" 

*you hear footsteps as Small Fries jogs away*

06:03:58 Dec 8th 12 - King Damian Deallus The Ceiling Cat:

*Sips on his dusty Septim shot*

"Well played old boy."

06:50:10 Dec 8th 12 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):

"very much so"

10:38:44 Dec 22nd 12 - Spud (Mr. Spud The Divine):

*Slow, slightly squishy footsteps approach.*

*Spud enters the room*


*Pulls out Masher Cannon*

"Who wants some?!"

18:42:06 Dec 22nd 12 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):

*Throws a glass at spuds head and then jumps over the counter*



20:49:40 Dec 22nd 12 - Spud (Mr. Spud The Spud):

*Stunned by the glass colliding with his head, Spud starts firing his Masher Cannon at random.*

"GaH!!!! My head! How dare you!"

*Mashing of objects ensue. Mashed barstools. Mashed Tables. Mashed Pints.*

"When I'm done with you, you will ALL be DELICIOUS!!!!"

02:46:59 Dec 23rd 12 - King Damian Deallus The Ceiling Cat:

"Bit late eh bro? Too many of these 'I'm back' posts..."

07:21:32 Dec 23rd 12 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):

everyone comes back

08:43:21 Dec 23rd 12 - Spud (Mr. Spud The Divine):

This is true. Once a VUer, always a VUer.

06:12:17 Dec 24th 12 - Mr. Hecticpreet:

"now i'm going to kick all ur butts"

07:40:32 Dec 24th 12 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):

*pushes Hecticpreet onto the counter and slides him to the end*


11:14:59 Dec 26th 12 - Emperor Tiberius Septimus Cidellus:

"Welcome back everybody!" 

*pours a few drinks and slides them around*

*watches the drinks slide around in circles*

18:44:18 Dec 26th 12 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):

*takes one drink*

very good old chap

*drinks it*

that wasnt enough!

*takes the other drinks as well*

09:46:37 Jan 4th 13 - Sir Arvious The Inactive:

*wakes up*

"'Ello thar peepsies."

*falls over*

(On a supr-srs note, I'd be up for some forum RPing if anyone is interested in starting one or participating in one of my sure-to-immediately-crash-and-burn RPs.)

(Also, why the hell am I awake at almost 3 in the morning?)

10:40:16 Jan 4th 13 - Electric (Electric Slither):

*look's for an anatomically correct male statue* 

11:06:39 Jan 4th 13 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):

*attepts t hod imself steady and appear to be a statue*


00:31:40 Jan 5th 13 - Mr. Small Fries II:

*Pushes Senturu, hard*

01:10:43 Jan 5th 13 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):

*Falls to the ground and breaks into a million pieces*

08:52:41 Jan 24th 13 - Mr. Nariek The II:

*Comes running in and shits himself when he sees senturu in two places at once, Drops the golden spoon and runs back to the other thread*.

13:36:49 Jan 24th 13 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):

*takes his Spoon back*

there is a reason why i am the Lord of the Golden spoon!

23:48:11 Feb 9th 13 - Mr. Yata:

*whistles a song*

00:07:15 Feb 10th 13 - Senturu (Lord Senturu):



you are disturbing the quiet here!

15:26:52 May 20th 13 - Prince Pesterd:

"But Quiet is not what we seek..."

*Starts singing the Bar songs*

"Everyone Join in!"

"there was once a .... dancing away ... "

18:17:07 May 20th 13 - Mr. Smallfries The Small:

*Watches Senturu worship his golden spoon and wishes it stolen.* 

"If only someone would rob him."

18:36:32 May 20th 13 - Prince Pesterd:

*The Drunken Patrons hear Sir Smallfries begging for a robbery*

"Everyone! Let us rob Sentruru and his GOLDEN spoon!"

13:39:51 Jun 15th 13 - Duke Himanil X:

*The door creaks open revealing a tall figure with an extremely tattered cloak. Comes and sits by the bar.*

"A Septimus Shot, if ye be gracious enough old friend."

14:56:48 Jun 16th 13 - Prince Pesterd:

*looks to the bloke across the bar*

"what's a gah like that doin in the bar.. Serve im up and gettum outta here"

04:52:51 Jun 17th 13 - SFD (Duke Safety First Dude):

*walks into the taverne with a mighty thud from his water logged boots, He looks around with a gaze that the devil himself would be proud of, He makes his may to the Bar, Noticing that with every step, He leaves an outline, a pattern.... A memory*


*As he starts to say something he remembers, the posters, the bounty's.... the face's ..... the faces of the victims. the face's of the tavern dwellers ....... He feels their eyes sizeing him up, He see's their smiles widening, their eyes glistening*


*With a huge lung full of air, He starts to panic, starts to become anxious, he feels his heart starting to race at which point one of the tavern dwellers starts to walk towards the bar, seamingly to attack him and claim the bounty on his head*


*Withought a second thought He swings His sword that was concealed inside his raincoat, Spinning around to Get the best connection possible*

14:18:32 Jun 17th 13 - Duke Himanil XI:

*Watches in amusement as the stranger chops off a patron's head with a particularly unclean blow and walks over avoiding the rapidly coagulating pool of blood*

"Ah, Septim wouldn't be thrilled, patrons have dwindled to a mere shadow of their former number man. I'd watch that blade swinging about if I was you, don't see the clone service as operational either yet."

04:58:24 Jun 21st 13 - SFD (Mr. Dfs):

*looks around with anger in his eye's with a hint of Fear*

"I am sorry for the mess i have Made, I cannot trust anybody.
I am perticularly unstable at this present time....*

*Hears Dogs, Shouting and whistles coming from outside of the tavern*

"Again i am sorry, But please you have to help me, Hide me..... PLease"

06:11:58 Jun 21st 13 - Fire Lord Crazy (Mr. Immolation Deathbear II):

*Pooping on the ground*

08:38:23 Jun 21st 13 - Duke Himanil XI:

*Looks at SFD with a peculiar expression and walks over to the door and bangs it shut*

01:27:13 Jul 10th 13 - Fire Lord Crazy (Mr. Immolation Deathbear II):

20 points to Griffindor !

20:00:48 Jul 19th 13 - Emperor Tiberius Septimus Cidellus:

*looks up*

"Huh, just like old times."

*fills Himanil's order, along with any others*

"Been a while since you've been in here."

05:53:12 Jul 20th 13 - King Damian Deallus The Ceiling Cat:

*Kicks down the door, waves hi to Septim, then proceeds to roundhouse kick Deathbear out through the front door for making a mess.*


"Just like old times," chuckled Charley as he gives Septim a thumbs up.

19:56:10 Jul 23rd 13 - Psychotic Scientist:

*Scientist walks though the old doors of the tavern causing them to creak terribly.*

"Should really get some grease put on those hinges my old friend."

*He proceeds to walk over to an old slightly rotted table in a distant corner or the room. Placing his walking staff in an old bored out skull he takes his seat at the head of the table.*

"I'll take a brew barkeep! And keep them coming!"

*Looking around he notices that many changes have occurred since he last set foot in the old building.*

23:44:12 Jul 26th 13 - King Damian Deallus The Ceiling Cat:

"Who invited the old guy? Egads, he looks like a pile of walking bones.  Old buzzard," mumbled Charley.

05:14:58 Jul 28th 13 - King Charley Deallus:

Charley pushed over the skeleton of Septim, who had died waiting for Scientist to arrive (again).  Another Septim clone would arrive soon enough but until then, Charley filled the orders and leaned onto the bar.

"So Scientist, is this one of your 'Once every solar eclipse' visits or do you plan on making more regular visits like myself? I visit once every blue moon or something like that," chuckled Charley as he laughed at his own stupid joke...which probably made him a moron or something.  Anyways, he moved back to the other side of the bar and awaited the next arrival.  Which would probably be some idiot who would be overacting the whole 'medieval taverne entrance' but it was an inevitable occurrence. 

23:51:44 Jul 28th 13 - Psychotic Scientist:

*Takes the drink from Charley, raises the glass to his lips and slowly gulps the cool liquid down.*

"My presence here shall be a semi-permanent one. For I have plans in this realm."

*Looks around at how run down & quiet the taverne had become*

"So I see this place hasn't picked up much over the years? I actually thought you & Septim would both be long gone by now!"

16:27:31 Jul 29th 13 - King Charley Deallus:

"Well, I may come by a few times a year.  I merely pass by on my way to and from different places.  Lets me see how it is doing.  Septim makes fewer appearances than I do.  My life has been filled with many changes (Including that of my home and internet!) so I swing by the great libraries and use the special portals they have there called 'Internet.'  Quite troublesome though.  How about you? I thought you died from old age or a heart attack.  Like the one you had like 3-4 years ago," replied Charley as he sipped at a drink.

18:23:30 Jul 29th 13 - Psychotic Scientist:

*Scientist laughs at the thought*

"Unfortunately it is not possible to get rid of me that easily my old friend."

*Offers Charley a chair at his table.*

"I have been overly busy for the last few years, hence my disappearing act. But I decided it was time to make my return."

21:19:35 Jul 29th 13 - Duke Himanil XI:

*Creeps stealthily uptil the bar, pauses to survey the area before taking a deep breath and leaping over the top, half fearful, half expectant*

06:20:17 Jul 30th 13 - King Charley Deallus:

"I sure hope he isn't...okay yes he did...ouch that looks painful...ooooo" said Charley as Himanil was incinerated and put back together before being tossed back across the bar.

"He didn't get the bartender's permission...I remember my first incineration," said Charley with a tear of nostalgia in his eye.

10:11:32 Jul 30th 13 - Duke Himanil XI:

*Grins as some of the soot falls off his reassembled face*

"Well, sure am glad to see that still works!"

*Looks about*

"I must say the place is dreadfully empty."

14:54:05 Jul 30th 13 - King Charley Deallus:

"Face it, the people who used to be here got old and moved on in life, then a new generation came and took over, and then they got old and moved on.  Then there was really no new generation who was interested.  Who wants to write when you can whack off to midget porn from an iPhone? Don't even need an imagination for that.  Then there are the 50 billion video games you can play..." said Charley sadly.  He sat and pondered.


"What is an iPhone and video game?" he said after awhile.  "Dunno where that all came from.  Must be the booze."

08:37:47 Jul 31st 13 - Duke Himanil XI:

*Watches darkly as Charley mutters some gibberish and sloshes about drunk*

"I say my man, you haven't from the looks of yourself been here about since a long time, what lands have held your fancy nowadays?"

01:01:22 Aug 2nd 13 - King Charley Deallus:

"The lands of 'Getting a Good Job' and 'Moving Out' have been quite interesting.  Also the lands of 'No Internet' were a place I would never like to return to," he said in reply.

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