Forums / Roleplaying / THE VILLAGE II

06:50:58 May 29th 07 - Mr. Murphy:

great, my businesses next to the smithing of tools and weapons is the finest handling of weapons as well ... So practically, I'm the weapon master of the city ^^

07:03:27 May 29th 07 - Lord Senturu:

*inspects the Plants from Raidel*

hmm if you give me some of this plant. i wont turn you in :D

18:10:35 May 29th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

*Erunion's eyes glaze over, as he stands perfectly still and flickers. When he stops flickering, he is wearing Naergothrendarin armour, with a Naergothrendarin Longbow on his back and a Trendarat at his side. Pulling out the Trendarat, he hacks at a brick. The brick is sliced cleanly in two, and the Trendarat is unharmed...*

"Ah, I missed you, old friend."

00:29:26 May 30th 07 - Lord Senturu:

*grabs the trendarat and breaks it in half*

sorry buddy but thats weak :P

02:19:06 May 30th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

*Glares at Senturu*

"Blast it! How did you know the rock was made of Styrofoam! I lost my Trendarat, way back then. Have to get Murphy to make another for me to enchant..."

03:17:40 May 30th 07 - Lord Senturu:

its cuz im good like that hehehehe

05:28:06 May 30th 07 - Mr. Spud:

Heh, thats how HE rolls.

06:49:22 May 30th 07 - Mr. Murphy:


my my my ... if it isn't his dukeness, I have seen your problem and I offer you this Anti-Senturu Bow that can be used as sword as well, so technically, it's a big surprise how you will use it. It's not only strong, but light weighted so the big fat Senturu doesn't stand a change against it ...
You should be able to swift him in 2 pieces! Use it wisely tho! ... A guard can be missed, but a pet shopkeeper or the local drugs man not!

07:44:22 May 30th 07 - Lord Senturu:

*grabs the bow/sword and breaks it in half*

next time you make something make sure its not PLASTIC

12:26:01 May 30th 07 - Mr. Murphy:

*as Senturu looks to the weapon he just broke he saw it was his penis, Mentioning breaking it breaks something of your belongings in 2 pieces ... all bow down for the magical weapon ^^*

13:22:29 May 30th 07 - Lord Senturu:

well i didnt mention it murphy i did it. try to get it right dammit
and that was ur penis thats broke :p

13:23:13 May 30th 07 - Mr. Murphy:

that is not true ... i'm wearing steel plates ... You wouldn't never be able to break them ... you ... you pussy guard

13:26:44 May 30th 07 - Lord Senturu:

well mr fancy pants. *holds up the steel plates* then how did i get these?

18:46:19 May 30th 07 - Mr. Murphy:

cuz I wear more then 1 pair of steel plates

19:16:48 May 30th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

"Oh great! Senturu is my fellow guard, isn't he? Well, Murphy, I have a Naergothrendarin longbow that is good. And it has a double curve, with a blade on each curve, and two dagger-like spikes on it, one at each end."

*Shoots Senturu with Longbow, Then waits for the inevetible attempt to break it.*

07:01:40 May 31st 07 - Lord Senturu:

*jumps outa the way and the arrow hits Murphy*

wow that was close :D

08:26:50 May 31st 07 - Mr. Murphy:

*sees the arrow breaking in 100 pieces ...*

unlucky Senturu ... whoopah, my stainless steel bodeh rocks!

08:29:38 May 31st 07 - Lord Senturu:

*takes murphy to jail*

thats for breaking other peoples things. that arrow wasnt yours to break

17:52:27 May 31st 07 - Mr. Scythruler:

well, i'm the barber, so, anyone need a haircut

can i also double as a tavern owner, I mean, seriously, we need drinks don't we

18:30:44 May 31st 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

House 11/1 for the guardhouse, eh Senturu?

And you, Murphy, I am not "Your Dukeness". I am Duke Erunion Telcontar, and the proper form of address is your Grace. Have I made myself clear? *Glares and strokes Longbow*

19:01:41 May 31st 07 - Lord Senturu:

ok sounds good Erunion.

and for you if you decide to adress me as anything other than Lord Senturu, lord of the spoon. high priest of val*beep*rvant of the master. ill put you in jail.

19:15:25 May 31st 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

What was that, Sent?

19:15:27 May 31st 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

Double post, bah!

19:37:19 May 31st 07 - Mr. Murphy:

who are you sentrumdum?

20:31:59 May 31st 07 - Lord Senturu:

*hits murphy. pulls out a billy club and starts beating murphy*

stop resisting arrest

*continue's to hit  murphy....after a while senturu stops and leaves*

20:32:29 May 31st 07 - Lord Senturu:

PS we need a doctor. afterall. all the people i beat up are gonna need em

20:37:54 May 31st 07 - Mr. Murphy:

ow please ... with that wussy swing not even a midget hamster will get hurt! ... Face it senturu ... nobody will obey your guardian powers ...


20:50:13 May 31st 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

*Pushes Senturu over*

"He's right you know, but since your part of my town guard, I'll buy you a gym to work out in. Oh, this is an asp baton, With this little inconspicous thing, you can knock Murphys out with a flick of the wrist. Comes with a great handle, and best of all, you can get it for only $50!"

04:30:46 Jun 1st 07 - Mr. Spud:

Did anyone get this or is it only me? It kind of scares me that the town barber's name has the word "scyth" in it...Isnt that a little dangerous?

05:38:56 Jun 1st 07 - Mr. Murphy:

allright erunion ... no more townweapons crafted for you ...

VIVE la resistance!

17:51:14 Jun 1st 07 - Lord Senturu:

*buys the asp baton*

ok thats it

*starts beating murphy*

19:15:54 Jun 1st 07 - Mr. Scythruler:

wooooo, town barber steps forward
"stop your beating, or I will have to use my semi automatic battery powered high qiality razor, and cut off a piece of your hair."

HaHa, I'm winner of all that is to be won

19:17:01 Jun 1st 07 - Lord Senturu:

you just threatend me?

*starts beating scythruler*

you dont threaten a gaurd.

19:19:48 Jun 1st 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

*looks at Scythruler...*
"Murph, Sent's my fellow town guard, I had to give him the baton. Now, if you make me a good enough Trendarat, I won't sell these things to anyone else. And I'll even pay you $55!*"

*See this thread and the  Werewolf on Carrothia thread for why I have $55...*

09:50:26 Jun 2nd 07 - Sir Salaracen The Slightly Tiredii:

youve got to PM me before the game truly starts okay
so message me where you want to live first 3 prefernces, what your first 3 prefrences of jobs.
seeing as sentru, eruion and syth ruler are the onley ones to have messaged me
they get there first pefeerence

the game will begin when i say it in big big letters

18:25:12 Jun 4th 07 - Mr. Scythruler:

lol, I PM'd you ages ago man, and didn't get anything back

19:10:34 Jun 4th 07 - Lord Senturu:

mabye you didnt look far enough into your messages?

19:17:37 Jun 4th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

But you have your preferances already, so I geuss he got your message.

21:11:53 Jun 5th 07 - Mr. Scythruler:

LOL, yeah, I got Barber I hope, that was an awsome one for me, especially with my name

23:26:39 Jun 5th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

"Sent, Buy some scissors will ya? My hair needs cutting, and well, you see the barber, don't you?"

00:01:14 Jun 6th 07 - Lord Senturu:

*starts mumbling and buys a pair of scisors.*

allways making me pay for these things. you get a pay check why dont you buy this huh? figures. :D

01:30:00 Jun 6th 07 - Mr. Spud:

Ima be a Farmer by day and Barkeeper by night and sell straght from my house (4/1).

19:19:00 Jun 6th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

"I geuss you'll be farming potato's by day and serving moonshine by night?"

00:57:15 Jun 7th 07 - Mr. Spud:

Yes sir.

02:58:17 Jun 7th 07 - Mr. Scythruler:

"Hey, i'm the barber here!"
*steals sentrus new scissors*
"These are horrible"
*Throws them away, grabs his own, and starts cutting The Dukes hair*

03:36:33 Jun 7th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

*Mutters prayers while Scyth cuts my hair*

18:12:03 Jun 7th 07 - Mr. Smuff With A Shemale:

*a battered and brused smuff walks onto the scene*

YO biatches anyone got a job?!

/walks over to senturu and slaps him across the face

that will be the first of many mate! i shall be known and Lord Smuff the Senturu Slapper!

/also slaps Scythruler,

dont play with scissors! hasnt you mother ever told you that!



18:46:54 Jun 7th 07 - Lord Senturu:

*pulls out the batton and starts beating Smuff*

im a friggin gaurd dang it

18:47:00 Jun 7th 07 - Mr. Murphy:

*looks at Erunion's new haircut*

:o ... lol ...

you're now the proud owner of a emo-haircut!

19:02:30 Jun 7th 07 - Duke Erunion Telcontar:

*Grabs scissors, walks up to mirror and cuts own hair*

"Much better."

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