Forums / Roleplaying / The Battle of the Towns

The Battle of the Towns
20:13:10 Apr 7th 08 - Mr. Elfy:

ive done mine now too

23:30:45 Apr 7th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Ok, thank you. Sorry Plato, I didn't want an island, and Efly's is good. Yours too, but I don't have a capital nor even feature in the game, nor can there be islands... Otherwise I'd have to invent boats. Thanks Elfy, nice map.

Ok... next up, fighting. It's pretty easy. The defence you can make are:
Small wooden wall, cost 2,000 wood + 250 gold.
Large wooden wall, cost 5,000 wood + 500 gold.
Small stone wall, cost 10,000 gold.
Large stone wall, cost 20,000 gold.
(No fire, only wood is weaker)
Attacking stuff consists of:
Ladder, cost 100 wood.

Nice and easy. You can have more than one wall, and there are towers along the wall where you can put your archers. For fighting you just say how you position your warriors, e.g. archers at the back, swordsmen in the front, heroes in the middle. Then the other guy does that, then someone attacks, etc...

23:45:08 Apr 7th 08 - Mr. Elfy:

oki so we startin this tommorrow morning right?

23:55:14 Apr 7th 08 - Mr. Killer:

You travel one country each day when travelling. I'll number them some stage before we start, which will probably be Wedensday. Weapons are automatically made for the troops, but you need smithy for troops 2 and 4, crafter for troops 1 and 3, and both for troops 5. I'll change map slightly, and write in bonuses tomorrow.

00:47:14 Apr 8th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

I just put that there to take up space.  :-(

19:08:44 Apr 8th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Sorry Elfy, I can't copy it :S Could you just number them 1-100 please? Anyway you want.

Everyone will have to place their town somewhere.

As for towns, you can only have one, and you start off with 50 land, and you can buy up to 500 land. You need enough housing for your peasants though. Or, just kick them out of the town... However, you can place a leader in a town, when you "take over" it, sort of..., and they can help you out during war. I'll tell you how many extra troops you get from them when the time comes, and whether you can control them or not. They'll always be fairly useless.

19:28:35 Apr 8th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Ummm.. by the way, for the smithy making weapons, you lose 10 metal per troop, and 10 wood per troop. For level 5 troops, you lose 10 metal and 10 wood. Now as for the bonuses...

Humans - Sell goods for 10% extra.(They're good advertisers...)
Dwarfs - Good fighters. Only need 5 metal for troops, but 15 wood for troops. Mine extra 5 ore(metal) per person. Less 5% for building. Eat 2 food per person, only 5 tree per person lumbering.
Elves - Poor fighters. Only 5 metal per miner, extra 5 ore for troops. 15 wood for lumberers, 15 food per person(farming), good morale.
Halflings - Poor fighters. 20 food per person(farming). Buy goods for 5% less.
Orcs - Excellent fighters(They really are very good fighters, they need to be...). 5 food per person(farming). Poor morale. Sell goods for 25% less, buy goods for 25% more.
Trolls - Good fighters. 20 wood per lumberer. Only need 5 wood per troop. Building costs an extra 10%.

21:50:07 Apr 8th 08 - Mr. Elfy:

k im makin it now

22:04:14 Apr 8th 08 - Mr. Elfy:

ok done but the numbers kinda suck theyre pretty hard to draw..

22:52:01 Apr 8th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Thanks Elfy. You get an extra 50 gold, only fair.(Probably not, but anyway... Since your an orc you'd be at a disadvantage anyway). Plato gets 10 gold for his efforts.

I would have put this in earlier, but my internet went :(  :

Ok... I didn't really explain the market properly... You can sell your goods in your own town IF people come there from other towns to get stuff there. I will tell you when that happens. If you make a lot of stuff, e.g. food, tree, metal, you might get a constant market, and you can sell your stuff any time you want, BUT only the stuff which you make a lot of. For buying, you can buy stuff in your own town, for some reason there's somebody there to buy it off. Buying and selling are at the same price, but the market varies over time. I shall update it every now and again.


Food: 1 gold
Wood: 1 gold
Metal: 1 gold
Horses: 100 gold
Elephants: 400 gold
Griffins: 1,500 gold
Ponies: 80 gold
Oxen: 200 gold
Pegasi: 1,000 gold
Unicorns: 150 gold
Deer: 200 gold
Giant Eagle: 1,500 gold
Dogs: 50 gold
Phoenixes: 3,000 gold
Ostriches: 150 gold
Wolves: 300 gold
Wyverns: 2,000 gold
Boars: 200 gold
Rhinoceri: 1,000 gold
Roc: 2,000 gold

NOW, we shall BEGIN!

Don't bother worrying about troops for a while, just get your economy up. You start off with 10 people, 3 huts, 2 small crop farms and 500 gold, and 50 land. Each land more costs 100 gold, up to 500.
Please do it like so...

Buildings(Including walls):
Total land:

Please put in your country number(Has to be your own colour):

  1. Deathuelf - Dwarf
  2. Demonsul - Elf (so there are less humans)
  3. Gorris Septim - Human 
  4. Elfy - Orcs
  5. Plato -  Human
  6. Plague - Dwarf
  7. GoodBoys - Human
  8. Revenge - Troll
  9. Wraith - Elf
  10. Durza - Troll

22:56:13 Apr 8th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

  1. Deathuelf - Dwarf
  2. Demonsul - Elf (so there are less humans)
  3. Gorris Septim - Human 
  4. Elfy - Orcs
  5. Plato -  Human 37
  6. Plague - Dwarf
  7. GoodBoys - Human
  8. Revenge - Troll
  9. Wraith - Elf
  10. Durza - Troll

Immediantly buys 20 food

22:58:27 Apr 8th 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

  1. Deathuelf - Dwarf country number: 45
  2. Demonsul - Elf (so there are less humans)
  3. Gorris Septim - Human 
  4. Elfy - Orcs
  5. Plato -  Human
  6. Plague - Dwarf
  7. GoodBoys - Human
  8. Revenge - Troll
  9. Wraith - Elf
  10. Durza - Troll

23:48:09 Apr 8th 08 - Mr. Elfy:

  1. Deathuelf - Dwarf country number: 45
  2. Demonsul - Elf (so there are less humans)
  3. Gorris Septim - Human 
  4. Elfy - Orcs - number 11 
  5. Plato -  Human
  6. Plague - Dwarf
  7. GoodBoys - Human
  8. Revenge - Troll
  9. Wraith - Elf
  10. Durza - Troll

23:49:35 Apr 8th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

Why does everyone skip me?

23:49:40 Apr 8th 08 - Mr. Killer:

  1. Deathuelf - Dwarf country number : 45
  2. Demonsul - Elf (so there are less humans)
  3. Gorris Septim - Human 
  4. Elfy - Orcs
  5. Plato -  Human : 37
  6. Plague - Dwarf
  7. GoodBoys - Human
  8. Revenge - Troll
  9. Wraith - Elf
  10. Durza - Troll

You can join at any time until the game is over(One kingdom wins, or everyone gets bored{more likely}), and after you die again.
And you don't have to wait for everyone to pick their numbers to start.

00:00:26 Apr 9th 08 - Mr. Elfy:

grr u missed my number out killer (>.<)

  1. Deathuelf - Dwarf country number : 45
  2. Demonsul - Elf (so there are less humans)
  3. Gorris Septim - Human 
  4. Elfy - Orcs - number 11 
  5. Plato -  Human : 37
  6. Plague - Dwarf
  7. GoodBoys - Human
  8. Revenge - Troll
  9. Wraith - Elf
  10. Durza - Troll


00:04:51 Apr 9th 08 - Mr. Elfy:

Buildings(Including walls):3 huts, 2 small crop farms, 2 mints, 1 mill, and 1 mixed farm
Total land:9

Remaining Gold: 0

00:08:32 Apr 9th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Errrr... mixed farm is a few upgrades, and much more than 550 gold...

05:56:46 Apr 9th 08 - Mr. Goodboys:

  1. Deathuelf - Dwarf country number : 45
  2. Demonsul - Elf (so there are less humans)
  3. Gorris Septim - Human 
  4. Elfy - Orcs - number 11 
  5. Plato -  Human : 37
  6. Plague - Dwarf
  7. GoodBoys - Human 40
  8. Revenge - Troll
  9. Wraith - Elf
  10. Durza - Troll

06:28:44 Apr 9th 08 - Mr. Goodboys:

Population: 10 
Troops: 0
Items: 0
Buildings(Including walls): 3 huts, 3 small crop farms, 3 mints,
Total land: 10
Animals: 0

gold : 330 gold left

10:07:24 Apr 9th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Built - 2 large crop farms, 2 shacks

Population: 10
Troops: N/a
Gold - 0
Buildings(Including walls):
- 3 huts
- 2 shacks
- 2 small crop farms
- 2 large crop farms
Total land: 40
Animals: N/a

(How many people work in each farm and mint and lumber camp? Excuse me if its written somewhere but I can't find it)
(Also, please tell me where I went wrong. I usually make mistakes the first time round. =)

  1. Deathuelf - Dwarf country number : 45
  2. Demonsul - Elf (so there are less humans)
  3. Gorris Septim - Human 
  4. Elfy - Orcs - number 11 
  5. Plato -  Human : 37
  6. Plague - Dwarf
  7. GoodBoys - Human 40
  8. Revenge - Troll
  9. Wraith - Elf  7
  10. Durza - Troll

11:12:49 Apr 9th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Troops: None
Gold - 0
Buildings(Including walls):
- 3 huts
- 1 house
- 2 small crop farms
- 2 large crop farms (10) [the number in brackets is ppl working there, for my reference]
Total land: 43
Animals: N/a

  1. Deathuelf - Dwarf - 45
  2. Demonsul - Elf - 48
  3. Gorris Septim - Human 
  4. Elfy - Orcs - 11 
  5. Plato -  Human - 37
  6. Plague - Dwarf
  7. GoodBoys - Human - 40
  8. Revenge - Troll
  9. Wraith - Elf - 7
  10. Durza - Troll

11:20:45 Apr 9th 08 - Mr. Elfy:

(Houses people, number next to it is no. of people house. I'll do land and cost afterwards).
Huts(5) - Shack(10) - House(15) - Mansion(25) - Castle(50) - Palace(75)
Small barracks(houses troops only. 50) - Large Barracks(100)

(Feeds people. No. beside is max. amount of food. Each person eats 1 food, each person working in farm/whatever produces 10 food.)
Small crop farm(20) - Large crop farm(50) - Dairy/cattle farm(70) - Mixed farm(100)

(Trains troops. 5 different types of troop per race. Each level up gets you to train the next type of troop)
Armoury, level 1 - Armoury, level 2 - etc...

(Houses animals{mounts}. 3 animals per race. Will be said later. Three level of animals, better stables needed for better animals).
Stables, level 1 - Stables, level 2 - Stables, level 3

(Makes money. Max. amount of money is beside it. 10 gold per worker)
Small mint(50) - Large mint(200)

(Stores large amounts of stuff)
Bank(stores money)
Warehouse(stores everything)

(Makes wood)
Lumber camp(100)

(Makes metal{ore is smelted...})
Mining camp(100)

(Makes metal weapons for troops)

(Makes wooden weapons for troops)

(Keeps morale higher)
Taverne - Inn
Ive reposted this here cos its useful to be on the same page <(^.^)>

Also goodboys you need to verify that it was small mints you built.

11:27:29 Apr 9th 08 - Mr. Elfy:

Buildings(Including walls):

  • 3 huts
  • 2 small crop farms
  • 2 mints
  • 1 mill
  • 10 shacks

Total land: 41
Remaining Gold: 100

[kk redid i didnt realized i wasnt allowed to do mixed farms]

11:33:18 Apr 9th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Erm... do you know that a small mint costs 1,000 gold? So does a mixed farm...

11:36:10 Apr 9th 08 - Mr. Elfy:

[damn ran out of change time lemme do it again lolz]

Buildings(Including walls):

  • 3 huts
  • 2 small crop farms
  • 2 mints
  • 1 mill
  • 5 shacks
  • 1 large crop farm

Total land:40

Remaining Gold: 0

11:37:15 Apr 9th 08 - Mr. Elfy:

no? it says mixed farm costs 100 gold and small mint cost 50 gold, whered you get that from??

11:38:15 Apr 9th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

{What you posted is how many people can work on each farm/mint/etc, I think. Killer please verify.. :)

Ok... here's cost and land of buildings...

No. in brackets is land, no. outside of it, cost(in gold)

(Houses people).
Hut(1)50 - Shack(2)100 - House(3)200 - Mansion(5)500 - Castle(7)1,000 - Palace(10)2,000
Small barracks(3)500 - Large Barracks(5)1,500

(Feeds people)
Small crop farm(1)100 - Large crop farm(2)150 - Dairy/cattle farm(2)400 - Mixed farm(3)1,000

(Trains troops.)
Armoury, level 1(1)200 - Armoury, level 2(2)500 - Armoury, level 3(5)2,000 - Armoury, level 4(10)5,000 - Armoury, level 5(15)10,000

(Houses animals{mounts}).
Stables, level 1(1)500 - Stables, level 2(5)2,000 - Stables, level 3(25)20,000

(Makes money)
Small mint(3)1,000 - Large mint(5)3,000

(Stores large amounts of stuff)

(Makes wood)
Lumber camp(5)500

(Makes metal{ore is smelted...})
Mining camp(5)500

(Makes metal weapons for troops)

(Makes wooden weapons for troops)

(Keeps morale higher)
Taverne(1)100 - Inn x5 effectiveness of taverne(2)1,000

11:41:05 Apr 9th 08 - Mr. Elfy:

oops i was readin the outdated one lolz

11:41:53 Apr 9th 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

Buildings(Including walls):

  • 3 huts
  • 2 small crop farms
  • Mining camp

Total land:10

Remaining Gold: 0

11:44:38 Apr 9th 08 - Mr. Elfy:

[ok ill redo it...again]

Buildings(Including walls):

  • 5 huts
  • 2 small crop farms
  • 1 large crop farm
  • 1 shack
  • 1 mill

Total land:40

Remaining Gold: 0

18:44:36 Apr 9th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Ok, just to verify:

The smaller things are [fill in whatever is being produced/whatever the buidling does].
The larger amounts are cost and land.


So, whatever the max. amount of resources is made in that buildling, divided by ten(including troops with bonuses/disadvantages) is the number of people that can work in it.
REMEMBER: Hypens beside buildings means they're upgrades of the previous building, getting rid of the other building.

Do it like this(slight improvement, sorry)...

Buildings(With workers per building, if needed):
Total land:

Items made for day: (just for handiness sake towards going back over it)

The important thing is to remember your bonuses, if any.

18:58:40 Apr 9th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Ok. So I redid mine for yesterday and this *should* be right.
I have 1 question though (Sorry). If 1 small crop field holds 20 max, then would 3 hold 60 or 20 and 20 and 20? [I.e. 1 person *15 = 15 + 5 unattended each or  4 people*15=60] (Sorry again for the questions. :)  )

Population: 10
Troops: N/a
Gold - 0
Buildings(Including walls):
- 3 huts
- 2 shacks
- 2 small crop farms [2]
- 2 large crop farms[6] 
Total land: 40
Animals: N/a

Built : 2 large crop farms, 2 shacks

21:52:03 Apr 9th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

{Redone - Again}

Population: 10
Troops: N/a
Gold - 0
Buildings(Including walls):
- 3 huts
- 2 shacks
- 2 small crop farms [4]
- 2 large crop farms[6] 
Total land: 40
Animals: N/a

Built : 2 large crop farms, 2 shacks

21:52:04 Apr 9th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Bonuses of race are counted after you just count it as no bonuses first. So an elf produces 30 food on a small crop farm. An orc only gets 10 food on a small crop farm.

22:00:46 Apr 9th 08 - Mr. Deathuelf:

Buildings(Including walls):

  • 3 huts
  • 2 small crop farms[4]
  • Mining camp [6]

Total land:10

Remaining Gold: 0

02:11:19 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Plato The God of Knowledge:

...I quit this game, Septim can have my land

09:14:10 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Goodboys:

i also quit... im going home... no internet at home...

13:13:31 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Elfy:

Population: 10
Troops: N/a
Gold - 0
Buildings(Including walls):

  • 5 huts
  • 1 shack
  • 2 small crop farms[4]
  • 1 large crop farm[4]
  • 1 mill[2]

Total land: 40
Animals: N/a

13:13:50 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Elfy:

[wen am i gettin more cash?? lol]

13:53:37 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

doesn't our population go up by 5 a day?

14:13:41 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Elfy:


17:32:18 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Yes, it does. You can't expect me to add everyone's population... I only do the morale and the market and control the NPCs.

  1. Deathuelf - Dwarf - 45
  2. Demonsul - Elf - 48
  3. Gorris Septim - Human 
  4. Elfy - Orcs - 11 
  5. Plague - Dwarf
  6. Revenge - Troll
  7. Wraith - Elf - 7
  8. Durza - Troll

18:44:36 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Elfy:

hmm i think certain buildins should increase how many peeps come every day, including how much housing you have available and what type of housing. also when are we gettin more cash...

18:51:26 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Killer:

You get cash from your workers. You'll have to sell your food though.

Everyone has a trader come to their town, so they can sell whatever they want until I say s/he goes.

I said I'll increase the peasant growth every once in a while.(not yet though...)

18:56:49 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Wraith:

Population: 15
Troops: N/a
Gold : 0
Food : 150 - peasant consumption (15) = 135
Buildings(Including walls):
- 3 huts
- 2 shacks
- 2 small crop farms [4]
- 2 large crop farms[6+4] 
Total land: 40
Animals: N/a

Built : Nothing

20:33:44 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Elfy:

Population: 15
Troops: N/a

  • Gold - 0
  • Food- (someone tell me cos im clueless lol)

Buildings(Including walls):

  • 5 huts
  • 1 shack
  • 2 small crop farms[8]
  • 1 large crop farm[5]
  • 1 mill[2]

Total land: 40
Animals: N/a

21:13:00 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Demonsul:

Troops: None
Gold - 0
Food - 125
Buildings(Including walls):
- 3 huts
- 1 house
- 2 small crop farms (4)
- 2 large crop farms (10)
Total land: 43
Animals: N/a

21:24:26 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Ummmm... all your people can work...(apart from troops...)

21:47:30 Apr 10th 08 - Mr. Killer:

Oh, and Elfy, you've got 50(-10) food because of your orc disadvantage from yesterday, and now in total 175 from today and yesterday. I suggest you build something that makes something else.

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